Let me explain why Overwatch is a piece of shit

Let me explain why Overwatch is a piece of shit

>Built with only 6v6 in mind
>Retarded character designs
>Reaper exists
>Reinhardt is not balanced
>And has no map builder
>And has a clunky menu
>And has shitty map designs
>And it tries to rip off tf2
>Ana exists
>PvE is not in the game
>Players can't make loadouts
>PTR complaints are ignored

>Retarded character designs

Which don't you like?

Not a problem
He is a problem because he is absolute shit
Earthshatter is kinda fucky but thats it
Not even a problem
Its biggest problem
2nd biggest problem STILL
Who gives a shit about that
Also true


>Bitch has Tumblr hair
>Retarded coat
>Ass is small
>Piss poor SMG design

>Built with only 6v6 in mind
>Retarded character designs
Subjective. I like a lot of them
>Reaper exists
Git gud
>Reinhardt is not balanced
Git gud. Literally one of the most balanced characters
>And has no map builder
Pretty sure only halo launches with a map editor. Every other fps doesn't. Even TF2 didn't foe a while. I don't see how this is an issue for you.
>And has a clunky menu
No it doesn't. Maybe you're just retarded.
>And has shitty map designs
>And it tries to rip off tf2
"It's a cartoony classed based fps, that's so copying!"
>Ana exists
She could be toned down a bit
>PvE is not in the game
It's not really a necessity. Since you compare it to TF2 a lot, MvM wasn't a thing until years after TF2's release
>Players can't make loadouts
Good. Load outs are fucking retarded, literally no need for them.
>PTR complaints are ignored
How do you know?

Did that come out of your ass?

>It's another Sup Forums shitposts and pretends overwatch is bad thread

Can we start banning the people who make these shit threads? We get it you don't like it but stop b8ing, or at least try and provide actual criticism.

Who ever keeps making these should be banned.

So why do you guys make 500 overwatch threads every single day if you guys hate the game?


So basically, based off your problems with the game, it sounds like you want a completely different game. Why not just not play Overwatch?

Overwatch discussion goes on

You forgot

>unlimited ammo

Instead of fighting over resources such as powerups in the form of ammo crates and med kits, you just mindlessly shoot the enemy to build up your gauge. If you lose health, doesn't matter, your healer just heals you in seconds. There's no contest about side objectives and this is what ultimatively makes the game stale and in something that has the league of legends syndrome, where everyone gathers as a bio blob with a shitload of heal, unlimited ammo again a similiar blob of players that just takes a massive time to get forward.

The game would be objectively worse if there was limited ammo. You are a fucking retard.

Let me guess, you just lost a game of overwatch so you came here to bitch about it?

Fuck off.

i don't play this shitty game and never will but sombra makes my dick diamonds, you have shit taste.

GIT gud boi

>Built with only 6v6 in mind
why is that bad?
>Retarded character designs
>Reaper exists
what does this even mean? hes pretty balanced and is usually on the underpowered side of things with other heroes having way better damage options at a range
>Reinhardt is not balanced
this is true
>And has no map builder
most modern shooters dont
>And has a clunky menu
literally doesnt matter and subjective
>And has shitty map designs
>And it tries to rip off tf2
tf2 was a quake mod so it ripped off quake? not an argument
>Ana exists
she is poorly designed to some degree but not a deal breaker when hog exists
>PvE is not in the game
go play against bots
>Players can't make loadouts
loadout would fuck balance up, TF2 competitive bans like what 80% of the items?
>PTR complaints are ignored
some of them are not ignored and quite a few complaints lead to fixes like sudden death, over time, spray wheel, etc

You forgot to mention the game's most damning aspect. Pic related.

>complaining about reaper
explain why in fifteen words or less

You literally have no idea what cyberpunk is, do you? Sombra fits the bill very nicely.

congrats now you can play on custom servers with 500% speed

I could tolerate nearly everything wrong with the game if it weren't for the fact that the gameplay rewards cheapness over everything else. Either have every character require skill to use or make them all require zero skill; mixing the two just makes the game aggravating as shit to play when you have to put in so much effort playing Pharah to do the kind of shit that Junkrat can pull off by randomly pressing buttons.


