Dark Souls III is shit

Now that the dust has settled and the honeymoon phase is over, can we now agree that this has by far been the weakest Souls title yet? Forgettable npcs with bugged quests triggers, broken covenants, worthless variety of weapons that arent straight swords, hyperarmor is useless against bosses that can stagger you anyway, incoherent lore that is nothing but cashing in on DS1 nostalgia, weak endings that dont really serve to wrap up the franchise, and worst of all, manages to be even less innovative than Dark Souls 2 despite being helmed by Miyazaki.

I now know why Miyazaki felt unsure of himself and lacked confidence with the game, especially after he apologized to testers if DS3 felt incomplete in an interview last November. He was running out of ideas and is nothing but a glorified, one trick pony. Makes sense why they are dropping the series altogether.

2 has the worst npcs

The worst attempts at nostalgia pandering with a copy and pasted Ornstein and a rehash of the Gargoyles fight.

Dark Souls 3 also has much better bosses than 1 and it doesn't go to shit halfway through the game like 1 does.

You're an idiot if you call this nostalgia pandering, it's an actual sequel and continuation of the story and pretty much just treats DaSII like the fanfic sidestory it is.

2 has some neat additions, I guess, but the core game is so fucking shit it doesn't even matter at the end of the day.

>the weakest Souls title yet
That goes to Dark Souls 2.
>Forgettable npcs with bugged quest triggers
A good chunk of DkS3 npcs are ones that I remember, not that I cared too much about them. I never had any broken quest triggers though, dunno what you're talking about with that.
>Broken covenants
>Worthless variety of weapons that aren't straight swords
There's a decent enough variety, I didn't have an issue with the weapons in the game. Straight swords are hilariously overpowered though and From really should have known better than to release it that way.
>Hyperarmor is useless against bosses
I don't like Hyperarmor much too but that doesn't make the game terrible, you're supposed to dodge through most things anyways or block, instead of trying to cheese bosses with poise why don't you just get good?
>Incoherent lore that is nothing but cashing in on DS1 nostalgia
I don't really care too much about lore but besides the second shrine, I didn't have too much of an issue with the lore
>weak endings
Almost every single Souls game has weak endings. I think Demon's is the only one with a satisfying ending, personally.

>Four end game areas make the whole second half bad
It's more like a quarter than half

>Dark Souls 3 also has much better bosses than 1

Even if you think 1 is better than 3 as a whole, the bosses in 3 being better is something pretty much everyone agrees on. 3 doesn't have anything near as bad as Bed of Bullshit and has a bunch on par with the best of 1. Really 1's bosses were all incredibly easy and had basic patterns and weren't dynamic in any way.

The only thing I'll give to DaS1's bosses over three is that they're at least more visually interesting and have more variety than just big humanoids with flaming swords.


>duke's archives
>tomb of the giants
>lost izalith
>demon ruins
>crystal caves
>kiln of the first flame
>great hollow
>ash lake ("m-muh atmosphere!!" This area was literally an unfinished hallway with jack-shit in it)

All these areas are varying levels of bad.

>Duke's archives.
>Crystal caves.
Fucking fight me, cunt.

Crystal Caves is bad. Not him either.

We were all far too spoiled by bloodborne. It was literally a perfect game.

The truth is that From Software is a mediocre developer who struck gold a few times randomly and get undue praise as a result. DeS, DaS, and Bloodborne are good games that manage to shine despite their horrendous flaws and profoundly retarded design choices in certain respects. DaS2 and DaS3 are literally just the same shittiness you find in the better games but with the bad design ideas amplified and expanded a little more and the good ideas dampened. The difference between the two is pretty precarious.

And From doesn't seem to understand what was good about them in the first place, which makes their successes seem even more like accidents.

Sick bait

>I haven't played the game: The Post.

Duke's was trash, it was pretty much 2 identical rooms and a stairwell along with shitty reused enemies (only they've now got crystals growing on them) and the only forced death in the franchise (ignoring the first potential fight with Dragon God in DeS which is more of an easter egg than anything else).

>people shit on DaS2 for having "video gamey" level design yet somehow like Crystal Caves

>Broken covenants
come on nigger, darkmoon literally didn't work for months.

>who needs hyper armor just block or roll lol
that needlessly kills variety in the game. Big weapons are trash because of that. Fighting every boss with a straight sword isnt fun nor makes you good

>I haven't played Dark Souls 2 and need to be a contrarian retard the post

>anything near as bad as Bed of Bullshit

Good Dark Souls 3 bosses:

Good Dark Souls bosses:

O&S, Artorias, and Kalameet all basically beat out most of the DKS3 bosses sans Nameless, who is about as good as Artorias in terms of quality.

