We can agree that this is GOTY

We can agree that this is GOTY.

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pretty much

Why is Yakuza 6 so fucking shit?

It's gonna be hard this year, but it's easy best Jan/Feb game.
Also Kiwami this year though.

Love it.

Persona 5 is a lock for GOTY tho

Can we?

They used it to test out a new engine.
They should have pushed out another game before 6 that used the engine so they could get used to it and improve it.
Oh wait, the writing is shit too. Dunno what happened there.

Literally the only game that has made me satisfied for buying a PS4.

BB was shit, Nioh was shit btw.

Best Yakuza game at least
Best prequal game in years
GOTY top ten at least

I don't think so. They're still much more awaited games to come out this year and even on its own Yakuza 0 had flaws. The story becomes laughable in the late chapters when you're literally forced to fight hundreds of enemies only to find it was a "test". Not to mention how predictable the story becomes and how incredibly dumb Makimura is and that her whole character development is incredibly forced in the last scenes to make her seem strong and independent despite being entirely useless to the very end.

I heard 6 is going to be the last game, but that can't be possible can it?

i'm hoping botw can fill the void i'm feeling after beating this

This is the game that is making me consider to buy a PS4 for

just finished the game. the final level was hype as fuck. going through a shitload of grunts, and than a kick ass boss fight.

majimas ending was so sad. got to play the other games when i got the time. took me over a 100 hours to finish this.

First yakuza I've ever played and most fun I've had in a game in years

They said it's Kiryu's last game.
Whether that means the series is over or not remains to be seen.

Do you think Kiwami going to be a full price release? It wouldn't surprise me if they knocked it down to $40 or $50 due to many seeing it as a Y0 mod, and the fact that it's coming over so soon after Y0.

Y5 is $40 now but did it launch over here at that price? I can't remember.

I think Makimura being dumb was more of being naive like she said, thinking she can act strong and tough against fucking Yakuza only to find out the underground world isn't something to mess with or you'll get fucked easily

i heard 6 is complete ass and the fans hate it.

It's not on PC, so no. Not GOTY

Sure thing. But the shills on Sup Forums are enforcing Horizon to be one instead.


i thought all the captains except kuze were push overs

boy, was i wrong.

When will Kiwami be out?

>AngryJoe only gave it a measly 8/10

Pffft. Don't think so pal. We all know that in order to be GOTY material it needs to be at least a 9/10 game.

there so many good games coming out this year its mad.

>But the shills on Sup Forums are enforcing Horizon to be one instead.
I've seen nothing but shitting on Horizon here though.
It's Zelda that everyone is praising to high heaven.

yakuza is like the whiskeys at vincent, only appreciated by a more discerning audience

If you get a chance, play 5. Better than this one, but this one is also great.

I basically got one for Zero and Persona 5. Fuck if you're not poor why not? life is short.

I can't believe I'm actually keeping my schedule. It was Yakuza 0, Ni-Oh, Nier, Persona 5, and then Sonic Mania.

I completed Yakuza 0 the night Ni-Oh came out, and I'm on track to beat Ni-Oh before Nier comes out.

Here ya go bud

Thats cool. Don't rush though just because new games are coming out.

It must be wonderful to only see things you want to see

and Nier!

this summer

I can almost never bring myself to turn on my ps4. But when I play Zero I'm always glad I did, instead of browsing Sup Forums.


Wow this is way better than 0's install screen.

are the other games in the series on PSN?

3 is disc only, 4 is on PSN, and 5 is PSN only in the west.

Is NG+ worth trying?

I'm thinking of getting round to it once I'm done with Premium Adventure.

whats Premium Adventure again?

we can
this game is so good

Free roam.

Best so far definitely

>Fuck if you're not poor
i will fuck regardless of my income level unless my tummy hurts


>a mad dog is born!

