Challenge Time: Tell me why It Is going to fail without acting like a Sonygger, mentioning the JoyCon error or "no games".
Challenge Time: Tell me why It Is going to fail without acting like a Sonygger...
I want it to succeed, but the most likely reason will be a general lack of interest from the market.
Normies by definition won't stick around for long, and the core gamers are still pissed about the Wii and Wii U.
It won't fail unless you are using Wii and DS as comparison points. I think it will sell on par with the NES, GBA, and 3DS in the 70 million range.
If Nintendo stays on target with the advertising and keeps a steady flow of games coming it won't fail. I don't see it reaching Wii levels but, if they do the above it'll def do better than the Wii U.
Because it's half-assedly doing everything the consumer really needs it to do FULLY WELL to justify a piece of hardware other than their phone.
I can't :(
Underpowered as a console, too expensive as a handheld (see: launch of the 3DS) and is missing a serious amount of features that would get normal people to replace their tablets for Nintendo's game tablet (web browser, Netflix support and so on). Might put people off from buying one if they can't count on it fully replacing the one they already have. Prices of peripherals might also push people off a little, but that's more likely to happen for the more hardcore and not the average consumer who Nintendo really needs. I would also say software matters (Nintendo needs to get the big third-party games on board with their system if they really wanna sell more than N64 numbers), but apparently I can't bring that up
Also this thing is gonna need to sell a fuckton to not be a failure since it's overall taking the place of both the 3DS and Wii U
It will be a success but it will condemn to Nintendo to be forever a handheld company. They will never make a homeconsole ever again.
OP here, I never thought this thread would get good criticism. Good work guys!
No prob
It's doing the exact same things that caused the wii u to fail but worse.
I really wish Nintendo made some good business decisions, because more competence makes to better games for all companies.
>talking about buying a game console
>can't mention the fact that there's no fucking games
>"Tell me why it's going to fail without actually telling me why it's bad."
Kids/bros will stick to xbox/ps4 (no way switch will ever be the go to console for cod or w.e), casual market is never coming back from phones/tablets/pc to dedicated consoles. Home nintendo consoles don't generate enough sales from niche nintendo exclusives alone.
The only way I foresee the switch succeeding is if it replaces the 3ds and is the sole dedicated handhold gaming device on the market.
I just don't think there's a market for console/handheld hybrids. I'll probably get one but I don't think the average consumer wants to pay 300 for an idea that doesn't fill any holes their PS4s and iPhones are already filling
Read above.
"there's no fucking games for the console" is a pretty legitimate reason for why a game console is going to fail
That's the point of the challenge though, just try to say why It Is shit without saying "muh nu gaems" like every fucking person does.
So, you're basically saying that mobile games are consuming the market.
Pretty smart point there. No sarcasm
>2 hour battery
>HD rumble gimmick
>almost no good exclusives, and the one every one is looking forward to is also on the Wii U
>no web browser on launch
>no virtual console on launch
>paid online
>no pro controller in box
>pro controller is also 80 bucks
>no game in box either like wii sports
>weird online speech chat (I dont even know how it works)
>not enough third party support
>Skyrim might not even be remastered
It's genuinely fun to speculate how this will do because it sort of an enigma. There aren't many hardware releases on this scale to equate this too.
3rd party support is the most glaring concern. The Switch is unsurprisingly weaker than it's competitors but this is significantly weaker. Not getting ubisoft and bethesdas new bowel movement isn't really that depressing, but I'd imagine the big companies wouldn't make the most out Switch's unique features. They'd have to develop exclusively for the Switch to make the most out of it's features and that's not the most economical option.
There's like 5 fucking components to the thing, all of which aren't cheap, that one has to manage and God forbid not lose or else half the system is gone.
Nintendo is really trying to capture their success with the Wii with the gimmick shit for the casuals while catering to the neckbeards who like their mobile games who also play a console hardcore. Right now it looks like they're only going to click with the first. They're not really going for the mobile exclusive audience with that price and limited battery span instead they're focusing on general gamers who like both. Hardcore console players aren't going anywhere near this thing with the limited technology and lack of titles.
Also, not to change the subject, but I though this was going to replace the DS?
Mobile != handheld, if that's what you're implying
>Paid online
Xbox has been doing this with XBOne and nobody fucking complains. Also It's like 30 bucks. Top Kek
>They'd have to develop exclusively for the Switch to make the most out of it's features and that's not the most economical option.
no need to be coy. No AAA dev is going to develop anything exclusively for the switch that isn't a cheap C team gimmick display. Multiplats are going to limited as fuck on the Switch so you're really going to have to hold out for the big 3rd party exclusives.
They wont get back the normie people even with those gimmicks
Wii 2.0, casuals won't support it past Zelda and Mario. Brace yourselves for shovelware.
It won't likely fail, just doomed to become a zombie console.
Nobody complains because its fucking xbox retard, they have always been jews with their shit.
Anyways xbox actually has good online, hundreds of thousands use it daily playing multiplayer.