Dukes archive was decent. Kiln of the first flame was great atmosphere wise (fuck you) and so was ash lake and it's an optional area you moron.

It wasn't shit, people are just tired of Souls games.

>darkmoon literally didn't work for months
I don't really remember that, but then again I don't really touch covenants so the question mark was meant to express how I didn't hear anything about that. I remember them working at some point, though, so all's well that ends well.

I played the game my first time with Zwei and it was fine. The game didn't feel like trash and it was a decent experience. Just because you can't do it doesn't mean others can't.

u wot m8

Things 2 did right:
>variety in areas
>has colors besides grey

Things 3 did right:
>boss variety
>good npcs
>enemy variety

It's been a few months since I last played, and even then that was just to play through the DLC. Before that I hadn't even played for like a month, so give me a break bruh. I don't remember everything from the experience.

you can do it just fine but you can also do it 3 times easier with a fast weapon. Big weapons have literally no advantage on bosses, only disadvantages.

>Big weapons are trash because of that

Maybe you should git gud shitter

>boss variety
>everyone is just a big dude with an elemental weapon

>Wyvern being as bad as Bed of Chaos
>Good bosses:
>Iron Golem

I thought he was a good fight. Then again, you could probably argue he was too easy (although if we're gonna resort to mentioning the cheese you can do with him, you can just as say Champ is a shit boss because you can easily parry him, which doesn't change the fact that he's very well designed). Even if you don't consider him to be a good boss, the other point still stands: The strongest boss in 3 pales to the strongest ones in 1.

The crystal caves were beautiful, and finding that pathway where you can walk on air was cool.

I remember thinking the DS2 defenders were pretty ignorant to the flaws of their game, but I'm pretty sure DS3 fans take the cake.
They just pretend like the cringy pandering/throwbacks, broken questlines, rehashed concepts, removal of a mechanic (which the game LIES to you about), and blatantly unfinished story don't exist, it's genuinely mind boggling.

With that out of the way, I'm pretty much with you on every point OP. The game has some nice moments, but the connective tissue holding it together is just so fucking weak.

Sif and quelagg were fine

>anywhere near as bad as Bed of Bullshit

Literally fuck off you retard.

>I don't remember everything from the experience.

This is why it's a bad game. It's mediocre at best. You can't remember anything about it.

The development decisions of gameplay still baffle me to this day.

i started the series with das3 then das and then das2.
yes i found it way more easy and forgiving than 1 and definitely 2.
das was not the masterpiece i always heard and 2 wasn't nearly as bad as Sup Forums suggests.
as gaming goes my list is das2>das3>das but that's only cause i love the combat sustem of 2.

>can we now agree that this has by far been the weakest Souls title yet?

except 2 exists

No need to samefag my dear OP faggot. The IP count in this thread didn't go up.

>Wyvern NOT as bad as Bed of Chaos
So you thought the enemies with the broken as fuck hitboxes were okay? And that Wyvern isn't as badly as designed? I think you're the one baiting me here, user.

Golem, Sif, and Quelaag are good fights.

Unironically stop playing video games

I'm comparing them to eachother; Dark 3 had more good bosses than 2.


He's right though.

DaS3 L I T E R A L L Y removed Poise and fucking raped the invasion PvP system.

I loved Dark Souls 1, dropped dark souls 2 after around 8 hours, made it through bloodborne once, might do ng+.
Gonna start DS3 next, hoping it'll be a bit better than this utter heap of shit called Dark Souls 2.

It's almost as if FROM is incapable of making a good bossfight that's not a humanoid enemy

Better bosses, but I am not ready to say more variety.

No Aldrich or Soul of Cinder?


>It's almost as if FROM is incapable of making a good bossfight that's not a humanoid enemy
The sif knockoff fight in the Ariandel DLC was fucking unforgivable bolting back and forth 4-5 times repeatedly with no tell.

Golem, Kalameet and Sif are shit

Nothing is going to get me to play this piece of cancerous asshole ever again.

Aldrich is a very gimmicky fight, and I was disappointed with the Cinder fight myself. It was easy as well as kind of bland.

Aldrich is probably as good as Gwnydolin in terms of quality. Not really that bad, it's just not very good either.

Why do you "hate" Dark 2? What was your actual reasoning?

>Kalameet is shit
What a shitty opinion

I have no idea how anyone can claim DS3 didn't have the best boss cast by far. The only Souls game that compares is BB and that's only if you include the godtier bosses in the DLC.

But that's Dark Souls 2, user. Not DaS3.

because its hip and he's trying to be with it

Bed of Bullshit is so broken even the developers threw you a bone where you don't have to trigger a cutscene every time you die to it and your progess is more or less saved.