>When will a FAST shooter come out
When average people don't have shit internet connection that fucks up everything, hence why everyone beefs on Overwatch's server tick rate

>Built with only 6v6 in mind
It plays fine
>Retarded character designs
I like most of them
>Reaper exists
He sucks. He's supposed to be a tank killer yet he gets btfo by tanks
>Reinhardt is not balanced
One of the easiest heros to kill
>And has no map builder
>And has a clunky menu
Not true
>And has shitty map designs
Maybe one of two maps for attack
>And it tries to rip off tf2
More or less
>Ana exists
She's a little op but not nearly as bad as people claim
>PvE is not in the game
>Players can't make loadouts
This is a good thing. Everybody is equal from the start
>PTR complaints are ignored
More or less

Fine I will bite

>Built with only 6v6 in mind

What is confusing about a game designed around team arena style gameplay

>Retarded character designs

Really bro? You could at least do an example, and I am hoping you understand the difference between aesthetics and graphics

>Reaper exists

Uh? no one even plays Reaper, so do not understand the point

>Reinhardt is not balanced

Its 2017, do people still not understand you shoot the fucking healer not the fucking tank?

>And has no map builder

Thank Fucking GOD, 99.9999% of custom made Maps are complete shit on Team Fortress 2 and will cure any desire one might have of custom maps

>And has a clunky menu

Cluncky Menu? What the fuck resolution are you playing on? 320X200

>And has shitty map designs

I swear to fucking god you are one of those fucks that play only on Dust 2 only servers and if you do go out into the wild you only vote for Dust 2 you dirty dirty fuck

>And it tries to rip off tf2

If you did not buy the orange box in 2007 you are not allowed to talk about TF2, and if you did you would know that TF2 died a horrible horrible death back in 2010-11

>Ana exists

I dont know? learn to aim and click left click 3 times to kill her?

>PvE is not in the game

PVE? If there was righteousness in the world, there would still be camps that we could gas stupid fucks like you in still today

>Players can't make loadouts

Your CoD is showing and is giving me cancer

>PTR complaints are ignored

Let me guess, you still think Roadhog is OP and Hanzo needs buffs?

Video game discussion goes on not on Sup Forums - Video Games

>Players can't make loadouts
I prefer that though. People being on equal footing so it comes down to skill

>Ass is small
>Mexican teenager

>cucksole shooter people pass off as some hardcore PC game that requires skill
>slow ass gameplay
>maps made by a autistic fuck
>every game mode is shit
>cancer of the month buff system
We could just have an entire book of everything wrong with this shit, literally mentally spiritually how is this shit game alive

>reaper exists
git gud

My problem with it is how it feels to shoot.

No recoil, no weight, can't aim down your gun, generally slow and clunky.

It feels like baby's first FPS desu. Played it for like 2 days then dropped it for Titanfall 2.

Its lets players pretend they are better at the game than they actually are.

It's also why Smash is popular

>can't aim down your gun
oh god Overwatch is attracting the CoD Kiddies

Thats the sad thing, overwatch is more casual than cawadooty.

In what fucking regard?

>tank class
>1.5 tanks
>3.5 bruisers
They need to shrink reinhardts shield to cover just him, revert dva shield change and change the name of the role.

>sure. Why is this bad?

Wow, what a shit op.

Its the Nintendo of fps.

easy to play, hard to master

Every single one. Also, I'm the dude you originally replied to. I hate CoD's arcady bullshit. That said, OW is more of a First Person Moba, than an fps. In other words, shit.

You literally didn't even list a reason.

You sound like a casual faggot



>This was a BRAP shitpost this entire time

What's wrong with Reaper, besides being a useless fuck in game and in the cinematics?

Get behind them, moron.

Don't play it then

I just started playing OW, my fps skills are rusty and I've only really been successful playing junkrat.

Any suggestions on who to play to git gud?


not him but in COD you can solo carry, customize your loadout, switch weapons, sprint, choose your own gamemode and other stuff in OW the game hand holds you in everything like you're baby

Junkrat is trash, play a better hero.

