Why on earth didn't you preorder?
Why on earth didn't you preorder?
I thought it would Flop i cant find no place 2 pre-order it now somebody help me
It's still in stock here though.
You can even order the Zelda special edition too..
because op is fag
Because I live in Latin America
I did
Because scalpers are faggots who buy like 5 each leaving none for the regular consumer.
>New Zelda looks mediocre
>Bomberman, while a good game, doesn't make me want to buy a console, because I can play the same game on just about every prior console as well
>Splatoon 2 looks good, but I'm not buying a console for one game
>Mario Odyssey could be good, but we haven't seen enough for me to form an outlook outside of skepticism yet
Other than that there's no interesting games, IMO.
>All these nintenshills
I'm done
Sorry you live in a 3rd world country.
I did
Then they sent out a notice that they've alloted their entire Switch shipment and further pre-orders might not make it to launch
Supposedly the Red/Blue version was less popular so I might have shot since that's the one I ordered
I just want to play Zelda at launch mang, it looks fucking dope
Because i already own a shield tablet
Because buying the first version of Nintendo handhelds is fucking stupid.
Why do we keep having these same threads when I have already told you all on multiple occasions YES.
I have three Switch units pre-ordered, one for me, one for my wife, and one for my wife's son.
Pre-orders are not hard to come by, so just do it or don't guys, gosh!
I'm thinking about it. Not sure if I want the the pro controller.
>tfw ordered red/blue and now I want grey
I went into the store to change my order but I'll only get a grey one if someone before me wants to change colours if the store offer. Should be fine though red/blue are selling like hotcakes in bongland.
Because I bought a used wii u, with pro controller and 2 games for 300$ cheaper than the switch base price.
No reason to blow money on their current system.
what in the fuck
Yeah like with Super Nintendo, GameCube, Wii, and WiiU!
Switch is a handheld. It is being marketed as a handheld in Japan. You know, the country where Nintendo's HQ is located?
Much rather wait a couple years to see how things play out for it and see what its true worth is.
I'm giving it a month or so to let them get the bugs worked out
I didn't want to deal with the constant game droughts
I'm beginning to think I should have. It'll be sold out everywhere. Think I'll hold off until Splatoon 2 comes out so I'll have something to play regularly.
Maybe i will get it after few months MAYBE
>Asif it's going to be your only console
Have fun playing no games
preordered 2 so i can sell one on ebay for 100+
>anime image
waiting it out to get one later this year
Why dont you get on the waiting list and come here to regular america
Life is good in 1st world
>user says handhelds
>this guy proceeds to shit full retard all over the thread and lists all consoles because he cant read
Sup Forums in a nutshell
It just keeps getting worse.. holy fuck
>>New Zelda looks mediocre
so wat. you are on a chinese board with the word "chan" on it
I want the fuckers to fail really hard.
And then fire the new Jew CEO and the other retards. Let them find another Iwata.
Because I bought a Wii U, much to my regret.
Fuck Nintendo
Because I already own a tablet.
I wish I could play botw on my iPad mini
I didn't have much faith in its first year.
Chances are a nearby store will have one if I change my mind.
no games
Wew lad. I'm sorry you cant accept that
>Weapon durability
>Empty open world
>Muh non-linearity
>No overworld music
>Shouts about MUH TECHNOLOGY (even though we have seen nothing impressive)
aren't everyone's cup of tea.
The wii u had some great games though, can't say I regret my purchase
Will I not be able to find one on launch day? There doesn't seem to be much hype in my area...
I didn't have enough money at the time.
I'm just going to buy it when Splatoon 2 comes out and play BotW on the Wii U for now.
>Criticizing a game on these details
wew lad
No games
>Criticizing a game on parts of the game
Heaven forbid!
Call and check. Even some Gamestops have a handful to sell to whoever walk in.
>I won't buy this game because the artistic direction doesn't need overworld music
First time I'll say there's no games for it (not yet anyway). I would honestly spend $300+ that pro controller just to play Zelda. I'll wait to see what else is coming out for it.
No games and I'll get it for cheaper during the Holidays when the new Mario will be out.
I stock electronics at a K-Mart, and we got WAY more consoles in than I would have thought, and it's making me think that these are not going to be hard to find.
Music's a big part of games like this. If it even counts as artistic direction, then it's a shit one. Imagine if Okami decided to forego music, or Sonic Adventure 2. Metal Gear Rising, Super Mario Galaxy, or any of the Pokémon Games are the same as well. Just because it's MUH DIRECTION doesn't make it good.
More like
>I don't like the artistic direction of this game, and that's an influence on my purchase decisions
What's the problem here?
Because I'm not loose with my money so I didn't grab it in the first half hour during the reveal presentation and haven't kept up with the 15 minute windows when retailers get new stock.
I'm hoping I can find one in the summer for Splatoon 2 when the initial release hype dies down and more units are in circulation.
I did. Then GameStop was kind enough to wait a 3 days later when all the pre-orders died up everywhere to cancel it on me, telling me the credit card I've used with them thousands of times before had a "payment problem" (and also maybe kinda sorta sold more consoles than they were actually allowed to)
Never been to a Gamestop midnight release before.
How early would I have to be there if I want to hope to get a Switch in March?
It's already too late.
Their going to have extra on hand but, its going to vary from store to store. Mine isn't doing a Midnight launch and is only getting three extra.
10pm. no joke
It's OK if people shill Nintendo products.
no monster hunter
no RPGs (not even ports)
no interesting games in general besides Zelda until late 2016
don't want to play stupid shit like arms and splatoon
nintendo should have just delayed the launch. unless they're adding a bunch of games to be released this year, this is pretty embarrassing.
