Thread got archived so let me ask you yet again:
What is your favorite Fire Emblem class?
Thread got archived so let me ask you yet again:
What is your favorite Fire Emblem class?
Other urls found in this thread:
We have Fire Emblem threads every day, yours just happened to be today's. We don't need to have the same OP every time, we don't need to link threads, etc. If you want continuous Fire Emblem "discussion" go to /feg/.
Sacae route > Illia Route
>Same pic
Wyvern riders of any variety
Well, sorry, i have never actually seen a Fire Emblem thread because i don't come here every day, but whatevs, Live and learn i guess
Better Question incoming:
What's your least favorite Unit from your Favorite class? Favorite unit from Least favorite Class?
I'm going to go with Cynthia and Gatrie
And i worded that pretty wrong, i have never seen Fire Emblem Threads so often i meant to say
Generals and Paladins can get you through 90% of what the game throws at you. The other 10% can be overcome with a decent Bishop.
Who is your Fire Emblem waifu?
Least favorite from favorite is easily Dorothy
Favorite from least favorite is maybe Hector
Marksman. OP as fuck and can hit from anywhere.
Don't worry /feg/ is absolute garbage.
Paladin is my favorite class, my least favorite cav is probably Makalov or Sully.
Least favorite class is Archers I guess, Shinon and Rebecca are my favorite archers.
Wait so what's your least favorite class? Knight?
Favorite class is cavalier, specifically axe knights in the few games they show up in.
Least favorite cavalier is Fiona, favorite knight is Gatrie.
Meg and Sety, respectively.
I guess we can have another FE thread since it's still early. But FE threads are pretty regular things.
In a series that has Juno in it, how could anyone else be your least favorite?
Paladin: Kent.
Armour Knight: Effie.
Hero: Assram
Dancer/Singer/Whatever: Reyson
What class do you mean? Social Knights and Armor Knights are very different classes.
Least favorite class is easily Fighters because i don't know, they just seem so lackluster with their shit defense and Res.
But i still use them becuase somebody like Boyd, Arthur and Charlotte can become beastly when they are warriors\Beserkers.
But because Hector is a Lord who is more like Fighter than anything else, i say he's my favorite
Oh shit, i didn't even notice those!
But still, at least we don't talk about Waifus or anything like that
My Waifu is too good to discuss with plebeians on Sup Forums
Play FE5, Othin is ridiculous
What a slut
Is there a point in using all 3 Cavs + Eliwood in FE7? Kent seems to not really excel at anything in particular compared to the other two. Sain hits like a truck and is pretty fast but isn't very defensive and his accuracy can be a bit sketchy. Lowen doesn't hit as hard and also has some accuracy issues at times but the guy can tank hits like a champ. Kent is faster and more accurate but that's pretty much it. Doesn't help that his personality is fairly bland and he's the Sword Cav, which means Eliwood can be better than him at that upon promotion. In my opinion, his Paladin colour scheme is also the ugliest one out of all of them with Lowen's being the best.
How is he?
I am not intending to play FE5 anytime soon because holy shit why can healing staffs miss?
Not only should you use them, you should use all the prepromoted paladins as well.
Cavaliers are generally overpowered.
book 2 or FE12?
I played shadow dragon, but damn it looked like hot garbage. Also not looking forward to kris
I agree but I like my team to have some unit diversity as well. Jaffar is the only prepromote I'd use since Matthew and Legault usually turn out bad combat-wise and I want him to marry Nino.
Heal staves only miss if your healer's skill stat is low, and you get more elixers than you could possibly need.
Othin crits on every counterattack due to wrath, he crits on every double attack due to his pursuit critical coefficient and his personal weapon is an incredibly accurate 1-2 range tomahawk (nothing in the game comes close). His stats also happen to be generally high.
My nigga detected
i feel like that's a common complaint from people who haven't played the game. staves missing isn't a issue. you can double cast and staves don't use any durability if they miss iirc.
anyway, fighters peaked at FE5. othin in particular gets a special 1-2 range axe from the very first chapter and comes with the skill wrath
I'd go with book 2 but only because I really don't care for the aesthetics of the DS games.
Holy shit! that sounds even more OP than the lobster Lord eve was!
>Wyvern Riders in FE7 start out Lance-locked and only gets Swords upon promotion
>Most of your base Axe guys aside from Hector are pretty shit besides Dart whose promotional item's value competes with his deployment slot. Raven and the Cavs don't have access to Axes until promotion.
>Axes and Magic are the best weapon types in the game.
I just can't play these games for more than a few hours. I always end up getting bothered by my units getting shitty level ups, and having to watch their xp bar to reset in case they do get a shitty one is no fun.