This fucking meme is everywhere goddammit

Reaper isn't even hard to counter. People who struggle with him baffle me.

I work in a women's prison and that hairstyle is very popular there.

Why is it when Sup Forums complains about a well received game, it's always about the stupidest shit?

>how is this game alive?
Blizzard shilled the fuck out of this game pre-release. Don't you remember how infested this board was with Overwatch threads?
Blizzard also had to have paid major review companies a boatload to shill this shit on their websites and places like YouTube and Facebook.
Lastly, Blizzard is Blizzard. Love it or hate it, their army of fanboys is Nintendo tier. They can literally do nothing wrong in those gamers eyes and you're better off just not even engaging with them, but this only allows a minority to continue pushing the Blizzard meme. I'll give Blizz this much, up to Warcraft 3 they were a solid company, their stories were engaging and memorable, the polish was top notch and the support post launch was unmatched. Ever since WoW, however, they have really lost their way. They're easily one of the richest studios and the only reason they aren't viewed as Activision/EA tier with their greed is because they don't pump out pure shit month by month; they simply polish a turd and put it in your plate instead. Obviously a polished turd is superior to garbage truck loads of diarrhea, so people assume they're still a good company with good games. They really aren't though.

>Built with only 6v6 in mind
Who cares?
>Retarded character designs
Who cares?
>Reaper exists
Who cares?
>And it tries to rip off tf2
Who cares?
>PvE is not in the game
Who cares?
>Players can't make loadouts
Who cares?

All of these things are fucking irrelevant or outright retarded reasons to think a game is shit. There are plenty of reasons to call Overwatch shit but only a complete fucking autist would call a game shit because it's focused on PvP or is designed around a 6v6 format. Stop calling things shit because they don't appeal to you specifically, you undoubtedly fat fuck. Nearly every fucking thread on this goddamn board has some inbred child whining that something is shit, not for any objective reason that quality is hampered, but because it doesn't appeal to them in particular. If you don't like PvP games then don't fucking play them. If you don't like reading and interacting with characters then don't play a fucking RPG. I don't go into fighting game threads and complain that the games are shit because I don't like memorizing combos. I'm fucking sick of hearing about how things are shit because of people's subjective tastes.

>how is this shit game alive
It's a decent game that Blizzard hasn't fucked up yet. I mean when you look at what's happened to Paladins it should come as no surprise how Overwatch is still retaining a player base.

There hasn't been a negative change as of yet to drive people away.

this thread

Then why were shooters literally 4x faster in the age of dialup?

I have a better reason OP

The game is so simple with such a low skill ceiling that it gets boring within a few hours of play

scrub zero-skill hero that is literally hold down M1 and circle strafe with a Babby Crutch Escape Mode button

>Playing pubs is shit
>All criticism is dismissed as "you're bad"
>Community is filled with the most candyass sissies who spew "omg so toxiccc"
Glad I dropped this shit.

What happened to paladins?

Overwatch would actually have been fun without healers that heals you up in under 1sec, y/n?

You're bad.

>tf2 was a quake mod

team fortress was a quake mod

team fortress 2 isn't


>their army of fanboys is Nintendo tier

Nintendo wishes they had the south america and chinese market.
Blizzard has leagues of fanboys like no other.
Sup Forums is definitive proof that blizzard does no wrong, nintendo still gets shit on here.

>Remove ammo
Who thought this was such a good idea

>Sup Forums is definitive proof that blizzard does no wrong, nintendo still gets shit on here.
What the fuck are you talking about? Blizzard gets shit on 24/7 as does Nintendo. Both have drones who will shill the stupidest shit, like the BotW season pass.

I was waiting for people to notice.


Most of the OW hate on Sup Forums comes from a few hundred Valvedrones who poured vast amounts of money into their hat simulator.

You can tell because they compare the game to TF2 every fucking time and claim it's the competitive pinnacle of FPS, even though they're objectively wrong (see Quake, Unreal Tournament, Titanfall, even shit like CS:GO)

brap posting is so in

The Janitors now delete BRAP posts on sight. You have to get creative now.