Autism: The Game

Autism: The Game

>i'm mad cuz I got BTFO in the other XV threads so I am going to make this one to bitch about it

i still can't believe how stupid that shit looks

>The flips
>Flip after flip after flip
>cartwheels and some more fucking flips
Just what the fuck am I looking at? Supernatural Parkour: Edgy Demon Addition?

when does the fun part happen

I'm glad I summoned that giant dragon knight so he could do nothing at all while Axel did stupid flips.

I don't know why this webm makes me laugh so much.

It's edition

Have you all become so jaded that you forgot what cool stuff looks like?

That thing is supposed to be Ifrit. It's funny by default.

That was lame as hell, not cool.

What the fuck is this? Final Fantasy 15?

what´s with all the unnecessary movement and jumping?

i enjoyed it
Could have had more RPG elements (the only customable gear in an RPG are weapons... really?)
But other than that it was a good game, just not a good final fantasy

I love the story behind this

that animation and that much motion looks shit in 30 fps

Maybe to edgy Sup Forumsirgins but every normal fag I know that played this game liked this scene a lot for some reason. I have yet the fathom why.

Normies have awful taste, you should know this by now.

Unfortunately. Thank Tabata for being a hack.

What the fuck is this

Normie taste has been going down the shitter more and more each year. and it was already shit in the first place.

Wasn't it something like it was just too hot out and Ford didn't want to do the sword fight?

The cringiest fucking thing about this is that it's not even supposed to be funny or even CUHRAZYY. They legitimately presented it as if you are supposed to think that shit is cool. Like deadass.

He had a really bad fever and he didnt want to film the fight scene with the guy, so he just pulled out the gun

he had dysentery, I think

That's every game

It's cool and flashy acrobatics or whatever, but extremely impractical

The little run up the sword looks extremely stupid too. It makes sense in the real world and a real human being doing this, but we're talking about fighting building sized robots or whatever, that's not effective in any sense, even dangerous and a waste of time

Did they just mocap a guy doing parkour and said OKAY NOW MAKE IT COOL
