Just grabbed this on Steam for 5 bucks. What am I in for?
Just grabbed this on Steam for 5 bucks. What am I in for?
Other urls found in this thread:
One of the most notable tales games, but the worst version
spotty voice acting so you'll probably get bored of the "skits" real fast
gameplay that sort of holds up so it'll keep you entertained
a story that takes WAY TOO LONG to get good, but when it does, it's great
Hot and Cold Coffee
Even after:
>Tales of Symphonia HD update and various fixes - Sept. 27th, 2016 27
>Hello Tales of Symphonia fans! A new update is live and features a handful of key fixes. Please see the full list below and thank you again for your support of Tales of Symphonia!
- Increased resolution options up to 4K
- MSAA support
- Improved character and object outlines
- Frame rate smoothing
- Post sharpening and gamma improvements
- Improved mipmap implementation
>Cheers, Bandai Namco Community Team
no with the fix its the best version, bar none.
he's memeing
pc version has extra content runs at 30FPS
gamecube version has no extra content but runs at 60fps
just pick whatever you prefer
Does the Steam version have dual audio?
Not OP. I currently just met the playboy dude in Meltokio. How far am I in the game?
I got bored seven hours in.
One of the best freaking games of all time, you'll want to replay it over and over man,
Questioning the temperature of coffee.
About half
Please respond. Also I noticed that many tales fan actually hate TOS lol.
Please tell me the upcoming world maps won't be as empty as Sylvarants.
>extra content
Anything worthwile ?
Completed the GC version like 10 years ago
60fps, the secret bosses
The most basic and standard Tales game
It's a good jrpg but only a decent Tales game
Plus if you got it for just 5$, I'd say you made a good purchase
I only played Tales of Phantasia and loved the dark and really cruesome themes it represented. I know modern Tales games ditched that and went more traditional.
But why does only nostalgia-fags who played it on GC talk about Symphonia?
I'd like an opinion from someone who just played it.
it's actually kinda worse, but you get something that'll make you think otherwise in a little while
Fugg man. Even pokeman had more content in maps.
I've been playing the PS3 version and just beat the second Kratos fight, am I almost done? It's starting to drag a bit.
Also why is this shit allowed?
yeah, the world map kinda blows. It's the first tales game in 3D, but I don't think that's a valid excuse. just gotta push a little more until you get something nice
How almost we talking, like a solid all nighters and I'm done almost?
if it's after the duel the only thing left is derris kharlan
when you mean second kratos fight, you mean the solo fight, right?
if so, like 3 more hours and you're done
>Anything worthwile ?
extra bosses, new artes, everybody has Mystic Artes now and not just Lloyd/Genis/Collette
No no, it's the one after you gather up the stuff you need to cure Collette's condition, you have go to The Tower of Mana and get caught by Kratos
*Tower of Salvation, whoops
Then you've got quite a while to go, don't worry about the dragging too much though.
Symphonia is really hills and valleys with its story, so the dragging won't last too much longer.
don't remember but Collette's cruxis crystal is purified a good while before the end I think
It's the same reason many FF fans hate FF7 and many Zelda fans hate OoT. Because they're fantastic games and they want to feel special.
oh shit, you're not even close
you're not even close to close
Well thanks anyways boyos
The main thing that puts me off of this game is it looks like they're literally starting in japanese middle school. The chibi sizes REALLY don't help dispel the impression that it's really kiddy-looking, nor the reviewers who mention the story is infantile even by jRPG standards.
Lloyd's got the brains of a middle school kid, if that's anything.
A good game in comparison to the rest of the series, but it has aged rather poorly. Playing any of the newer titles feels much better.
That being said, it is great as an introduction to Tales. Too bad Steam only has the shitty games available.
Isn't there a 60fps patch?
Did they ever fix this?
If I remember correctly from a million years ago, isn't that halfway through the game?
It was like that in the original game.
>like that
2 of the best characters are adults
Yes, literally everything wrong with the PC version at launch has been fixed by now through official and unofficial patches.
You get extra content and the same performance as the emulated version, so there's really no excuse to miss out on a good starting Tales Of game for $5 if you've never played one before.
>2 of the best characters are adults
I know. Raine and Regal are great.
symphonia doesn't have a 60fps mod/patch
Get your shit together. Who's in the right. I'm about 1 click away to get it.
>You get extra content
Did they add the PS2 extras and NOT censor the bunny girls this time?
>spotty voice acting so you'll probably get bored of the "skits" real fast
Skits aren't voiced tho.
How about pic related? I have TOS Chronicles on my PS3 and have beat TOS and only played a few huors into this one 'cause it seemed kinda dumb. Should I go back and give it a shot?
Sheena is best girl. BEST GIRL.
What, there's a 60FPS fix finally?
Do not post in this thread ever again
in case you don't know, that's the modder who fixed Zestiria, Symphonia and other games
your in for coffee memes, pretty mediocore but not horrible combat as far as tales standards go and pretty good characters. I like the games its comfy and the characers are like sailor moon tier anime. you should like it unless your a cynical ass
So I guess 60 FPS isn't in the PC version, but you get extra content not found in the emulated version.
Well, it's based off the PS3 version (which is based off the PS2 version) so maybe?
damn straight. tales games are basically" Saturday morning anime cartoon the game"
>So I guess 60 FPS isn't in the PC version, but you get extra content not found in the emulated version.
yes, that's exactly what it is
This game has arguably shit characters and story and rehashes dungeons like a mofucka but all that aside I like the pokemon aspect of catching and using monsters. also this game has great fast paced combat with legit air combos. horrible sequal. only the brave will truly enjoy
You forgot
Most overrated Tales game.
>mfw they removed Raine's rabbit ears in her bunny outfit
>Raine can fail to make sandwich, even if bread if the only ingredient she needs
mm that shirtpucci
If you have jap voices it is.