Definitive version of a beloved classic (the ps1 game)

>definitive version of a beloved classic (the ps1 game)
>mediocre reviews
>shit sales

I'm playing Resident Evil 1 for the first time through this and it's killing me there's no RE2 equivalent. So far I've for gotten the infinite launcher for Jill (classic) and have just started Chris' campaign.

Was it the gamecube remake that sort of neutered the interest in the original? This game doesn't even feel archaic, at least on this platform. From what I've read about this DS version, it should have been received much better.

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This was the way I beat the first game. It has some interesting new things added too like using the knife with the stylus.

It's a shame the multiplayer was so shit.

>not playing the gamecom version of RE2

it's from 2005~2007 right?
lot of good capcom games from that time have shit scores, like lost planet, etc
lot of shit western games got good scores
my theory is that capcom didn't pay the standard bribes to journalists around that time

tons of shit luck and deduced actions by the devs.

The Nintendo-only deal, which resulted REmake, Zero and RE4 (at first), did alienate the old fans, who obviously were on Sony's side. Nintendo's systems were also known as the "kiddy consoles", so the tad more mature content was rare and not really the main attraction on them.
Because of this, the sales of said games were way less than anticipated, which at Capcom ultimately was translated into signaling the "end of survival horror boom", and resulted the shooter-fication of RE4 and up.

What comes to RE:DS, it kinda shared similar fate. Not everyone was interested in mobile consoles, not even the first "true" 3D ones like the NDS, and casuals had already started to spend money on mobile phone games at that point. The soon exploded boom of the first smart phones only escalated the phone-game industry, and had it not been for Nin's old IPs like Pokemon, they'd been quickly overshadowed by it.
At the same time, RE1 itself was almost a decade old already, meaning it was going out of fashion. The already existing numerous versions and re-releases, not to mention the superb REmake, did not help it either.

Finally, I guess some could argue that horror on small screen just ain't too engaging.
I personally had been waiting for a release like this ever since the over-ambitious GBC port of RE1 was canceled. I would've loved to see similar ports of RE2-3 + Silent Hill.

I think it's actually the Sega Saturn version, but I dunno. I fucking love this port and I also wished there was an RE2 version. I would have fucking loved that.

The multiplayer sounds highly ignorance. Makes me wonder why they bothered.

I always like how large the zombies were in RE1, made them look more creepy.


typed ignorable

autocorrect ends now

I feel like it was a lot easier, but that could be nothing but confirmation bias on my part.

Was a fun game though, played it a ton. RE was always kind of an action game so speedrunning on the DS was a lot of fun.

Thanks for this post. Though it sounds like RE4 GC sold like shit too. Wonder how Capcom mentally danced through that one.

>I think it's actually the Sega Saturn version, but I dunno.

Nah. It doesn't have the Saturn-exclusive stuff on it.

fans aren't on sony's side
sony had a deal for exclusivity too, which took a shit on the dreamcast by moving code veronica to the sidelines
sony just makes bitch moves and harms the good hardware companies

>fans aren't on sony's side
but they pretty much were. Playstation had already established itself as THE platform for horror games at that point, and the imago continued with PS2 and the early release of SH2.

RE2, MGS and FF were the "big three" names people automatically connected to Playstation in late 90s.

It sounds like the DS version is based off of the original Japanese release. The US version seemed to up the difficulty (tankier enemies).

Wish Deadly Silence at least had an option for the american difficulty.

>Wonder how Capcom mentally danced through that one.

Their reaction was "Shit, port it to PS2!"
Shinji Mikami spoke up and said "Wait, I promised it'd be a GC exclusive."
Capcom responded "We don't care."
Mikami said "Then fuck you, I'm moving to Clover Studios."
Then Okami bombed and he just straight up quit.
Poor Shinji Mikami.

What was it about this game having the extra cutscenes?

clover made the best games of the late PS2/GC generation. Platinum the best games of PS3/WiiU. Sales mean nothing these people are masterminds

He might have been saying that he thinks the Saturn one's the definitive, not that the DS game is the Saturn one.

The Saturn version has an extra monster (a brown version of the Hunter called the 'Tick') and Extreme Battle mode, which is basically a prototype of Raid Mode from Revelations. And I think maybe new costumes.

Thats it.

This is the only other game that blew me away the super Mario 64 ds did. I replayed it on all difficulties and got so good I kept trying to speed run it.

Also the stylus stuff was fun.

I love the music for that mode

I was not aware of this, will this stuff be included in REmake 2?

I still gotta play rebirth mode. Back when the game came out I got stuck and dropped it on a sibling's game.

I doubt it.

