The dark souls of castlevania

The dark souls of castlevania

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Too easy after the first playthru

>Play Albus on hard mode for the first time
>Keep dying in the first level because zombies respawn way too fast and take out a good chunk of my health
When I kill one another immediately pops up. It's horseshit.

Because it has crabs lul

More like Demon's Souls of Castlevania because of it's hub-based structure and mostly linear worlds.

Also, why aren't you playing CV64? It's genuinely nowhere near as bad as people painted it to be. In fact it's quite a solid game outside of wonky targeting for the whip.

Reminder that there might still be a God.

The Netflix Castlevania TV series is not only an adaptation of Dracula's Curse, but it's actually confirmed bo be R-Rated and fully animated.

The fuck is this shit

>YFW it was all a big metaphor
That's a nice castle.
Also the guy is the producer of Dredd. He may look like an edgelord but perhaps he's THE guy. My first option for a Castlevania movie, though was Guillermo del Toro

Also, in case Castlevania doesn't rise from the grave, post fangames and spiritual sequels.

Remember that Castlevania TV series which was supposed to be made like 10 years ago but was in development hell?
The one written by Warren Ellis (an actually good writer)?

It came back from the dead and it's coming out this year.

>My first option for a Castlevania movie, though was Guillermo del Toro
But Lords of Shadow is basically what Del Taco CV would look like. And I genuinely love the first Lords of Shadow.

CV64 is great.

Unless Konami decides to create a new Castlevania game, I really don't care. I don't watch TV shows.

SoulsBorne are Igavanias ripoff except they're in 3D and there's no moves upgrades

Momodora is my favorite metroidvania I've played recently

Your (potential) loss since it's a CV3 adaptation and is fully animated, no live action faggotry.

But Souls is literally King's Field just in third person.

Needs less fantasy, more gothic horror and a less convoluted plot.

I've been role-playing Simon Belmont in Dark Souls 2 pretty much all day. Funny to see a thread about it pop up.

what the actual fuck?

And King's Field is basically Wizardry just with freeroaming controls.

>wizardry: 1981
>castlevania: 1986


Wizardry with TES gameplay

Touhouvania... 2!

But LoS plot was hardly convoluted.
It was pretty straightforward.
3 Ancient Evils awaken and are by proxy responsible for killing Belmont's waifu. You go on a quest to kill the 3 Ancinet Evils and save the world. In the process you find out that the 3 Ancient Evils are founders of your Order and that you are the one that killed your own waifu.
When you reach the last Ancient Evil he kills you and himself gets killed by Satan who was manipulating said third Ancient Evil. God brings you back to live as his Chosen One to beat Satan back to Hell.
Your waifu goes to Heaven while you're cursed to be God's Chosen One and walk the earth as immortal monster till the end of time as punishment for your sins.
The End.

Its my second favorite Castlevania game. I really should replay it, its been almost ten years since I played it last time.

Then what is Wizardry ?

LoS2 fizzled out due to executive fuckery with development but goddamn if it didn't have the tightest trailer.

If does well then the chances of a new castlvania will (even slightly) increase.

Touhouvania is a fucking piece of shit. It's the most dull excuse for a vania ever, don't let the visuals fool you.

Brave Earth actually looks very promising though.

>when you get the homing light spell and can stand forever away from monsters and spam them to death

Why does nobody ever mention Slain! when it's basically what Brave Earth is except 16bit rather than 8bit?

Change the fire whip for dark inferno and it's 10/10

Well he actually does Hellfire when he's transforming from mist back to human form right before he lands between the troops.

It wouldn't have a shitty women protagonist if it was that.


LoS2 had a great Death fight.

Women have no place in gothic horror inspired games. ESPECIALLY in the leading, action based role.

This. I am a straight man and I always play straight men.

Still... I always imagine Dark Souls MC and Solaire got romantically involved.
>YFW you were his sun
Best gay romance ever.


>Women have no place in gothic horror inspired games. ESPECIALLY in the leading, action based role.
Carrie, Yoko, Sonia, Shanoa and worst girl Charlotte

Why are N64 Castlevanias so underrated?

That movie was absolute dogshit.

It wasn't scary.
The plot was retarded.
The acting was borderline terrible.

It literally only had an audience because of Del Toro's name being attached to it.