What is the worst game you have ever bought?

What is the worst game you have ever bought?

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Your favorite on your favorite console.

Battlefield 1.
>> friends buy game
>> play for one day
>> can't figure out wtf is supposed to be happening
>> go back to Overwatch

I want my $40 back.

Killing Floor or PAYDAY 2.

The latter was a gift, but I was a retard for accepting it.

Never be polite for the sake of being polite.

No man's sky. i regret every choice in my life that led to that moment.

Newfag to the hobby or complete retard?

Everyone knew that game was gonna be a pile of fucking garbage.

That PS2 Inuyasha game or nintendogs.

I also bought Legacy of Goku yet I'm not including it with those two if that tells you anything.

Dark souls is on Snes now?

Diablo III




I never bought a game.

Were you here for the shitstorm?

Far Cry 2

More like Far Drive only to have you chased by 5 people the entire time then have your weapon jam then have malaria


Payday 2 is fun with friends, though. Unless you're a shitter playing on the easy difficulties where one person can finish the entire heist with no problem.

You expect me to believe you've never owned a console

Battlefield 4, three hours for 50 bucks

Lords of the Fallen.

Tbh that sounds pretty refreshing compared to the latest games.

Maybe I was too hard on it.

The Legend of Alon D'ar

His mum buys all the games, so he never bought a game

I have a ps3, cfw'd from the store.
had a Ps2 that read dvd-rs and a similar ps1 with cd-rs


call of duty for the wii

never listen to casual friends

Never paid for digital media.



>Killing Floor

Genuinely couldn't tell you, I'd bought quite a lot of terrible shovelware as a child and even in recent years I've bought games that I could tell were shit ahead of time because I desperately wanted to believe in the premise or that the series hadn't gone to shit.

Pokemon GO

When I was eight years old I got a used copy of Harry Potter Quidditch World Cup

Pokemon Dash. It was extremely tedious and would have destroyed my touch screen had I played it more than an hour.

>free game

How does it feel to be retarded? Please enlighten us. I'm fascinated to know what it must be like to have the brains one simple function(to work) to completely fail. Tell us how you go about simple tasks and how your day goes?

I'm honestly excited to hear your response.

probably paid for microtransactions

Brink, no contest.

Malice for the PS2 or Time and Eternity for PS3

Sonic 06

assassin's creed 3 or borderlands 2, that was a very dark time

I paid with my devotion for it

Superman 64

honestly i don't know
the worst games i've played were either chronicles of the sword for the ps1 or sonic the hedgehog 2006
however, i did not buy either of those games
i guess the worst game i've bought would be bad rats?

company of heroes 2

I will never not be pissed about that load of hulking shit

Maybe not the worst, but Dawn of Mana and Children of Mana were both SO disappointing and bad that I just started pirating nearly everything and MAYBE bought it after I liked it, which is pretty much what I still do today.

Also bought Dragon Quest 8 forever ago for PS2 for like $50 and I didn't even get past the first town.

Dragon Age: Inquisition

Sup Forums led me to believe that the only thing wrong with it was SJW pandering, which I don't really mind. Thought it would be a regular bioware rpg underneath.

Turns out it was a shitty, boring single player mmo with awkward writing and a nonsensical story even without considering any of the SJW pandering. Thanks Sup Forums.

I payed for resident evil racoon city full price

A friend of mine bought Brink full price


I started pirating most of my games after that

Look on the bright side, at least you weren't jumped after being lured to a dark alley by a baited pokestop like some people in my city..

>Warcraft 3 on the N64

What did he mean by this?

In terms of big budget releases:
Duke Nukem Forever or Mortal Kombat X
being I had higher hopes for MKX and paid more, I'd probably mark it down as most disappointing.

Outlaw for the Atari 2600
>own three (3) copies
>None of them do anything but show a bright blue screen
>have the manual, it does not help.

That's probably why it was bad.

Don't Starve

Only bought it cause of one friend plus love the art style, but it grew so fucking boring so fast

Its battlefield, it's not complex or anything
Oh sorry, how was daycare today Timmy?

borderlands 2

So you're telling me that you took real, actual money, that you(r parents) earned, and you went out, and you exchanged it for Duke Nukem Forever? The game that everyone was meming about how shit it would be after a 35 year development cycle and 18 different developers and that was shoved out the door with wildly disjointed sections in practically different engines and that was panned from day -10 by critics and players alike?

