Game is has Nvidia technology

>game is has Nvidia technology
>game runs like ass, is horribly optimized and is glitchy as fuck

>game does not have Nvidia technology
>game is well optimized, runs on even low end hardware, looks amazing.

Why is this allowed?

Why do people keep supporting Nvidia's bullshit like Gameworks or PhysX?

Other urls found in this thread:

Name one game (1)


It's the choice of the publishers and the developers on what technology they use, so why are you blaming the hardware company? That's a rather shortsighted perspective on things. It's not like Nvidia or AMD are holding people at gunpoint to have them help the development process.

because nvidia isn't for poorfaggots

t. AMD street shitter


0.02$ has been deposited into your bank account

How about you actually try to answer my question instead of posting the same canned response like always? Or can't you come up with one?

t. AMD poorfag


Can we honestly talk about how Trump will single handedly save gaming?

Face it Nvidia cucks, they literally downgrade their cards over time

Nvidia's drivers are a mess of performance hacks and weird things that are fast but horribly abuse or deliberately violate the spec. So when developers produce software with the Nvidia driver they'll miss things that will be buggy, or produce code that will be very slow on other hardware because they depended on some non-standard functionality.

AMD's driver (especially the open source ones) on the other hand are very strict in their support for APIs. So when developers produce software for it they wind up with something that is going to more easily run on everything well.

This is part of why the next-gen Vulkan graphics API is very low level, very strict, and moved the error checking into an external layer that wouldn't be used except during debug so that if developers fucked up and abused the spec their shit just wouldn't work.

Why do you even respond to my posts when you're unable to answer a simple question? You brand-loyalty kids are fucking retarded.

Not a argument

>Fallout 4

So the only game AMD runs better on than Nvidia is one of the most buggiest, glitch filled game engines ever made.

You can't make this stuff up

Make Video Cards Great Again

These companies, they're not sending us their best video cards. Let me tell you folks, not any more. The forgotten gamer will no longer be forgotten. We're going to take back our games, big league! There is too much political correctness, yes political correctness in games these days. The gamers, they come up to me and say "Donald, there is too much political correctness in games these days" and I say "I know! They're unplayable". No longer will the false song of politics plague our games. No more will we have to deal with gamergate, and social justice being thrown into our games.

We have to build a cyber wall to keep the hackers out. I'm sure some of these hackers are good people, but we need to ban them so your decent gamer can enjoy the game they paid for with their hard earned money. We have the best game devs, let me tell you. Why do we tie their hands behind their back? We could be making games that would blow your mind, but we are held back by political agendas.

Our jobs are being imported overseas. You have Indian and Chinese coders, when those jobs could be filled by Americans. We used to make our own games. We invented games, and look at us now we buy them from other countries.

We are going to make video cards great again. We are going to make video games great again.
We are going to make gaming greater than it has ever been before, and that is my promise to you the gamers.

Oh god this is making me so fucking hard. Imagine a gaming industry without gooks and chinks. Just Americans and Russians. It will be a gold(en face) age. Especially with how god tier the western gaming industry is as of late

Eastern European (Polish/Russian) games are pretty great. No more We Wuz Kings Swedish Dice games. No more cancerous Canadian bioware games. There are a few good Nip games (Final Fantasy) but a lot of them are bad. You look at a world map and see what games are most popular in what countries, and the US/Russia have the best tastes in my opinion. Germany plays Trucking simulator, Brazil plays Lego Batman or whatever.

I don't care. My Nvidia stocks have gone up 160% in the last year though.

bye Sup Forums

Most AMD games have been running poorly as well. Interesting that Gears of War 4 and DOOM were probably the most well-optimized games of the year and they were both sponsored by Nvidia.

>Russians good at anything
>Westen gaming industry God tier
I hope this is bait.