Just Pre-ordered the deluxe version and got a PS4 Pro who else is hyped for the GOTY 2017
Mass Effect Andromeda
Latest video convinced me to preorder
Are you saying it doesn't look good?
Yep can't wait for Andromeda the gameplay
Something convinced you to spend your money before you get the thing you pay for.
What happens to the money if you don't spend it? Does it fucking disappear? What's the purpose of pre-ordering it?
If something comes to your attention to convince you that you want to buy sometimes, isn't it also possible that something will come along to convince you to not buy it before it releases?
I don't understand the rationale behind paying for something beforehand. I don't buy movie tickets months in advance. I don't buy vegetables months in advance.
>latest video convinced me to preorder
Christ, you're actually retarded.
The gameplay looks amazing definitely a step up form the Gears Clones the Trilogy tried to be
just pirate the fucking thing.
Nigga, did you just compare video games to vegetables?
Explain why that merits gambling your money at this very moment.
They can't run out of copies of digital media. You can buy it on the first hour of the first day it releases and you'll be able to play it at the exact same time as you would if you pre-ordered it.
Why do you give them money before you get your game? Why are you supporting this business practice?
I'll make all the food analogies I want and you can't even stop me if you tried. It's like when you're at the supermarket and you come across some lady squishing her fat little fingers into the tomatoes to check their firmness. You KNOW that her manhandling the tomatoes is going to make them shittier for every other person that wants to buy them, but you can't do a damn thing about it because you're a little baby back bitch.
daily reminder
Chill nigger I preordered it, too. You're busy fellating Sup Forums memes and embracing group thought because lol tortanic xd.
If you send me a million dollars I'll eventually give you a product that will give you super powers and make you happy for the rest of your life.
Good deal, right?
>Combat improves with every release
>everything else gets worse
Okay so you've just got non-sequiturs and memes because other people like what you don't like. Cool beans dude. Please use another anime girl to drive your point home.
It has nothing to do with the game, you dunce. It's about the business practice not benefiting consumers at all. It only hurts consumers and benefits the publishers.
I'm asking people to explain to me why they condone it. You're welcome to explain why you think it's a good idea to part with your money for no benefit.
not fucking real, there are plenty of actual reasons to hate them.
> got a PS4 Pro
nice, have fun with the plethora of amazing japanese ga-
>Mass Effect Andromeda
> deluxe version
I hope that you're being paid to say that and you didn't actually give EA money.
>bioware anything
Get a load of this faggot.
Reminder to stick penis in vagina.
Fuck this triggered me
That's because you're a fucking white male.
fucking shills there are already 2 threads up
>not pre-ordering 10 copies to support talented developers
wtf is wrong with u OP
Bit of a scheduling mix up.
he's pretty handsome, not Shapaloo tier, but midway
nice bait thread. no one is dumb enough to pre-order a game this questionable.
You overestimate the intellectual prowess of your retarded fucking peers.
I just can't get over how bad the facial animations are. Does no one at EA care?
Remember, no preorders. Ever.
is that real?
Second cover needs to zoom in on the helmet, cut out the gun, and focus on the helmet reflecting the universe/galaxy. The starfield behind it should be more detailed to fill the space. Then EA needs to disband Bioware and give Mass Effect to Dice.
You've done a horrible thing OP
But you may be a Saudi oil sultan.
They are now selling games without the game.
And people happily eat it up.