Don't go or I'm going to have to throw pebbels at you
>$700 in my country
at least I live in a white nation
They can't delay it without pissing off all of their investors.
Ill buy it when an Animal Crossing game and some of that promised 3rd party support materializes.
I just don't care about mario anymore and I'm personally really skeptical about BotW.
I bought two dogs
>can't make a decision on mario after the in depth game explain
You're just retarded, is all.
>no RPGs (not even ports)
I am setsua
>no interesting games in general besides Zelda until late 2016
Plenty of interesting titles unless you have no taste
>don't want to play stupid shit like arms and splatoon
>I am setsua
>a game that I can already buy on shit I already own (PS4, PC)
>Plenty of interesting titles unless you have no taste
nice delusions there
not my fault you pre-ordered a clunker, homie. it might be worth it this time next year or in 2018, but there's absolutely no reason to buy one now.
Pre-ordering has and always will be cancer.
Nintendo knows that their fanatical fanbase will buy it day one for zelda, where we can hear the verdict then. If I can find one during the holiday season in store, where it will undoubtedly have a game packaged in, I might get it.
>ever flopping
But I did and now I'm questioning if I made the right decision.
Give it a year and see how many third party developer support it actually gets.
no fucking way I'm waiting for a year to play botw. I'll just wait till it releases and buy it.
>can't make a decision on mario after the in depth game explain
Son this better be a shitpost
Wii u
Because, as a rule of thumb, I never get a console at launch.
Anybody who doesn't do this is either A) retarded, or B) a gigantic drone of said console, whatever it may be, who expects them not to fuck up the first time it launches.
I have no money as of right now ;_; and also in my country it is $700 I will rather buy it in the US and brought it as tax free tourist baggage
It isn't, the whole handheld thing is just a meme
But I did
>Missed Amazon preorder
>Call Gamestop at 6 pm as I leave work
>4 preorders left
>Driving at the speed of light
>Get last one
>Kid walks in after me wanting one.
That will teach you for not being older and driving yourself
>Passenger bag for the Switch costs $60 here
>A little less online
>Get it on MightyApe
>Costs $45 with shipping
>Just remembered I had some discount from them because I didn't use their service for 3-4 months
>Only paid $35 all together
Thanks based ape
Because the Wii U was at best disapointing and who cares about handhelds in 2017?
I have a Wii U.
I thought the twist would be you let him cut
Weapon durability is done right in this game, though. In other games with it they make it tough to find weapons and tell you that conserving your weapons for when you actually need them is essential, and try to convince you it's fun. This game drops weapons left, right, and center. Every enemy you kill drops the exact weapon it was using against you 100% of the time.
So you bought one for -1 dollar?
I don't follow, user.
The bundle here came with a 1-2-Switch.
>$440-500 for Switch + Zelda + 1-2-Switch
Nooooo way.
so when will i be able to actually buy the console if i didnt preorder?
>Haven't confirmed that this console is the merger between the home market and portable market
>So no confirmation of next major Pokemon title
>No games besides a Wii U game
>Shitty controllers
>Shitty battery life
>Shitty (paid lol) online
>Trusting Nintendo
Like honestly - it would be easy as fuck for this to get traction if I was Nintendo. Announce a Pokemon Red/Yellow remake for it from the ground up for the Switch, that will get people interested, casual and normies that thought Pokemon Go was for a day interested, etc.
They are too afraid this thing is going to flop to announce shit though.
Probably when the next wave gets released in April. Though if your local Target/Walmart didn't do pre-orders, you might be able to just go wait in line.
I still have no fucking idea where they got the $550 from. Are they asking at fucking Gollo or something? Those fuckers overprice everything.
>it's only a handheld when it's convenient for my argument
Nintendo isn't in charge of Pokemon.
Also, don't buy it if you don't like it.
I didnt have much spare cash recently.
Now I do.
Guess I could still try to preorder.
- $300 (remarkably overpriced, you can buy a Nvidia Shield tablet or a
bundled PS4 or Xbone for less RIGHT NOW)
- Less powerful than the PS4 and Xbone
- 32GB internal storage (another $20 - $200 if you want more with micro SD)
- $80 for another pair of Joy Cons (if you have friends)
- $30 charger grip (the bundled grip is only a plastic shell that does
nothing else)
- $70 pro controller
- $50 for a single Joy Con
- $90 for another Switch dock
- The Switch dock literally does nothing other than: charge, hold up
your Switch, and connect to your TV (so it has no “extra processing
power” like we were led to believe)
- Not bundled with a game like the original Wii had so that’s another $60
- 1-2 Switch is a glorified $50 demo (that should’ve been bundled)
- Paid online subscription (when Nintendo has never shown competence
with online)
- Online chat done through an app on your phone (when there’s already
- 720p resolution (maybe 1080p when docked defeating the point of the system)
- 30 FPS (maybe 60 if docked still defeating the point of the system)
- Battery is NOT user replaceable (batteries lose capacity as they age)
- USB type C cables to worry about (cheap USB-C cables can destroy your system)
- Carrying a battery bank (another thing to lug around)
- Only big launch title is Zelda (which is also coming for the Wii U)
- Zelda: Breath of the Wild is only 900p, 30 FPS
- Other big games are coming the remaining 9 months of the year
- Wi-Fi only (no 4G or LTE support like every expensive tablet)
- No multimedia support (no Netflix/Hulu/etc.)
It's like there's a countdown clock leading up to all the "le no games" and "le buyers remorse" and "le Sup Forums lied to me!" threads.