Nintendo has shown they fuck it up all the time, and they are now charging for it kek
this is the most positive point I've read about the switch in a while
>Nintendrones want to live in a hug box where they can mentally jerk themselves off to the Switch without acknowledging its faults.
This thread is fucking stupid. Even as a Nintendrone I can say that.
This is like saying "tell me why the WiiU was a bad console without mentioning the useless, unnecessary and gimmicky gamepad or excessively long game droughts".
How is that positive?
Strong argument. I agree
Only Nintendtoddlers would be contempt to live in complete delusion like this.
The Switch has issues whether you like it or not that people will bring them up.
Because it fails to be both a console and handheld
This is like asking why you dislike your most hated drink without saying it tastes bad or is unhealthy.
I think the hardest hurdle Nintendo has to clear is keeping third party. Hate the series all you want but a well-made CoD that you can take anywhere would definitely turn some heads.
Just try to come up with something like the rest of the people, would you?
He said not to act like a Sonygger.
Console is 720p in handheld and can outpur up to 1080p in dock
It has 420p as an option in case your tv doesn't get auto detected for HD resolution.
>It's like talking about shit without saying it's garbage, so to sum things up, it sucks and it's horrible, stop talking and conform to the status quo
if we put aside the goalpost switching between quality/sales that sonyggers do constantly, sales means that normies are eating it up, quality means that it will barely sell but the educated niche that likes the game will enjoy it and will stay in cult-fame for decades, like pretty much any game by Clover/Platinum.
Nintendo are going for the latter type of games. If publishers want to target normies they go to Sony, if they want an audience of people who appreciate 60fps and good gameplay they go Nintendo
What games are you planning on getting for the switch this year?
the new Zelda.
what were the games that you were looking to buy on the PS4 two months before launch?
>inb4 bad-faith arguments with games that weren't even announced at the time
It won't fail. I work in an electronics section, and we sold out of the pre-orders in days, and are asked about it pretty often throughout the weeks. Won't be Wii levels of success, but it'll do good.
None because I wasn't interested in the ps4.
So you plan on buying exactly one game for the switch this entire year?
>Actually gonna fell for It If this Is bait but whatever
Did they let you try the system or something?
>core gamers
Old memes must die.
Are you kidding? A bit thing that fucked the Wii U over early on was shit marketing, but the Switch marketing has been on point.
>He criticized Nintendo, he must be a Sony fanboy
How about it's stupid in general to get a system on release?
>Tell me why it will fail, without listing any of these valid reasons.
Nintendrone needing as many arguments against the Switch as possible to feel more secure about his/her position. I'll let you find out for yourself.
No, Walmart hasn't had in store demos in ages.
no third party
the spec is too outdated,make third party really hard to porting games to other platforms
The marketing for the Wii U really was legendarily bad. The Wii U videos on Nintendo's channel usually have less than half the amount of views Switch videos have, and most of the comments are negative as well.
>if they want an audience of people who appreciate 60fps and good gameplay they go Nintendo
>Im going to buy an entirely new system to play a WiiU port!
Probably because he made the right decision of not buying the Wii U.
I've loved this whole launch so much. Its been hilarious seeing the sonyggers become less and less confident the closer it gets to launch.
I think Sonygger shitposting hit an all-time low yesterday when they saw the BOTW footage and realized that they've well and truly lost.
It must be a truly anus-shattering feeling for them.
It's overpriced, underpowered shit with no fucking games and gimmicky bullshit people don't want to deal with.
It's more gimmicks and cut corners than console
Because normies ree
Wii U Is shit anyways and the only good games are 1st party titles except for fucking Mario Party 10. They really finished fucking up the series with that one.
If you have a powerful PC, don't download Cemu. It's at Dolphin-level of shit tier.
Can't wait to make my collage of the Switch's explosive sales numbers surrounded by laughing faces and posts like .
Nintendo-bros do you think that after our victory is confirmed we can take over the golden troll face that Sony currently holds?
>I think Sonygger shitposting hit an all-time low yesterday
or maybe the catalog was just cluttered about BOTW and shills threads screaming why dont you pre-order a Swtich yet
>Nintoddler on my thread.
Get the fuck out. We are here to give solid criticism to the console (well, not that much desu), not brag about how powerful It Is compared to PS4 and "muh zeldah gaem iz gotyy"
>It's at Dolphin-level of shit tier.
So it's a great emulator? Good to know you saved me the WiiU purchase
Well to be fair if you haven't pre-ordered a Switch yet you are pretty fucked. The tides have turned. Nintendo has won.
Everyone knows it but some won't admit it yet.
>Nintendo has won.
I just hope the Switch becomes an actual success because otherwise literally every other fanbase in Sup Forums will never stop reminding you it's a failure
It's an underpowered piece of crap. It will dip sub-30 fps regularly and will probably never reach 1080p.
Like John Cena convincing me to buy one
Because it's literally the jack of all trades master on none incarnate.
It doesn't last long enough to be a good portable. It's too weak to be a good modern console. It lacks an in-depth app library to match android/iOS tablets and smartphones. It can't into bluetooth communication capabilities. The screen isn't 1080p capable. And it's not even backwards compatible.
>Wii U Is shit anyways
Zelda is a Wii U port.
