ITT: actually good redesigns

ITT: actually good redesigns

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That looks fucking abysmal.

They need to make old school 2d sonic games fuck the 3d games. OR just target 2 year olds with edutainment games and kill sonic.

grow up KIDDO


Stop reposting this stupid shit over and over, jesus christ.

American schools are brainwashing teens into thinking ugliness is attractive. My only explanation for this garbage.

You first.


this looks so bad lmfao

stop meming it

Don't think that tumblr artists are something to take seriously.

the idea is shit but it's presented really fucking well

>things that appealed to me as a kid now need to be adjusted to appeal to me as a manchild, instead of appealing to actual children

Jesus fucking Christ how many times at this point user...

>sonic fans are older so we removed his face

I'm not gonna watch the video but this is from the guy who made the video where he showed why people prefer the older Crash games over the new ones, and he wasn't wrong

>their chins look like they have some sort of birth defect
>the highly detailed, shaded fat rolls
that's peak western art alright, most likely drawn by the kind of people who politicize fiction

Is this dare I say the beginning of a new meme?


he was right about Crash but still a faggot for the pretentious way he pretends he's talking to the companies like they'd better listen to him

did you not watch the start of the video

High School was full of ostrich girls, they had curves in all the right places, but then the face was a little weird.

>"realistic" proportions
>"anime" attitudes
Go all out or not at all, don't be in the middle

If you're going for "real" then at least show them real, looking bitchy, indifferent, awkward, a bit stiff, actually shy (not "anime shy")

I don't even know why I bothered to type this out, I just got triggered for no reason

Who are the guys? Can I get a quick explanation?

>Turning a momentum based, speed platformer into a resource managing, puzzler.

God forbid you still lose all your rings when you get hit, completely fucking over the ability to solve puzzles.

That is terrible.

>what should we do?

Sonic has an amazing design. This would kill sonic for good.

Why does Tumblr like Love Live so much?

Surface-level idol stuff. I see k-pop fuckboy boybands on twitter all the time, it's the same thing.

I'm amazed he managed to make Sonic's design stray even further away from the look of an actual Hedgehog.