Cause last one ded


Other urls found in this thread:

Posted earlier but muh things changed

Sunless Sea. Going to try to finally beat it instead of just wandering around discovering everything. Captain number 6 I think.
Forgetting Sarah Marshall
Disclosure, Dethklok
Woodford Reserve
Chicken piccatta
Kinda depressed. Out of a long-term relationship and only ever dated women I met in HS/Uni/House parties/Greek life
Never used Tinder or picked someone up from a bar. Hope to fuck a friend can help me out or something...
Huge interview Tuesday. Need it to move back out of my parents...fuck

nothing atm, might play something later.
mob psycho 100
it's ok so far
subtitles, i guess?
nothing atm
sprite i got from wendy's earlier
but it tastes like fanta, but still clear
baconator from wendy's because 'murica

Fountain drinks from fast food often get that weird chemical plasticy taste/tongue coating thing imo

on the silver globe

Mario Kart 7, I lost my cart a while ago, so I recently pirated (seems justified) a new game and I'm gonna play through it again, maybe some online too.
South Park's playing in the background, I just like the white noise though.
This thread lmao xd
The Mario Kart 7 soundtrack?
Mountain Dew, I know.
Ate dinner about an hour ago, had some chicken and an artichoke. Not bad.

Civ IV
I should finish watching Girlish Number but fuck I have no drive to finish that show
Yostuba&! and Bakuman
VA-11 Hall-A OST, that shit is bomb
Coffee and water
Mexican takeout
somewhat stressed, got my hands full with projects that I gotta complete this weekend.

Deus Ex: Mankind Divided. I'm the sidquest poster from earlier. Think I may be coming up on the end right now, i'm unsure. Really like that you can choose HR's control scheme as opposed to a new one.

Might watch the Ratchet and Clank movie later since it's on Netflix

All these pocket secretaries, son.

Nothing right now

Some dollar store chips I got earlier; not half bad.

Pretty aggrivated. Need to git gud with stealth against these belltower dudes.

bioshock infinite don't judge me
my name is earl
home - resonance
Coca Cola
lonely desu

Fallout 4
Metallica's new album to get hyped for the concert im going to
Canada Dry
Tired because I have to work tomorrow morning

shitpost simulator 3.0

finished watching manchester by the sea, was pretty decent. Probably finish Rashomon tonight


nothin really
iced tea/lemonade
bout to make a burger
guilty I didn't exercise my pupper today, can still go for a night run though

Fallout: New Vegas
Random videos on YouTube and Seinfeld
Some shit on post-modernism and shtposts
Burzum and some Aphex Twin
Had some Crystal Pepsi, coffee, and now drinking water
Finna eat some Waffle House
Comfy, smoked a little weed, and spent the day with my gf

my dollar store has these really good local kettle chips that are so fucking good. I don't remember the brand name but they have these jalapeno and cayenne version and they're way better than any namebrand chip I've tried

Playing Captain Toad and Sonic Colors
Samurai Jack since the new season is almost here
Just had a turkey sandwhich

Modded Skyrim.
Nothing really, but I just finished Road to Perdition. Very good movie, highly recommend it. Don't spoil the ending for yourself like I did.
Vanity Fair and The Count of Monte Cristo
Cafe jazz.
Wagon's Wheels, and chicken+turkish bread+swiss cheese+cranberry sauce sandwiches.
I want to die but fear keeps me alive.

Uni goes back soon so I should be happier then just because I'll have something to do, but then I'll fail all my assessment and feel even worse.

