Nier Automata

>Nier Automata
>Horizon Zero Dawn
>Zelda: Breath of the Wild
>Final Fantasy XV
>Gravity Rush

Who else fell for the PC meme? I could've bought a Switch, a WiiU and a PS4 and still have had money left over with the amount of money I spent on this gaming PC.

If you wanted cinematic experiences, you could just watch them on youtube.

why are you a retard that spent that much money on a pc then? i built mine for about 600 burger bucks.

Don't shitpost with Sachi.

Switch and a PS4 literally costs like $550.

but i can actually play games.

why build a PC if you don't care about the games it has or the benefits it gives?


>plus subscriptions

>Have PC, PS4 and WiiU

I really just want to play Zelda, so I'm going to put off getting a switch for a little bit

>PC Gaming in 2017

That VN was very good

>new zealand

i wouldn't play PC games either if i lived in a third world shithole with capped internet.

Nah the VN isn't that great but Sachi is the major redeeming factor.

>console gaming in 2017


The main character was hilarious and I enjoyed how it turned into Bear Grylls action survival at one point

>>Nier Automata
coming to PC
>>Zelda: Breath of the Wild
coming to PC
>>Final Fantasy XV
coming to PC

i liked it also.

Sorry, what?

Those are at least games

>>>Zelda: Breath of the Wild
>coming to PC
I'm interested in over half those games

But the things in your image are also games

>I'm interested in over half those games
I'm sorry for your taste

I mean real games, not broken, early access meme-tastic games

No, those are definitely real games

>Horizon Zero Dawn
Ruined it here.
Should have dropped that piece of shit if you wanted a decent bait thread.

i fell for the im not a retard meme where i had a pc and just purchased a ps4

>260 ping on the closest EU servers
>320 on the USA servers

FFADF was pretty good.


There are "people" that still play multiplayer games?

Holy fuck your internet is trash.
Glad more games have region locking, I'd hate to be put in a game with niggers like you.

Is this a Sachin thread now? This is a Sachin thread now.

Just emulate, faggot.


