Why is Bethesda so shit at creating settings with verisimilitude?

Why is Bethesda so shit at creating settings with verisimilitude?

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because realism is less fun than a wacky wavy wasteland

Your epigram of opprobium over Bethesda's squalid architectonics is otiose since you fail to see the ironicities of Fallout's absurdity.

moot question. video games are for children so believability isn't necessary.


This is horifically accurate.

>Bethesda's cities
>copy+paste 8 identical buildings and call it a city
>meanwhile in gothic 2 from 2002


There must be a more obscure word for absurdity then absurdity. ludicrousness maybe.

I used the word "absurdity" in reference to the literary device, not in reference to its typical usage.

>muh realism
>for fucking fallout of all things
Classic underage opinion.

Good question, but I have to ask:
What do they eat?

You know what was a great city? Novigrad.

It wasn't as large as a real city would've been, but it FELT it. It had a real sense of scale. Distinct boroughs that weren't just a single street 200 meters long. A port that could dock more than 1 medium sized ship. It was great.

And the layout had open streets in a relatively logical layout so you didn't have to take weird circuitous pathways to give the illusion of size.

thats the only city in the game though.

you think fallout is supposed to be realistic?

better than several garbage """cities"""

an interesting but unrealistic world would be nice but Bethesda can't make an interesting world either, it's either a bunch of copypasted shit or a jumbled mess of geography that the eye can't make heads nor tails of (usually made worse by their terrible use of color).

Bethesda are you even trying?

Remember how Diamond City wasted all that green space in the field with disgusting pleb housing instead of just shifting that to the lower stands? The crop area was like 10 metres by 20 metres, real fucking sustainable agriculture my dude

well it is a better put-together space but it's not really a valid comparison is what I'm saying.

of course the guys who did gothic could probably have made a 10x better skyrim with the time and resources bethesda had.

agreed. just made a post about how impressed I was with The Witcher as a total game, and the city design is such a huge part of that. It felt like a real attempt at the presence of a city, not some by the numbers checking off of a City markbox plopped down to give out quests like halloween candy.

it's more than just set idle animations, it's the entire area feeling alive and connected.

why make such a pointless post?


mum I wrote it again!



I can almost see it

And yet megaton was more visually interesting than every single town in New Vegas.


This is a city in Ragnarok Online

I'm willing to accept this but at the same time saying only point and click era games are good is retarded. They're dated. We need to move forward. But HOW do we move forward without sacrificing quality while at the same time experimenting and trying something new?


is this loss?

Because Bethesda is a hack developer that doesn't deserve a fraction of the praise they receieve, but also because real environments aren't as fun or interesting as levels designed specifically around progression first. Dark Souls and Bloodborne are the best examples of this, since nothing about their worlds are realistic, but are appealing because the levels themselves generally introduce new layouts and arenas with every encounter.

>experimenting and trying something new
Well, maybe they could have done that instead of mashing a bunch of shit from 1, 2 and Tactics into a game where none of it makes sense

I swear someone at Bethesda saw that, since it's so focal in 4.

I wonder why they didn't just have plantations away from the city, in the middle of bumfuck, like Morrowind does.