That takes some doing.

Probably pic related. I'm still mad.


man people were doing such a good job not falling for it too. Protip: if it hilariously matches a stereotype held by Sup Forums (lel overwatch players are so dumb they can't even wrap their minds around games for babbies), it's probably not a real post.

I was unaware of all of it somehow.
I just kinda bought it day of without thinking.

>tfw rented Duke Nukem Forever
Was ok considering it was just 5 bucks. Didn't really have expectations other than hearing some DUKE lines.

life is feudal: your own
i used my refund time trying to get the server to work. a few months into development the devs revealed that it was essentially a beta for a p2p mmo call life is feudal, for which owning the game gave you... one character slot

Fuck you.

Assassin's Creed.

Pre-release material looked good, but it was the single most boring game I've ever played.
This was before I wouldn't buy a Ubisoft game on principle.

Red pill me right the fuck now.

Don't you dare skimp on the details.

but this game is amazing you retard

Regretting buying Eyes of Heaven so fucking much, and I buy it at like half price.

You've lived a hard life.

Asterix & Obelix at the Olympics or whatever the fuck the name Is.

I never felt so scammed as a kid when I bought that thing. Boring combat system, empty levels, enemies are all the same, puzzles were effortless pieces of shit, and It was confusing as hell, not to mention, crap story.

>He plays card games.


Grow up, fatass.

>Legacy of Goku

Mario Party 10.
I unironically liked 9, so I thought maybe 10 wouldn't disappoint me, but damn was I wrong.


capcom pls >_

Dead multiplayer-only games are always the saddest. It doesn't matter if it gets better if the queues are dead and the hype train is already a distant memory.

bioshock infinite

left a really bad taste desu

bad game was bad


Mercenaries 2

I should've known better when pandemic got bought out but I had my hopes up
>ragdoll physics
>generic guerilla warfare story
>plague with "heh you got shot in the ass" jokes

Seriously just a fucking lazy game


Aqua Teen Hungerforce zombie ninja pro am on PS2

It's so god awful

What exactly disappointed you about MK? 20 bucks it was either the story or the roster.

I wasted a Christmas gift slot on Mortal Kombat Mythologies

I know!! I got stuck on this puzzle and COULD NOT PROGRESS, fucking bullshit. I bought this game to PLAY it, not to solve some goddamn top secret government math equations.

Two World Special Edition when it was originally released.

this still gets me every fucking time

>Actually thinking It's a card game

Eyes of Heaven Is a JoJo game, Idiot. Which Is as bad as Pokemon Go TCG.

I really can't say that I regret ANY of my game purchases in my whole lifetime.
Even if there was a shitty game, I'd still get some form of enjoyment out of it for some time, and I really can't name any bad game I've played that I've paid for.
Most of my disappointments have been F2P games.

Subjectively Final Fantasy XIII.
It's not objectively terrible (I mean, it's not great, but it's at least mediocre), but as a Final Fantasy fan it was very painful to play. I died a little inside, honestly.

Probably something by Acclaim, don't remember what is was. I also bought some piece of shit n64 game, I think it was called Lamborgini. Complete shit, it's entire gimick was leaving tire marks.


The fuck out of here with that positive thinking, where the hell do you think you are?

Borderlands 2. Beat the first without any co-op and enjoyed it enough.
Dropped 2 after you help the guy with the monocle.
Tried it again with a friend for some co-op and got to the same point. Never played it again.

I also bought Fragile Ball on Steam which is pretty fucking pointless.

Payday 2 for tl;dr reason
>some chick I was buddies with tells me to get payday2
>buy it within a day since it sounds like fun and I hadn't played killing floor in years and figured it'd be about as fun probably
>played with her and two other dudes she knew apparently (I didn't know them but apparently they've played a lot) almost immediately
>got ditched the very next day from all their games, literally not a single invite from that day on from anyone
>she asks why I hadn't been playing it, a few weeks later
I still don't understand why someone would expect someone else to be able to stand playing a multiplayer game all alone but I guess some people are dumb as bricks or just plain old pricks.