Unless you want to play through story hideously overpowered or to do trophied you missed out on, not really. Legend difficulty can't be started with a clear save and premium adventure lets you do any side content you missed out on, except nothing's really missable except the hidden story trophies.

>The entire board is lit up with BoTW threads
>Everyone is already calling Horizon a failure

What the shite are you on about?


>when you go back to grinding mini game completion in Yak 5 just to help fill the void after completing Yak 0

I urge you, try starting a Horizon thread and see how much honest discussion you'll get out of it.

Is it only honest discussion when people are positive about it?

Anyone got a guide on hand for the equipment search? I have about a dozen parts left to find.

No, but threads filled with nothing but pictures of crying Wojak and falseflaggers isn't honest discussion either.

Some translation issues of course, but I worked it out and completed the list with it.

Thank you so much, this is exactly what I was hoping for because I forgot to save it the last time I saw it posted.

>want to use a heat move
>just kick the air like an idiot instead

Maybe I was just too fast on it.

My biggest issue with these games is that the Heat Move is not mapped to R2 because of this.

Didn't they say that about Yakuza 5 as well? And Yakuza 4?

are any of the side mission stuff missable?
ive been spending every chapter just running around until i randomly come across some side story but i still feel like i end up missing some.

I just began dipping my toe into Real Estate Royale. Any particular tips, and any staff that I should always have ready to go?

In 0? No. 1 up until 4 had some that were missable if you didn't do them by a certain point or at a certain time of day, everything after that has basically let you do substories whenever.

Security guards are low priority.
Upgrading stores will get costly in the later districts so once you're making lots of money you should use the fortune teller and Miracle for investments.
>mfw the chicken is one of the better managers.

nothing ever fills the void user


Just recruit all the staff you can. Miracle Johnson and the Fortune Teller are the best advisors, use them and only them so long as you have the cash. Buy the all the collection upgrades at the CP shrine to cut down on the waiting before you can upgrade your businesses again or collect their profits. Focus on taking down the Four Kings one at a time to save out on hassle with them attacking your businesses. Cycle through managers and security guards whenever their stats dip below zero, don't bother employing security guards in areas you already own 100%.

Real Estate's mostly just a whole lot of waiting and spending money with the odd bit of combat, it takes a long time to turn a profit but by the end you'll be raking in 2 billion yen every three minutes.

>see yakuza being shilled hard all of a sudden
>give in and pickup yakuza 0 expecting decent game
>get the best game ive played in years

On a related note to these points; I have 92 completion rate, all substories done, but still have 1 missing recruitable advisor. Anyone have any idea who that might be? I'm thinking it's the darts guy at Vincent.


Part of me wishes I could've played the other games before this one. Seeing Nishiki going fucking crazy in Kiwami is going to be hard to watch after knowing what happened in 0. I'm also super attached to Majima but he looks like an insufferable cunt in the later games.

What characters will I see again? I know Daigo is part of the story at some point.

>all of a sudden

yakuza 0 came out a couple of weeks ago. of course its going to get talked about, dumbass.

I had this problem too. Try going to the gay bar in the Champion District and buy a few drinks. The barkeep there offers to become an advisor for you.

Also turns out they're not the same bartneder you see in all the other games, but their predecessor. Who looks exactly like the other one. Even references the replacement from that Yuuya substory in Yakuza 2, she/he wants her successor to be a former bike gang leader

Nah Majima's always great. He runs on videogame logic where he only helps Kiryu out if he can beat him in a boss fight. Not because he doesn't respect him or doesn't want to help him, he just wants a good fight more.

Daigo's role in every single game after 2 is this:

>Daigo, I'm leaving you in charge of the Tojo Clan. Don't fuck this up. Again.
>Yessir Kiryu-san!

Reina comes back for 1 and nothing else, same with Sera. Kashiwagi's a big supporting character until 3. Aside from Ryuji that's about it.

>first action level of the game is Dojima Family HQ with Kiryu
>final action level of the game is Dojima Family HQ with Majima