
>good gameplay
>part 3 only

>good gameplay
>mediocre fan service

>mediocre gameplay
>good fan service

Will there ever be a truly good JoJo game?

Other urls found in this thread:


HftF but with all parts

Nice Jojo reference senpai

I think the Non is Storm gameplay could work for a Jojo Brawler


ninja storm


Who /good taste/ here?


Alos OP forgot to count Young Joseph so it's really 99% Part 3 rather than Part 3 Only

All I wanted was Capcom to release an updated ASB on PS4. More content, tweaked fighting system and better framerate. It could have been something great.

I align pretty well with this, but

>not love for /our guy/ Blackmore

I'm pretty close to you on a lot. I do think 7 is great and that 5 gets too much hate, I love Bruno's crew.

There's also some production art of the Pillar Men, so they might have intended to put in more part 2 characters at first.

Yeah its called the Super Famicom game you cunt.

>good gameplay
>mediocre fan service

Are you fucking joking. How much fan service can you expect from a Fighting Game.


Only good in the "so bad it's good" sense.

Animefags only got 4/9th of the fanservice

>How much fan service can you expect from a Fighting Game.

That's my point. They certainly did their best when they could, but since it's just a traditional 2D fighting game it never really felt like JoJo.

I'd pay $30 just to have it on PS4 with a better frame rate.

Runs like ass on PS3.

Then you'd need a Action/Adventure game.

Go give Platinum a shitload of money. Just don't bother Kamiya on Twitter though.

>ASB is a 2D fighting game
Animefags are this retarded

are you stupid?

Are you? Rhetorical question, Animefag.


I bet you actually think Jobin in the main villain.

Don't forget one of Polneraffs specials is that he spawns Silver Chariot Requiem so its closer to 98% then 99%

I bet you think a namedrop will save you from being some mentally handicapped crunchyroll animeshitter.

I'm pretty sure we know who the real villain is.

>good gameplay

I actually wouldn't mind watching JoJo on CR if they actually updated it with uncensored episodes

Is this going to be one of those retarded "hurr durr they use 3D models it's not a 2D fighter" kind of arguments?

Nigga ASB lets you move up and down. It's 3D like Tekken.

No, it's one of those "it's not a 2D fighter because you fight in a fucking 3D plane" kind of arguments.

here we fucking go

tekken is a 2D fighter, so is ASB

3D fighters are fighers like naruto ninja storm

Do you think fucking Soul Calibur is 2D because of the Camera Perspective?

Fucking retard.

No. It's 2D because you interact with your opponent on a 2D axis you god damned imbecile.

But you don't, sidesteps and horizontal attacks exist in those games which is why they are 3d fighters as opposed to something like KoF or SF

So is ninja storm a 4D fighter?

>Sidesteps count as 3d fighter

But you're still locked in a 2d fighting enviroment after the sidestep retard

>good fan service

And all the anime voices including the new part 4 ones

Not according to the autismos who run Wikipedia.


A Naruto Fighter and Pokken are 3D and so is Soul Calibur, Tekken, Virtua Fighter, and Jojo ASB. Camera perspective is irreverent

2D Fighter is when your character can only move on a 2D Plane.


fuck off

Kill yourselves, jojobronies

I don't see a problem with a game focusing on only one part. A horse racing Steel Ball Run game would be pretty awesome.

stop trying to fit in

or even just an open world JRPG focused on horse back

think RDR for weebs

Get raped. People have been calling Tekken a 3D Fighter years before the Naruto shit came out. You can't retroactively redefine a genre.

>Argumentum ad populum


>Maybe if I use Latin I'll look smarter :^)

>Vento Aureo
>great gameplay
>not a fighter at all though


When it comes to language, there is no such thing as a consensus fallacy. If enough people believe something is called something, then it's true.

Yeah, 7th Stand User

fuck off

I might be a retard but at least I know Tekken is a 3D fighter.

You fucking faggot.



i am wood

>Phantom Blood
>terrible gameplay
>voices from that awful movie
>on the other hand, you could play as aztec chief with knife

Here you go faggot.

Who gives a shit?

Game devs always call their games things like "good" or "enthralling" but it's usually always bullshit


For fuck sake Jobronys can you stay in /coco threads ?

look mommy i looked up artwork on tumblr of a fanbase i don't like and posted it on /vee/, am I cool?


still not as gay as the source material


Why are you defending mediocre at best series with brony tier fanbase on Cambodian cave drawing forum ?

enjoy your 3 day ban, dumb fuck

Why do you go to a thread about something you don't like just to shit on it? Seems like a waste of time.

>but it's not vidya!

the series has plenty of videogames to be discussed,

>5 dios
>good fan service

I think it's autism

They should have given us 36 Kars instead.

what's wrong with this? seriously

my only problem is the 5th donut steel dio that was completely uncessary

Dio and Diego are pretty much different characters anyways

There was already a mediocre Part 1 beat-em-up on PS2.

I wanna see a full budgeted, fully-manned go at something like 7th Stand User, which is surprisingly decent for a shitty little RPG Maker game. It makes a solid proof of concept.

>disliking the oingo boingo fight

>tfw no George Joestar game where I can to play as Kira Kira and whip people with a golden rectangle whip
Why live?

There was no reason to have two separate Diegos for Scary Monsters and The World. You could just have Diego's super hidden wombo combo ability be the ability to become The World Diego and done.

fuck off, those were actually completely different Diegos

Those are different Diegos, but I still think the World Diego shouldn't have been there, they could've had FF.

>production art of the Pillar Men
I've never seen this, got any links?

Full 3D fighting games were a mistake.

>he's never played pic related

I laugh at you.


is it really worth it?

how much donut steel shit does it have?

Instead of shit like EoH being made, they should just remake this game like how Corpse Party got remade.

Not much, it's just the main character and a few mooks and shit. You answer a quiz to pick your stand, and they all have pretty unique abilities. It's like the Pokemon Mystery Dungeon quizzes..

There's a shit ton of replay-ability, too. The choices you make actually matter and can drastically affect how part 3 plays out in game. In fact, I think you have to beat it over 5 times to finish unlocking everything.

Eyes of Heaven is vaguely based on Over Heaven

The next game, due out in 2018, will be based on Jorge Joestar

Screencap this.

i seriously think hermes looks better as a black woman like asthetically, she just looks like a wigger when she has white skin

It's not much, just some lineart of the sorts that would eventually get made into sprites. But there in the lower-left are Rosas, Wired Beck, Stroheim, Kars, Esidisi, and Wamuu.

I just want them to make All Star Battle 2.0 with better balance, more reps and 60FPS
Or fuck, make a Power Stone clone. Way better concept for EoH than fucking J-Stars with its lack of good gameplay and local multiplayer

If you're gonna say that ASB has good gameplay, then you have to say that HftF has amazing gameplay, because they can't be on the same tier on that.

ASB has a lot of good fanservice user, it's only behind EOH because EOH has more character interactions.

I just want ASB2 with more characters and more time and depth on the combat.

That's pretty cool user.
Given that they never got to finish N'dool I doubt they would have been able to make it in though.

That was pretty good. It's gameplay is barebones as fuck but all the branching paths, alternate scenarios and well hidden secrets made for a cool ride.

and it gets kinda creepy when you start to delve a little too deep

That ain't oingo boingo. Looks like dark blue moon


Where's my toptier sprite game redux you fucks just give me a good fightin game. I play HftF to this day because its so smooth

Any of you niggers play? Who you main?

It's bathtime, Hayato!

Right here

DL link?

you got ASB backwards

>Who you main?
pet shop