Sombra ARG goes on for an obnoxiously long time

>Sombra ARG goes on for an obnoxiously long time
>Hero turns out to be absolute shit

What are the other biggest "wastes of time" in videogame history?

Anything and everything related to Half-Life 3.

Duke Nukem Forever

>all that wasted hype

Still upset.

Came in here to post this.

Is she lesbian too? Trans? Muslim? Please tell me her labels.

She's gay for cowboy dick

So far Blizzard's been pretty good at avoiding the SJW shit in Overwatch.

They have one canon gay, the delusional future where Africa has futuristic metropoles, and that's all I can think of so far. The new character looks to be a diversity quota.

Oh, and Sombra has the dumb Skrillex hair but at least it looks good on her with the little electrical things.
That's about it.

Surprisingly she is the least stereotypical character in the game so far.

she's an anarcho technishist from a poor underpriviliged country that was invaded by the sins of white males (omnics) and now seeks justice by violently inserting her robo dick into some white boys boiipussies.

>wake up from nap at desk
>realize it's been a couple months since anything was added to your game
>everybody's expecting new content
>rush over to the character design dept, take the latest designs from a skeleton's fist
>start up dumb puzzle in real life to give the community something to do while you try to make a new guy
>look at the design you took, it's the ugliest woman you've ever seen
>extend the puzzle another few weeks trying to polish her
>puzzle's been going on way to long now
>have to release her early
>she sucks ass
>I'll fix it later
>return to nap

I'll never understand how blizzard can justify useless and unbalanced characters in a game that is supposed to be about balance and not being useless.

Is it really so fucking hard to balance some fucking stats and numbers?

Infamous SS ARG.

And basically every fucking "ARG" ever now that i think about it.

She's fighting against the Patriots.
Nothing like that though, not even the two Egyptians are muslims.
Only religion mentioned in the game is one the robots have that praises the not-Patriots.

>Is it really so fucking hard to balance some fucking stats and numbers?

How would you fix her.

Despite her appearance, no.

I think the tumblr hair cut is explained as her having a neurolink as well.

She's probably a robot lover but.

Because the only reason they had assets to make overwatch in the first place is because it all came form 'project titan' that they had people sitting on for a decade.

Not to defence blizzard, but no. Each character supposed to bring something new to the table in terms of play style and team dynamic. Not just existence on various scales of DPS.

>He hasn't figured out Sombra's spray pattern



>delusional future where Africa has futuristic metropoles
Bro its the fucking future, why should this upset anyone?
I bet you think Oasis being in Iran makes you scratch your head too

those fucking cunts at Blizzard

>Have fake DDoSing for a month and other general cockteasing
>Start a countdown on the forums
>Everyone wondering what could be happening, what does it mean, will she be revealed?
>Everyone excited as fuck
>Some time later
>Hits 0
>ANOTHER countdown begins
>Goes up like 2% per day
>Everyone forgets about it
>Almost two months later
>Countdown FINALLY ends
>Everyone angry
>They did the fucking math wrong and it ended a week earlier than it should have
Oh blizzard

>So far Blizzard's been pretty good at avoiding the SJW shit in Overwatch.
Imagine being this delusional.

>Blizzard is SJW

Compare to most devs these days, yes.

They're not bioware teir that's for sure.

>absolute shit


Yeah, it's Cyberpunk girl #8573109847109427849810

Iran, no.
Africa, yes.

Never noticed they straight up stole her lol

Maybe whatever ai she made went rogue

>delusional future where Africa has futuristic metropoles

The biggest cities in Africa are pretty modernized m8. This is the capital of Zimbabwe.

It's just everywhere *else* outside the big cities is a shithole because these countries are run by autocratic warlords who want to make sure all the country's wealth is in walking distance.

You still wouldn't want to live in Zimbabwe--this is pretty much just for show--but the point is the *appearance* of the city isn't unrealistic.

Somebody give me the quick rundown on this.

I don't think they know how their own game plays if going by their patch videos is any indication


It's not in Iran, user. It's in fucking Iraq.

Why is her color scheme down to skin and hair color exactly like Anti-mage?

It's a teaser for a supposed sequel to The World Ends With You found in the mobile version of the game. There was a whole countdown and everything.

Forgot to mention the teaser was released in 2012