I played Project Cars earlier.
Watched Dr. Strangelove and then some switch gameplay videos
I got all the issues of the new Doom Patrol I gotta read
vodka and ginger ale or orange soda
had an awesome french dip earlier
really fucking high. Theres a party going on upstairs and I'm pretty sure someone just died. I traded in my ps4 and 3ds and some games to get a switch. I couldn't preorder it so I have to fucking sit out there to get one of the 4 they will have for first come first serve people. I wasn't gonna get it then I saw that there was a new bomberman. I also picked this up today because it looks pretty cool and my friends have been wanting to try a tabletop rpg

Just got done playing some dotes. Won every game today, feels gud. Might play more later if I don't fall asleep first.
Dota starladder, not super into it though, I'm getting sleepy.
I have some hot cawfee made but I dunno if I should drink it and risk ruining my sleep schedule, or just go to bed.
I had some leftover Panda Express a bit ago. was a mistake desu.
Pretty lonely desu.
I don't really have any friends. Though most of the time I by through the day perfectly fine without a care, but other times it'll really get to me and dampen my day. But I think I should be okay. I can keep myself preoccupied.

I don't know, just finished kirby and I want to play some rpg now
Maybe some samurai jack episodes
I tried get into the hitchjacker guide but it wasn't for me. Gonna read dune I guess.
Sound of starting rain.
No money for that.
Pretty good.

Berserk and the Band of the Hawk, and Ys Origin


Hajime no Ippo

Ys Origin soundtrack

Cream Soda

Had some pizza earlier

Bretty gud

Mason & Dixon
Asami Kobayashi right now
Angry Orchard
Had some Indian
Fucking exhausting week, but I'm about to sign on a new place so that's dope.


>WATCHAN aliens
>READAN bullshit newspaper
>LISTENIN Depeche Mode
>DRINKIN Jack Daniels out of bottle
>EATAN McDonald's fries
>FEELAN bretty comfy


good music taste though

Stalker: Shadow of Chernobyl
Atlas Shrugged
Cr1tikal Official Podcast
Australian Tea
Bretty good, little disappointed in the distinct lack of cheeki breeki in the STALKER Complete mod. At least I can just sprint past my problems now.

Might play RE7 in a bit, or maybe just finish Just Cause 3
Narcissa bitching about life. It's therapeutic, watching someone spiral downward
This thread, and some paperwork I got sent home with
just had McDonald's for the first time in years. Not very good tbhonest, really shit as far as fast food goes
Good. I just got home from work, today was my second day of training. Feel a lot more confident now that I know the ins and outs of the job

Nothing at the moment, might just chill tonight
Gonna start Mushishi
Nier OST
Water, like always
Had a grilled cheese earlier
Feeling aight, didn't go to the gym this morning so I'm gonna fuck myself up tomorrow morning.

Doom II
Day old brownie pie

source on the game from that image?

Etrian Odyssey IV
30 Rock
Stoned and distracted desu

Didnt' do my >READAN
TX History textbook cause collegefag and No Guns Life.

Yakuza 0

Diners dine ins and dives

Sup Forums





Tales of Zesteria and For Honor
Dragonball Z Kai
Taiko by Eiji Yoshikawa
Joe Rogan podcast with Phillip Defranco
Warm black tea
Rockyroad Icecream
I'm torn, I got a 100% on my first Math exam, but got a 69% on my Japanese exam, I can only hope my Kanji exam was good because if it wasn't I'm fucked this semester.

Samurai Jack
Sup Forums
The Official Podcast
James Ready and Alexander Keith
Confident to talk to my crush tomorrow if she's working

gonna play some Siege tonight, been thinking about revisiting CSGO for a bit too.
I think my sister went on my kindle a couple months ago thinking it was hers and bought Undercover Economist, seems like an interesting read.
Diet pepsi, slowly trying to kick soda addiction. working so far, I hate the taste of most normal soda now.
nothing, had a burger earlier
gud right now

y o u d i s c u s s m e

for honor
just got a bd for akira, so that
gundam thunderbolt
steely dan
macallan amber
pretty good, im actually doing really good in for honor as a conqueror. prolly about to pick a stick to smoke.

Witcher 3

Ey, thanks senpai.