Nobody even knows what how the bare basics will be for REmake 2, let alone how the extras will be. lmao

sounds like GoldenEye

Is there a re game where knifing has a practical purpose? 1 at least pumps you full of ammo, so using the knife only really amounts to a challenge instead of something practical.

Code Veronicas' knife is easier to use

I was thinking of the frigate the whole time

Code Veronica's knife is ridiculously overpowered, enough that you can use it for the whole first half of the game and have more than enough ammo in the second half.

Mikami did not direct Okami.

It was Kamiya.

Yeah, he made God Hand, I believe.

you do know that REmake 2 will be a literal remake of the RE2?

RE4 is literally designed to be played with Knife only. The DS port of 1 is close second, and you even use it to clear some spider webs and shit.

How so? I've only played RE1DS of these kinds of games.

I think he refers to the fact that you can fairly easily knock down zombies with downwards thrusts in CV. I personally never really used knife before 4 came out; such waste of inventory space.

But yeah, go play 2-4, ASAP.

Yeah, I think I may have misread things and thought that there was a saturn version of RE2 with added content that people were talking about rather than RE1, my mistake

I love that you mention the webs, since I was stuck on this shit for half an hour. You just need to attack it with anything several times to clear it out.

When I first got stopped here I ran to a box to grab my shitdick lighter.

I still have a lot to play through with Deadly Silence, though I will certainly be going through the rest in preferably release order once I'm satisfied.

At least you've embraced one of the less praised features of these old survival horror games: the great replay value. There's fucktons of that in RE2, with the two A/B campaigns, unlockables and stuff.

After you're done with old RE games, I do suggest giving its old, more sinister "evil cousin" series, the Silent Hill games (1-4) a go. You can grab 'em for your PC from this thread:

>less praised

Really? It feels like replays are how you get the most out of these games.

>Really? It feels like replays are how you get the most out of these games.
You'd be surprised how many new-fag "gamers" these days are willing to give any game maybe ONE playthrough before ditching them for good, maybe watching the other endings from Youtube.

It's not too surprising seeing how much single-use-only trash has been released for the past couple generations now. Even RE7 relies on DLC season passes and gimmicky shit to give an illusion of "replay value" now.
Meanwhile, I was already speedrunning RE2 at the age of 12, and I must have some 40+ finished replays of the Silent Hill.

The Mobile phone game market in 04 was not relevant

>Awful graphics
>Stylus gimmick minigames shoved in the gameplay
>have to play with the ds lite d-pad
Id rather play the directors cut on my psp
>You can play it in the 3ds
Still a bad port

Did you ever play classic mode? Also, are there any other versions of this game that let you skip door sequences?

I wouldn't say that about RE7 personally.

I've play through the game like, 4 times now, once normally, once at 100%, once on madhouse, and once speedrunning it, and I've unlocked new shit each time so.

Shit I think it has some decent replay value.

>Did you ever play classic mode?
>Also, are there any other versions of this game that let you skip door sequences?
I dont care about that i can wait what 5 seconds for every door?

>The Mobile phone game market in 04 was not relevant
oh, it was. I still remember getting my first color-screen Nokia in 2003 or so, and being blown away by the first Wolf3D-tier shooters and mobile ports like Splinter Cell.

At 2006-7, we were already living the first "smart phone" era, and soon after that we got the Angry Birds fever.

To me, the "replay" value does not spring from the simple amount of shit you can unlock, but how much you can experience some actual changes and new content by doing so. 7 is so funneling-tier linear, scripted and static, that no matter what kind of turbo weapons you acquire, the game still is underwhelming as hell.

OP here, I've replayed RE7 like 5 or 6 times. I'd even say that 7's madhouse mode is so much more strict/punishing than whatever the jp version of RE1 seems to offer.

RE1 Chris is definitely better than Jill's so far, though.

Has anyone gotten the infinite rocket launcher for the american release of the ps1 game? I'd love to hear impressions.

What do you mean? It's a fun run, because everything dies in one hit, but obviously it takes all the difficulty away.

What other first impression do you want?

Isn't the PSN release the one with terrible music?

I didn't mean to refer to an infinite rocket launcher run by itself, sorry. I know how that is (invincible up until the first hunter, which can swipe you before a shot). I meant to describe the process to earn it.

why would yopu pay a journalist to have reviewers of kids toys give better reviews?

You don't

>not liking the stylus gimmick to touch waifu Jill's tits and ass
You're gay, user.

Sure, no problem. Genuinely trying to clarify.

It is really easy in RE1. I beat it in under 3 hours my first try as a kid back on the PS1. Give it a go, if you go over the first time you can do it really quick the second time when you know where everything is.