Golem isn't that good either, and it's nothing just cause he's ridiculously easy either. He has broken hitboxes himself, have you seen that webm where he grabs people from behind him and tosses them off the roof? It's not even a matter of being "easy". I actually appreciate Deacons of the Deep and Gaping Dragon/Moonlight Butterfly for the atmosphere in the fights.

Also Bed of Bullshit isn't the only bad boss. Centipede Demon, 3 reskins of asylum demon, Ceaseless Discharge, Capra Demon, Nito, 4 kings, and Seathe are all disappointing and mediocre, with some being downright shit.

The only bad bosses in 3 were Wolnir and Wyvern.

Also Artorias is hella overrated, like his lore is cool and we get it he's basically Guts, but Soul of Cinder, Dragonslayer Armour, Nameless King, Pontiff are all at least good if not better 1 on 1 fights.

The pvp in 3 is the worst in the entire series, Miyazaki has made it abundantly clear, that invasions are meant to lose, and then has to rub it in by making you go pick up your souls when you die.

It also has much more bottlenecking than II, which gave you a lot more areas to pick and choose where you'll go at the very start.

Dark Souls II is isn't perfect, but Miyazaki really overlooked the good in II, when designing III.

Are you joking? DaS3 isn't very good, sure, but Das1 is absolutely better than 2 and 3.
You think Das1 is the worst of the souls games that you've played.
Fair. I liked Manus if he counts and DeE had okay/decent non-humanoids

>Sif is shit
No, kill yourself.

Except that they've since sped up greatswords to be almost the same speed as straight swords while also offering you poise. And anyone who says they couldn't use anything but a straight sword against the rest of the game is a fucking shitter.

He's not hard, just run under his legs: The fight

But it IS Dark Souls 2, user.

Nobody said anything about a boss being hard.
A boss isn't good just because it's hard or easy, faggot.

I think my taste is just shit, I can't replay 3 no matter how hard I try, it's just so god damn boring to me.

>but Das1 is absolutely better than
In terms of PvE, certainly. However, DaS2 PvP absolutely blows any other Soulsborne game out of the water.

I legit still can't understand why Fromsoft didn't copy DaS2's PvP\Invasion system, but just remove Soulmemeory

I fail to understand how you consider these two fights bland yet put Iron Golem and Sif on the dark souls 1 list, to each their own I suppose

Soul of cinder is just Gwyn and a bunch of player movesets.

user I believe you are mistaken.

The piece of cancerous asshole is clearly DaS3.

I thought it needed more "magical" and "beautiful" areas. Anor Londo was fucking stunning and visiting it after the shithole and sen's funhouse was a huge shift in tone and atmosphere. Dark Souls 3 is good but it doesn't have that "wow" moment.

ffs what do you mean good boss?
Quelaag is basic as fuck
Sif is a boring rollfest
Golem is just shit what even
O&S is unfair as fuck. the bosses themselves are shit.
Artorias is good
Kalameet is gear dependent.
as you said das has 3(4) bosses that are NOT shit.

Is it more difficult than Bloodborne? I've found Bloodborne incredibly easy - just made a thread about it here in fact....

So I'm sure you loved the Dragon God and Bed of Chaos, faggot.

Design is what matters the most, not you tearing up over some """lore"""

I concede. I did actually enjoy DaS2's PVP more than 1 or 3

You really don't know how to check for samefags, do you?

>So I'm sure you loved the Dragon God and Bed of Chaos, faggot.
>Design is what matters the most, not you tearing up over some """lore"""
Did you just fucking compare Sif to the Dragon God and Bed of Chaos?
Are you having a brain hemorrhage?

Wyvern was a mild annoyance plus he's optional

Bed of Chaos is the worst fight in the series and one of the stupidest bosses in Video Game history

A flibbity floo, heres your (you)

>O&S are unfair

dude the combat is bad. most of the time i connected hits mobs didn't take dmg. i played das trilogy for the combat and das HAS THE WORST COMBAT SYSTEM OF ALL. PERIOD. if you can't UNDERSTAND THAT, STOP PLAYING VIDEOGAMES.

It's ugly as all shit, camera movement and controls feel really clunky. Weapons so far have been terrible. Areas are terribly designed and ugly as hell, they're also disjointed as shit.
Enemy moves track more, animations are terrible (Skeletons gliding around the floor looks fucking terrible). It appears that sometimes you're just stuck in an animation forever while the game doesn't want to register inputs.
Barely any enemies stagger, levels are filled with "Haha, you took damage/died because it's your first time here" bullshit, "No running please slow down" fog gates.
And tons more.

I forgot Gwyn used lightning and had that 5 hit combo and can't be parried. As for using player moves, you can use pretty much every boss' attack once you forge their weapons. So I don't get what that has to do with anything.