FE5 gives you a lot of overpowered stuff, people only think it's hard because they hoard their weapons/staves and they refuse to deploy their best units.
Play 0% growths (or fixed growths in FE9) so you don't have to worry about lucky/unlucky level ups.
Play on an emulator and use save scum desu
There's no real standout best weapon type in 7. However there is a worst weapon type which is bows since everyone just spams Javelins and Hand Axes
That's what I'm doing, but even that is nofun
Who /buying shadows of Valentia day one/ here?
Can't wait to play it, to be honest, now that they got a clue of how the gameplay should be done and with the gimmicks of FE2 should be entretaining.
Depends. Gaiden is considered the black sheep for a reason and if the game gets the Shadow Dragon treatment then I won't bother with it. I'll be getting the amiibos either way though.
>your least favorite Unit from your Favorite class?
Ogier from Binding Blade
>Favorite unit from Least favorite Class?
Faval from Genealogy
I will never buy a FE game day 1 due to Awakening.
I did not enjoy FE2 very much so I'm apprehensive about Shadows of valentia.
There are so many Lance enemies in this game, and Axes is the cheapest weapon type in the game. It's part of the reason why Hector is so good. And of course most enemies that aren't Peg Knights, Tome and Staff wielders have shit Res so Magic is always good.
I still think Swords are the worst because most of your units have access to it, the more the game goes on the less Axe enemies are out there, it's locked at one range, and the Light Brand isn't even a common weapon you can find. At least Bows have 3 range as well, though the fact that it's so expensive also hurts.
RD did a good job making ranged swords a more regular thing
I am!
i have confidense that IS makes a good remake like how SD was bad, Mystery of the Emblem fixes almost everything.
Least favorite is a tie between Selena and Laslow. Mercs are usually some of the best units but Selena and Laslow were both fucking trash for me. I also don't like Navarre but he's technically a myrm.
Favorite is Fee, peg knight always just feel weak to me, but my Fee was utterly amazing and was amazingly helpful for taking out long-range magic users.
>this passive aggressiveness and bad sarcasm
>Implying i use or Tumblr
There were so many Axe enemies in Lyn's Story. Then when it's Eliwood's time they just slowly vanished. Poor guy.
Titania is such a beautiful woman. Literal perfection.
You think she'd be the kind of girl into the real intimate stuff?
>Hot bath together
>Canopy bed
>Oil massages
>Extended foreplay
probably not
maybe massages though
Fighters are my favorite class
What are the best axe users to compliment Hector?
I was thinking Dart and Geitz. Bartre is okay too.
Geitz is good. Bartre with his 3 base Spd can be troubling. Dart is your only pirate and unpromoted Axe man who can be a Zerker so yeah he does have his value. Dorcas is so bad it's not even funny. Shit Spd and Def is a terrible combination.
Poison in the mutton is a terrible thing.
>all pretty cool guys
>promote to goat classes
Fighters are pretty great
I never felt strongly about Fighters and Warriors, Pirates/Brigands/Berserkers were always cooler to me.
It must be because most fighters consists of lumberjacks and shitters like Ward.
>best axe users in fe7
Harken, Raven, Sain, Kent, Lowen, Marcus, Isadora, Oswin
What is up with this Dorcas meme? I don't get it.
Fighters promote to Berserkers and Brigands/Pirates are fighters with a twist
The King
Zephiel is shit!
Mercenary is the best class in the games, try to deny it. Pro tip: you can't.
Id say he's one of the best characters in the series. Axes are great in Tgracia because you fight mostly lance users. Fighter promote into heroes and are basically super fast. He has wrath as a personal skill and a prf weapon that is a ranged killer axe. He crits every other attack. The icing on the cake isyou get him chapter 1.
I did not expect her to get new art
Cant paladins use axes in 6 and 7?
>Most of the Cavs don't have access to Axes until promotion.
who dis
Knights are pretty cool. Oswin, Amelia, Kjelle, and Effie are some of my favorite units.
Geitz doubles as being the best bow user in FE7, so there's that.
>not this one dumbass.jpg
Rebecca ended up turning into a machine this run
idk man, maybe the filename has a clue
Annand or Mahnya, you know that allied Falcon Knight that dies before you can help? She was the first to do that.
>L 1
Explain yourself.
>Rhys has defense
I'm not sure if your units are almost all terrible, or that the power creep in unit growths in the newer games made me forget that units didn't all used to have absurd growth rates in everything.
>Jill with Laguzguard
right on
Probably just being an arena abusing shitter and not paying attention
Why is he so perfect?
He's one of the worst characters in the game but his daughter is awesome.
Lets go
Poor arden
>Favorite RD
>Haar, Aran, and motherfucking Pelleas