ITT: we trigger Sup Forums
ITT: we trigger Sup Forums
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But I liked it
You're gonna have to try a little harder than that, user
Now you've done it.
I agreed
Is Efi /ourgirl/?
It has bad gamefeel.
I like Nintendo
>Sup Forums says it's full of sjw propaganda
>Sup Forums says it's fucking shit
>play it
>it doesn't have sjw shit
>it's really fun and enjoyable
even if it's a "friendship and love" story like I usually hate, I like it
one of my favourite games from the last years
holy shit
Theres nothing wrong with modern gaming and in fact the industry has been improving in the past couple of years.
Someone post a picture of an interracial relationship.
>how would you like your tv sir?
Ya gotta remember that there's a startling amount of straight up contrarians and Sup Forumslacks on this board. They get hard triggered and call shit like this white genocide. Prolly not the best source to listen to for your vidya opinions.
My console > your console
It's not our fault your standards are irredeemably low
Fucking whiteys stealing my beautiful chocolate women
Fuck white people
What's your favorite game? :)
also curious
Dota 2.
Got me
>a moba
cool beans
eSports are fun.
for the Sup Forums users down-under
I don't get it. It's just a picture of Donald Trump and John Miller.
This thread is fucking weak.
Not one thing here has made me upset.
Dark Souls has issues.
She has some pretty valid points
DLCs are fine. no one's forcing you to pay for them
so did he
The only people that get triggered by undertale is the people that shitposted in it
Every time I come here I am happy this mess is behind us
not vidya
Is this implying that MRA neckbeards were the popular kids in school? Because that's pretty much opposite reality
Is this webm really shitting on the Matrix?
I'd give her a valid point
Matrix was god-tier, why would anybody shit on it besides underage
he thinks that people only use the term redpill because they worship The Matrix when really most people who use it don't really care
and i'm pretty sure Sup Forums doesn't actually like The Matrix since its creators are both trannies now
Don't even joke about that shit dude
what the fuck is wrong with you
>since its creators are both trannies now
>video games shouldn't be games
>Sup Forums will still suck on journalist dicks and e-celebs
Is he still a meowth or did he evolve or what the fuck is going on in this picture
They're both Persians - regular and Alola form.
proceed with caution
but this game is good
Ah okay, have not played the new ones since my 3DS L and R triggers are broken.
Couldn't tell what was up with the second persian.
I want to fuck the feminism out of her
overwatch wins a goty.
I'm seeing double here. Four Donalds!
Time to play my favorite PS2 game.
It triggers me more that it's no longer PLmD_69pXpk
man i don't even get what this image is implying
I can't be offended at all
especially because most MRA's hate BBT, so you don't even understand the sterotypes you're supposed to be making ufn of
Oh now you've fucking done it
A shit >= you're waifu
At least none of these people are old enough or smart enough to register to vote.
I'm not triggered. No, I only feel pity.
>you're oppressive by existence alone!
>now date me!
All is right with the world.
Actually probably the best Kotaku article i've seen.
This would make a good "guess the game" thread
actually just bought it a couple of days ago
it's been loads of fun; lots of clever little things that made me smile and overall very fun and well-drawn/well-directed
haven't read into the fandom or the author at all and i probably never should. as a stand-alone game it's great and i don't regret my purchase tbf
isn't this satire? Like the symbol looks like it's fisting someone
Of all the fucking things to describe yourself why use that.
Agree with this post. Went in wary and came out having had lots of fun.
Vdeo james are supposed to be fun, right \v\?
"Fun" is a buzzword.
she looks cute and they look happy together
It still hurts to watch.
e-sports aren't games, user様
Yes but you can hardly tell anymore
>Because fuck you
I didn't know this was a YLYL thread