Quake 1 singleplayer was unfinished with terrible missing content...

>quake 1 singleplayer was unfinished with terrible missing content, the ONLY thing that made it the amazing multiplayer arena fps powerhouse it was were accidental glitches like rocket jumping and strafe jumping, which carmack wanted to REMOVE from the game
>quake 2 sucked, was bland, dumbed down
>quake 3 was EXTREMELY casualized and dumbed down, floaty controls with no air control, no strafe jumping (you could gain speed but not change direction so you could only gain like 10% speed before running into a wall)- it took a third party mod (cpma) to fix it and add strafe jumping and air control back into it- this is despite the game having NO SINGLEPLAYER besides fighting bots on maps and all their resources were dedicated to competitive multiplayer. All those frag montages and 'WHAT HAPPENED 2 QUAKE' are videos of promode and defrag and not vanilla quake 3. People forget how bad vanilla quake 3 was
>quake 4 was a disgrace
>quake champions will be MOBA shit
>ruined quake live with loadouts and killed the game by putting it on steam and obnoxious stats
>made quake live have the same terrible movement mechanics as q3 (yes there's a promode physics mode but nobody uses it)
>doom 3 was terrible
>doom 4 was going to be a CoD clone but fucking BETHESDA of all people told them to knock it off because it doesn't belong in doom (yes, BETHESDA)
>rage was a huge letdown, open world, megatexture, ugly piece of garbage with terrible level design
>the only really good games with good features they intentionally had in the game from the outset were doom 1 and doom 2

Let's face it. id is a meme dev. All the good features of their games, like bunnyhopping/strafe jumping and rocket jumping, have been accidental glitches. They made maybe 2-3 complete competent games. Every time they've made a popular franchise they butcher it with casualized shit. Every good thing about their games has been pure happenstance.

Why do people regard them highly? they've been a joke for 20 years.

Other urls found in this thread:


>terrible missing content
good thing it was missing then

oh I almost forgot - vanilla q3 didn't have insta weapon switch either

quake 3 was a super casual game


This thread again huh?

I'm glad that Quake 1 was still great in place of the "terrible missing content"
Q3 is great, too.
I agree about Q2 :)

>>doom 4 was going to be a CoD clone but fucking BETHESDA of all people told them to knock it off because it doesn't belong in doom (yes, BETHESDA)

You mean the same Bethesda that outsourced the multiplayer and ensured it was absolutely terrible?

>doom 4 was going to be a CoD clone but fucking BETHESDA of all people told them to knock it off because it doesn't belong in doom (yes, BETHESDA)
wew lad, you're so full of shit, go watch that doom documentary thing first.. not even worth a (you)

So, Quake thread?

What have you been playing lately? I'm finally playing through the new Arcane Dimensions levels and they're great.

Quake 2 is good fuck off. Much better than rocket launcher and lightning gun spam all the time in MP.

I've started playing qw ffa for a couple hours around 3-4pm est before the yuropoors go to sleep

If you're only baiting to have a quake discussion I'm not giving you a bump.

no I'm talking about how id is a terrible casual developer

why is it that the "im 11 years old but im not into cod and other modern shit" crowd always tend to love doom and quake? well its simple my friend.

i'm not your friend

well I'm not your le friend, buddy xDD

Have I been teleported to the 2012 ironic era?

>quake champions will be MOBA shit
QC just seems like the usual quake stuff but now you can choose a character with a unique ability. Seems like a valid way to spice things up.

I could never get into it. I've tried multiples times but I can never bring myself to play it all the way through.
The guns just don't feel fun

quake fortress did that 20 years ago if id is smart they can keep the basic gameplay intact

Where can one see gameplay?

You dont have to worry about QC

if you seen how good id's last 2 games have been, then there is nothing to worry about

on the internet
google it you lazy fuck

I mean, is there anything else besides the stupid shitty trailer that doesn't show shit?

Quake 2 is always an interesting one for me. Oddly enough, I liked it better than original Quake when it came out - the weapons were fairly neat and fighting through hordes of techo-mutants was ace. The story was 'there', nothing huge but enough to add a sense of urgency to the thing. Got some real fond memories of getting it after trying to hire it from the video store and getting knocked back for being like, 12 years old. Reckon it probably aged like garbage though.

Hi OP, I agree with everything you said.

How do you feel about Wolfenstein?

It seems you like wolf 3d, RtCW, Doom 1, and Doom 2

The new wolfs, are they just as bad as doom4?

I also liked quake live back in like 2009 / 2010 before they fucking ruined it.

It has a bunch of sourceports might as well try it again. Lots of good mods too.

id is just one of those companies that needs heavy handed management or else things derail. When left to their own devices they made garbage like RAGE, with management from Bethesda of all companies they produced D44M.

Its just like Bungie. Microsoft gave them tons of creative freedom with Halo 2, and development was a complete disaster that had to be salvaged at the last minute. They had complete and total creative freedom with Destiny, and development was an even bigger disaster.

did they have external pressure when making doom though?

there's only one person left since then

now, yes. but there was more when they were making quake 2 for example.

Back then you could get away with being poorly managed, times were simpler.

that may be true but they put 3d on the map, so many 3d engines before it were janky pieces of shit, quake felt and ran pretty solidly compared to a ton of other 3d titles at the time which needed 3d accell, quake had software modes and ran on all sorts of hardware pretty well

Quake 3 having no single player campaign was criminal and shows how competitive fags ruin everything.