
What happened, Sup Forums?

Nothing. It's good

great game
no replay value

people at conventions said it was too hard so they dumbed it down so much that a monkey could beat it

the music and art are nice but it's not enough when the game itself is boring as fuck

Too short.

Game came out, got played, got discussed, eventually there was nothing left to talk about, game discussion stopped.

It ain't rocket science, g.

The ending was fucking garbage and the devs keep teasing """lore"""" that's not even in the game.

It wasn't owl it was cracked up to be.

It was in development for 9 years, but for all that it came off as very lackluster to me. I felt like I was playing a Zelda wannabe when I looked at the character designs, mashing spacebar to get around got grating, Advent was a sham and the world felt cramped overall. The most I got out of it was another one for the husbandu collection. It had some good stuff going on, but I'd only give it a 6/10.

So it's Dark Souls?

You deserve to die.

>10 years for good pixels
No wonder metal slug had to resort to slave labor to look as good as it did.

Owl fucking kill you faggot



I haven't played it, but my ex-boyfriend keeps harping me about how good it is.
Should I get it?

I would just point you towards a letsplay honestly

Your ex boyfriend is a casual faggot, the game is all style no substance.

This exactly.
Also, abrupt ending where next to nothing is explained, even if you do complete all of the side quests and find all secrets.
Hoping for a sequel cause the ending was truly lacking.


They forgot to put a game in with all the sprites.

And despite being sold entirely on how gorgeous the visuals are there's still horrible shit like the arms of characters being obviously rotated when they're aiming, or one character who can't walk on her own because she's broken her leg, but the sprite flips every time you turn around so her cast changes position.

a glaring example of where pixel artist faggots try to make a game and fail at it

game was so dull I dropped it without a second thought when I reached the bigger owl city that was under attack

Alright game with amazing art and little replay value

Not too surprising it dropped off from discussion

Literally all of the best games ever made are style and not substance

Style meaning art and music, the trappings of it, substance meaning it being a good game

You are a fucking imbecile, kill yourself.

Game was released. People liked it, talked about it for a few weeks and moved on.

This must be the kind of shit you real gamers chastise casuals for not playing. Looks riveting.

>Typically try to get 100% on all games like this I play
>Spend time tracking down every last coin
>Still can't get the last few hundred because of that cannon minigame and its shitty controls

Really annoyed me, but I had to move on to another game.

They patched the cannon to make it easier, recently.

Needed more owls. Specifically owl girls.

Nah boi owls uwu