All of those areas are just beelines to a bossfight

-Too grey
-Weak world/level design
-Armor being pointless
-Terrible weapon variety
-From not fixing broken shit like the darksword until weeks after release when people had moved on
-Worst dlc in the series, not worth it for one good boss fight

"git gud" means giving up creative builds in favor of that big ass health bar and stamina bar of yours. of course there's a way to play UGS/big weapons correctly in DaS3 and they're all boring as shit.
DaS2 at least balanced them properly making them fun to spec into.


>As for using player moves, you can use pretty much every boss' attack once you forge their weapons. So I don't get what that has to do with anything.

That's what we call a very weak attempt to discredit a good bossfight

Fuck off cunt, I started playing it without knowing anything at all about it and kept at it because a friend of mine kept defending it, saying it's not so bad.
Yes, it is that bad.

>"git gud" means giving up creative builds in favor of that big ass health bar and stamina bar of yours

not it means practice until you don't fuck up nerd

>tfw 3 is actually my favorite

I even love the DLC.

At least 2 could keep me hooked, but in 3 i played 200 hours and got bored.
Despite what Sup Forums says 2 will always stay above 3 in my chart.
Then again, Sup Forums always had shit tier opinions.

>Bed of Bullshit is so broken even the developers threw you a bone where you don't have to trigger a cutscene every time you die to it and your progess is more or less saved.
They didn't throw anybody any bone, if you altered the world in one way it stayed that way. Name one boss fight that didn't act in this way, I'll wait. Ceaseless is another example, if you make him mad he'll stay as a boss fight, not magically turn back into a retard. He does this because you've angered him, and just because you died doesn't mean he'll go back to how he was. It's not From throwing you a bone, it's developing the world as you play.

I've seen him have some bullshit hitboxes, but a lot of DKS3 bosses also have shitty hitboxes. Nameless, Champ, Oceiros, etc, also have bullshit from time to time. I very rarely ever actually got killed by something bullshit to Iron Golem. In my opinion the fight felt great thematically and atmospherically, though it was a bit on the easy side.

I never said Bed of Bullshit wasn't the only bad boss. Every single Souls game has tons of shitty bosses.

>The only bad bosses in 3 were Wolnir and Wyvern.
Fucking wrong, stop fanboying over 3 so hard.
Vordt was way, way too easy, Curse-Rotted was trash, Crystal Sage was as bad as Capra Demon, Deacons could have been done a lot better, Old Demon King is trash, Yhorm is fucking garbage, Dragonslayer Armour is super easy and is really bland, Oceiros is also very easy, and Gravetender is complete trash. 3 had PLENTY of bad bosses, and if you can't see that then you're blind.

What said, the fight is basically you against Gwyn who also uses NPC movesets, I barely had to use my Estus on the first time I fought him.

What? I'm defending this SoC fight m8. It's one of my favorite fights in the series.

>A giant swamp leads to a catacomb that also leads to another swamp,but this one is demonic

And people mock II for it's world design

Cathedral of the deep should be connected to Irithyl

epic taste my man

In this thread we list things Dark Souls 2 did that were far better than Dark Souls 3. I'll start:

>Chugging Estus immobilizes you, and the heal isn't instantaneous meaning trying to chug while someone is sticking close to you will result in death

>Stamina regeneration is tied to weight, so a character at 10% burden will recover their bar faster than a character at 70% burden, giving an advantage and a reason to make a low burden character

>Poise exists and armor provides relevant, but not overpowering damage reduction, giving an advantage and a reason to make a high burden character

>Phantoms and Dark Spirits cannot chug estus, spirits can only heal via spell useage which is slow. This makes fighting outnumbered even without mob assistance possible since any damage you do sticks.

>Can only perform four rolls before running out of stamina

>Can only perform 5 attacks of a rapier or straight sword before running out of stamina

>Parrying has longer recovery frames and consumes more stamina, making parry fishing riskier and makes parrying require higher skill

>Power stance allowing for unique combinations of dual wielding and unlocking an alternative moveset for weapons

>Being able to use the full moveset of a weapon in your off-hand including running, rolling, backstepping, etc. attacks rather than just being able to do a basic R1 swing and blocking with the weapon as it is in Ds3 (lmao who would ever want to weapon block)

>Non-linear first half of the game allows you to rush straight to the areas of the game that contain the items for your build

>Fun PvP covenants that were unique

>Bell Tower covenant providing two unique optional areas to PvP for Titanite Chunks, Slabs, and Twinkling, making farming for upgrades fun

>Bonfire ascetics to replay bosses you like and or gain items from NG+ and beyond without grinding through the whole game again

>what is ash lake



Anyone who hates Dark Souls 3 is a contrarian. It is a true successor to 1, unlike 2.