Pillars of Eternity II - Deadfire

Less than 100 minutes left, we might still reach 4.5 million

>$4.5m - Ship Crew! Hire and Manage a Crew for Your Ship
>$4.75m - Sea Monsters, Fishing! Hunt Sea Monsters and Go Fishing
>$5m - 8th Companion! Adds Ydwin as a Full Companion


Alright Sup Forums, spill it.

you rolling with?

I'm thinking I'll go Mountain Dwarf Barb/Monk.

Normally I roll Cipher or Paladin but I feel like switching it up this time around and we already have 1 (potentially 2) Ciphers as companions in PoE2.

Something you wouldn't get.

People say "kys" a lot around here, but you should genuinely off yourself. It would be a huge favor to yourself, to your family, to society.

>MFW we won't hit 5 or even 4,75m
A-at least we might get the crew, right?

Good, waifu-bait companions are literal garbage.

And no beasties to slay, yar!!!

Paladin, savannah folk I think from the Deadfire.

Continuing my current PoE1 character

Have they shown what this Od Nua Statue is going to look like? Trying to decide if I should upgrade by $149 to the $199

So Fulvano's voyage was a prequel to his journeys in Dyrwood in PoE. Since his seafaring days are over, maybe he'll go to the Living Lands and so will we.

Already have brown qt. Who cares?

Which companions will you be rolling with any why?

Which will you romance?

So far we have:

Pallegina - Paladin
Aloth - Wizard
Eder - Fighter/Rogue
Maia Rua - Ranger
Xoti - Priest/Monk
Serafen - Cipher/Barbarian
Ydwin - Cipher/Rogue
Takehu - Chanter/Druid
Radora - Wizard
Bonteru - Rogue
Rekke - Fighter

>get the boat but nothing to do at sea



Human Cipher, probably.

Maybe go for something like Cipher/Monk multiclass.

Also, she is an Eothas slut.


So is Pallegina, but we still have to deal with her.

How do you get that $5 off coupon

Sail away from the world
Sail away from the world
So steer a course
A course for nowhere
And drop the anchor
My little Empire
I'm going nowhere
I'm going nowhere
I'm going nowhere
I'm going nowhere

How is the leveling going to work?

Will we respec our characters or start at level 7 or something? I assume we lose experience if we import characters because the max level in poe2 is going to be 20, and max level in the white march was 16.

Canon party of course.

Maia Rua

You get an email from Obsidian inviting you to fig.

You had to have backed PoE1

Probably a Chanter again since Druids will most likely be boring as shit again and nothing else interests me. Ciphers are seriously too special snowflake.

there are people who buy these kinds of games and dont play every class, every companion and every choice over the course of multiple playthroughs?


Barbarian MC, Eder, Aloth and Pallegina because they're in my PoE1 party, unsure about the 5th. I wish Durance was returning.

I was not expecting to see a Chumbawamba reference on Sup Forums today. Let alone an appropriate one.

you get the succ and you start over

89 minutes. Will they makes 4.4m?

Eothas mindfucks you back to level 1. The level cap will be 20 and a lot of skills will be changed.

Wood Elf Wizard with a focus on summoned weapons.

Maia Rua

Is this the purpose you have given yourself in life?

Oh nice, got it. Thanks.

I love you dude. Don't ever stop.

She looks like one of those FFXIV elf

Moon Godlike

I hope I cant import my Watcher from POE.

He ded

God, that must suck.

Work on something for ages and then all the stuff you did gets cut

I've already answered this post, but fuck it. Meadow Folk Monk. No multi-classing bullshit. FULL METAL MONK.

>Wood Elf Wizard with a focus on summoned weapons.
there is already a woof elf wizard

how can people play a class race combo that exists already in npc? or even play a class without it being the opposite gender of the npc of the same class?
do you even have a spreadsheet detailing existing combinations and outlining the only possible choices?

>be killed by xaurips
Nah, he obviously lives.

Well actually his corpse is near a shitload of Gul

Fuck. Now I want this RDM glam.

She'll still be in the game, just not as a full companion.

PayPal still counts towards stretch goals retard
it's running until March

Importing a save I'm working on right now explicitly for Deadfire.

Amauna Rogue/Fighter with the pirate background.

>implying we will get $500,000 from PayPal donations


The developers heavily hinted he survived in the Fig comments.

>want to pledge
>card declined

fine dont take my money

they got 600k~800k from PayPal in PoE1 retard

importing save. what are the benefits?

Well he's kind of a fucker to stop in the middle of writing a diary page and put it on a random corpse.


Will it be better executed than Od Nua's 15 level dungeon?

your choices being reflected in the sequel.