>If you have a powerful PC, don't download Cemu. It's at Dolphin-level of shit tier.
Dolphin is one of the best emulators we have.
Epic. I'm getting Déjà vu.
>Dolphin Is one of the best emulators we have
It's a visual glitch mess, shit slowdowns that ruin gameplay and randomly crashes.
My PC can play any kind of shit with no problem.
>tfw literally everyone wanted just a regular gimmick-free console like PS4/Xbone but from Nintendo, with competitive pricing and hardware
>tfw instead we still get more and more worthless gimmicks that are only fine when they can be disregarded (pro-controller, docked mode, etc)
Not that guy but I'm interested in Zelda, Splatoon 2, Mario Odyssey, Mario Kart 8, Fast RMX, and Snipperclips.
Didn't own a Wii U and I don't plan on buying one.
Mustards confirmed for being console war instigators.
your kind "reminds" people that nintendo is "a failure" since the fucking 80s
I bet there were some freaks in the early 1900s getting mad at fucking Hanafuda cards
Weak hardware
This thread is great. OP really thought he had it figured out. The switch definitely has more than 2 issues.
Nintendo is inept.
Cemu's fucking garbage, enough with this meme
He's saying his thread got valid critical responses. You're the one shitting up the thread with your autistic screeching and inability to read.
Please leave.
And they've only gotten worse since then.
Because every time I see a botw gameplay vid, it's randomly running around in an empty field fighting those goblins. I could be completely fucking wrong and they're going to add a ton of shit to the world but.... why have they not shown off at least 1 dungeon yet? It cost me pre ordering the switch due to that being the only game I wanted. It looked fucking amazing till i've watched over 10 vids now of the same shit.
>It's a visual glitch mess, shit slowdowns that ruin gameplay and randomly crashes.
Yeah, no.
>My PC can play any kind of shit with no problem.
Sure thing user.
Nintendo have been a failure since the 80s. The gamecube era, when they made a couple of actual console quality games, was merely a hiccup in the shit show. Making money isn't success for the people who matter: the anons who end up playing their games. The PS2 and DS weren't the most successful console and handheld, respectively, due to their sales but because they had the best games respectively out of any console or handheld released.
Fuck off drone.
>Attending a University in 1989
>This person is most likely approaching 50
Feels old man.
OP, I don't know if Sup Forums is necessarily a good place to gauge that kind of thing, since Sup Forums acts like it's the only video game audience that exists.
They've yet to announce the next mainline Monster Hunter or Pokemon for the Switch. If by the holiday season, they haven't either announced one (or both ) of these games, or dropped the price to $200 (which isn't happening), then this thing will likely sell worse than the Wii U.
Im just saying to watch your attitude, Nintenfags were gloating every single day before the WiiU release and thought it would be the Wii 2 in terms of success and years later they were running with their tail between their legs
- $300 (remarkably overpriced, you can buy a
bundled PS4 or Xbone for less RIGHT NOW)
- Less powerful than the PS4 and Xbone
- 32GB internal storage (another $20 - $200 if you want more with micro SD)
- No internet browser, which is insane considering even a $40 Kindle
has one included by default
- No backwards compatibility, Wii U Pro controller isn't compatible either
- Paid online subscription is $20 a year (note that Nintendo has never
shown competence in online play)
- Absolutely laughable 2.5 hour battery life
- $110 for another pair of Joy Cons (if you have friends)
- $30 charger grip (the bundled grip is only a plastic shell that does
nothing else)
- $70 pro controller
- $50 for a single Joy Con
- $90 for another Switch dock
- The Switch dock literally does nothing other than: charge, hold up
your Switch, and connect to your TV (so it has no “extra processing
- Not bundled with a game like the original Wii had so that’s another $60
- 1-2 Switch is a glorified $50 demo (that should’ve been bundled)
- Online chat done through an app on your phone (when there’s already
- 720p resolution (maybe 1080p when docked defeating the point of the system)
- 30 FPS (maybe 60 if docked still defeating the point of the system)
- Battery is NOT user replaceable (batteries lose capacity as they age)
- USB type C cables to worry about (cheap USB-C cables can destroy your system)
- Carrying a battery bank (another thing to lug around)
- Only big launch title is Zelda (which is also coming for the Wii U)
- Zelda: Breath of the Wild is only 900p, 30 FPS
- Other big games are coming the remaining 9 months of the year
- Wi-Fi only (no 4G or LTE support like every expensive tablet)
- No multimedia support (no Netflix/Hulu/etc.)
>Nintendo have been a failure since the 80s. The gamecube era, when they made a couple of actual console quality games, was merely a hiccup in the shit show.
I wonder what year you were born.
And this is just straight up console war shitposting.
It is critically underpowered to the point it is completely incapable of supporting modern games (made with any other hardware as the primary development platform). It will never have an install base to attract developers to choose it as their primary development platform.
Don't ask questions you don't want to know the answers to.
>A comprehensive list of a video game console's flaws is somehow "shitposting"
Superb argument, you really rebuked my claims.
He said WITHOUT acting like a Sonygger