When did this shitty mentality start that you are not allowed to criticise games in alpha/beta state?

When did this shitty mentality start that you are not allowed to criticise games in alpha/beta state?

> "It's just a beta, they will add all the content in the final version."
> "you are just looking for flaws."
> "this is just a beta, how can you judge a product that isn't even finished?"
> "ofc there are bugs, it's a beta, they all will be fixed."

If a developer decides to show his work to the public and lets anybody test it, why are we not allowed to criticize and point out flaws? pic related

Your not playing a beta, it's the final product. Everybody fucking knows it.

>Everybody fucking knows it.
but some still deny it.

Because game corporations have mastered the human domain Getting people so loyal to a company or the idea of a game that thousands of people will shill for it for 3 months until they admit it sucks

It's actually pretty fun

does run pretty shit from time to time though.

Yeah, kinda scary that the full game comes out in about two weeks and it's still running like this. I can only hope Ubishit surprises us and it's actually like good, like what happened with Siege.

My friends and I have been enjoying this game, but none of us want to buy it because there are some technical issues. One of us crashes a lot, and I myself have a problem where my game freezes for a couple seconds every other minute and it is beyond annoying.

>go to A shoot x person
>go to B shoot x person
>a 2 minute cutscene
>a HUUUGEEE world filled with nothing but rocks and dust

damn, i hope this isn't the actual start of the real game

The game comes out next month. This is a demo disguised as a beta.

Does the beta got some PvP going on or is this just a co-op thing only?

beta is the new word for demo

People are delusional, more news at 11.
Everyone knows this is a beta in name only, game comes out in like a week or 2.

So is it PvP or what?

No its not

Don't listen to the 'its just a beta'

Ubisoft fixes a few bugs and thats fucking it, they aren't overhauling the gameplay.

This game is the very definition of the best romantic-rpg-slasher in 2017. Not only does it have a complex story with graphics that makes the Nintendo 64 look bad, but it also dares to challenge the usual norm by taking 5 dollars from your bank account everytime you die. 3/10, it is a little bit too time consuming by taking over 5 hours to beat.

Oh i know the whole "beta" thing bit. Just want a free PvP game to kill time on ps4

have you been reading the steam forums? lol

Wildlands is not for you then

b-but it's pre alpha guyz XDDDD

>Steam reviews says "mixed"
meaning "really shit"

I can't get it to sustain any decent framerate. The AI is awful.

they have no time to fix this, it's out in March.


seriously tho alot of people were cautiously hyped for this.

Ubisoft just ruined whatever credibility they had left

>whatever credibility they had left

>have a problem where my game freezes for a couple seconds

Yeah that was happening to me as well


This games fuckin dope negro those silent coordinated slaughters are top notch in my book