Carries over all the decisions you made in the first game.

>Grand total update: $4163208 (Kickstarter $3986929, PayPal $176279)
Yeah, no.

We can only hope.

Though not being tied to one location is a positive, in my opinion.

Yes, actually.
>Please make note that this concept isn't final, and may change somewhat before release.

We need your power, user. Fuck the 8th compaion waifu shit, fishing after monsters, now that's what we should aim after.

there already is an island aumaua from the archipelago with raider background

how can you play this? it's almost the same character as an npc

do you not have a spreadsheet either?

Human Paladin, Kind Wayfarer

I played as the ultimate diplomat/charismatic face for the party in PoE, I could tank decently but I hit like a wet noodle.

I'll probably focus a bit more towards the combat attributes this time around in PoE 2.

Well, I'm probably gonna have Aloth and Edér. Then that leaves space for whoever the two best companions are. (Probably two out of Takehu, Xoti and Maia Rua)

I'll avoid whoever Megan Starks writes like the plague.

this is pretty much what I did except I did decent damage with a 2h. I played my pc like an offtank and did fine on the hardest difficulty

Any permanent boosts your character gets will be carried over. Although not immediately as you'll get them back across the story.

There will probably be more for this as fig apparently doesn't accept paypal. It'll probably be enough for 4.5m and maybe 4.75m.

sweet thanks, never finished a playthrough.
D:OS scratched my itch

White March necessary?

Orlan Barbarian.

I'll bite your kneecaps off!

>there already is an island aumaua from the archipelago with raider background

No there isn't? Kana Rua is a scholar.


Either a Gold Pact, Fighter/Rogue or a spellsword Wizard. It's a bit hard to decide, I know I'm going to go meadow human and play as a merc who'll take jobs from anyone, but deciding on class isn't easy.


I'd say it's about as necessary as the rest of the game. I think it's a very good expansion and I wouldn't have liked PoE if it weren't for my time with The White March.

haha creating spreadsheets for rpgs? haha what kind of autist would do shit like that haha

Necessary, no.

Highly recommended though.

White March is fantastic.

Not "necessary" per say but adds a lot of value.

75 mins left

I'm sorta confused, if I back the fig for the $149 collectors do I need to get the "season pass" for PoE II as well? Because it doesn't say either way, but it feels like you have to buy it separately when you choose your tier of support.

There's a noticeable bump in quality in the White March expansions. It's not strictly necessary, but you'd be robbing yourself of the best parts of the game foregoing it.

>75 mins left
>still need $130,000 to even get Ship Crews

It's ogre.

Necessary? no. But it is better than the core game so I would recommend it. Getting it and all the patches is the best route if you want a good experience as the release was kinda bare boned.

Yeah, the season pass is the one thing that actually doesn't come in a single tier. Even if you paid 10k, you still have to pay an extra 20 bucks for the DLC.

Yeah, why would anyone ever do that?

Take it easy man it's just a game, no need to sperg out over it.

Oh, thanks man. Gonna just do the 149 + SP then.

paypal, but everything beyond 4,5 is ogre.

Just like me and my diet goals we're not gonna make it, shit. Fuck the language localisations, hunting sea monster should have been an earlier goal. Perhaps the paypal money will make up the difference.

No there's not. First, Kana's background specifically states his family is from Rauatai. So, Maia might exist in Deadfire, but she's not FROM Deadfire. Second, her background isn't listed as a pirate, just a ship's captain, and she's a Ranger, not a Rogue.

Finally, she's female and is going to be my pirate queen.

Do you even spreadsheet bro? Get on my fucking level.

I loved that the guy who took this picture was smart enough to actually ruse CDProjekt Red into giving him another bust for free.

It should've been obvious to anyone who wasn't mentally retarded that the bust in the image didn't come with the game and was just a shitty childhood art project from the user's youth.

They eventually figured it out he was fucking them over and it was just a shitty bust of George Washington he had made himself, but he still got the free extra collector's edition bust from the scam.

I think I might return to my first character, finish the White March with her and whatever else is needed.
Haven't touched her since the game was launched.

God after all the changes since the game launched I wonder if she won't be absolute shit now

What is this?

Fucking nerds

>MFW I'm not a billionaire that can just throw money around
I'd just fucking paypal them the 500k

it WILL!

>68 minutes to get 130,000

Can we make it?

here are the acceptable race/class/gender combos

note that playing a male folk is not acceptable since there are already 3 in game

yellow refers to size. although not strictly forbidden, making another small sized ranger/druid is almost as redundant as overlapping gender/race



>including pictures
Now that's going the extra mile.


Can someone tell me the best of this kind of games? I really want to try it out.