Quality thread
I am stunned, this shows there is still hope for this board. You are the saviour of Sup Forums, OP.
Quality thread
I am stunned, this shows there is still hope for this board. You are the saviour of Sup Forums, OP.
What do you have against legs?
By fire be smitten!
Is this AQ3D?
holy fuck I hate warcraft's art style so much
He's the elemental firelord, he can afford to have xboxhueg pauldrons and bizarre proportions.
Ah the fire humanoid. Will go well with night humanoids and small humans.
post the wheelchair
wheres the wheelchair
>Patch 4.2 was 6 years ago
Oh, are we posting best boss fights of an expansion?
Can someone give me a quick rundown on how he went to a gigantic fucking elemental with no legs to this
>mfw people keep picking lava wave in Heroes of the storm
It's like these fuckers don't know how to play Ragnaros
he always had legs, you just couldn't see them :^)
it baffles me how cheap blizzard can be, especially with WoW
>new expansions only have a few recolored armor sets
>ragnaros is just a reskined orc
it's almost comical sometimes
i can understand re-using skeletons for regular mobs since they need more animations, but boss models they have no excuse for half-assing so much, cause it's not like he needs a fucking swimming animation
He was a re-skinned Orc?
Lava Wave is really good if you don't have any lane presence due to shit picks.
Did they ever nerf it?
Because release lava waved ticked way too fast and could instantly wipe people, and was amazing for split pushing and gaining xp advantages.
night elf
almost every new "model" is a reused model with a different paint
the fish people in pandaria are reskinned night elf
broken draenei are Tauren reskinned
if you look closely you will see that Blizzard hardly makes anything with unique animations
Yeah they nerfed the cooldown. 120 secs instead of 100
I hate that Blizzard killed him off. His replacement is lame as shit. At least to replace Al'akir we got prince Thunderaan.
Fuck you, that's not Ragnaros, Ragnaros has a flaming tornado below his waist, not legs
That's the case with all MMO's though. It's easier and makes more sense to re-use assets than just make something entirely new that would take more time and money. They've made a few new skeletons though, the Mantid were new for example.
best fight in WoW history.
Mom is gonna freak!