Animal House. Never seen it till now, but it's damn funny. Kind of a shame all the parodies ruined some of the humour.
Nioh, Pokemon S&M, FEawakaneing.
Anyone else bored with Nioh? I got the ocean blob monster and I'm thinking of giving up on the game. I'm just burned out by this genre.
Azumanga Daioh
Anri Okita

cheers user

>Rosi's Uomino Contro
>Wittgenstein's Yellow Book, from his unpublished correspondence
>Hans Krüsi's Field Recordings
>Dom Perignon Brut 1885
>vietnamese snake entrecôte simmered on it's own venom, with café de Paris sauce
>tfw to smart for videogames

Day of Infamy (I normally don;t touch early access with a ten foot pole but I wanted to support such great devs from Insurgency) and The Witcher 3. The latter is a bit daunting, I;m level 20 and feel like I've barely scratched the surface.
The Office and NHL games
Currently on A Game of Thrones. Finally decided to attack that series.
Silversun Pickups.
Had some IPA from a somewhat clocal brewery.
Wife made some nice burritos tonight.
Bretty damn good, today I had no work because school was cancelled. (I'm a teacher.) Nice three day weekend to chill, get some stuff done around the house, and chat with buddies in Discord while I game.

Just finished Mankind Divided, and man, that felt anti-climatic.

Like I felt something else was supposed to happen at the end, other than another fucking cutscene.

Game just feels so...short compared to Human Revolution.

Should I play through Deus Ex and Invisible War now?
I really don't like how Alex Denton looks.

Just started Shadowrun: Dragonfall and I'm getting pretty into it already
Gabriel Dropout
Sup Forums threads
Mars Volta
Hot chocolate
Chipotle chicken burrito
Pretty good man

>Should I play through Deus Ex and Invisible War now?
The first is really good but it depends on your tolerance level of older games. IW is not a horrible game but also pretty meh in all regards.

Twilight Princess HD
Samurai Jack s2
The internet
My dog snoring
A little tired
Okay I guess. A friend has been saying he's coming over for 4 hours, and it's already 1am. Now it just looks weird as fuck if he comes over just to chill. The fuck man.

Clock Tower 3
Fuck if I know, I'll find something, probably Top Gear or shit anime.
Nothing currently, finished Lolita a few days ago.
To what I'm playan.
Water and cola.
Potato wedges and chicken tenders.
Fuck I'm tired.

Smite & TF2 Aimbotting. Not sure if anything else.
Star vs. the Forces of Evil
Harry Potter and the Cursed Child
Moon Man
Crystal Light Sweet Tea
Maybe Left-Over Tacos and/or Top Ramen

>Cause last one ded

Yeah nigga, its Saturday now. kys fagboy

King Gizzard's new album
Red Bull because I like the taste. Tea later
Had chicken pasta
In a bit of pain but I'm feeling alright enough.

Payday 2 maybe, probably Total War: Warhammer after bf is done with DM'ing for the night. In the mean time I'm probably going to playtest my charts I did for Phase Shift for a song I wrote.
Nothing really.
Sup Forums
Judas Priest's Rocka Rolla, underrated album imo
Water, Gatorade
Had some pizza
Pretty good. the aforementioned charting is going well. Lead, bass, and drum charts are done for expert, just need to include overdrive sections and lower difficulties for babbies.

For honor
Star vs the forces of evil
Glass Animals

Hardwired was pretty good, glad I bought it. What are your favorite tracks? I really like Halo on Fire and Spit Out The Bone. Really the only track that didn't do much for me was the title track.

>Doom II and Megadeth
Top tier taste user. Favorite Map? Favorite Album?

Pro Tour Kaladesh Finals
Cheap Piss

Donkey Kong Country 2
GDQ cringe compilations
Sup Forums
Shit,nice been sick for the last couple days and progress to getting better has been slow, I even had to take two days off from work, which sucks because today's payday. Whatever I guess..

Yakuza 0
Keroro Gunso
Sports drink

Parasite Eve
Probably GCCX later
Cola, coffee, and milk
Eggs on toast, spicy asian popcorn chicken with fries, and hot cheeto fries
Just fine man

>east coast fags

Grim Dawn
Negative reviews of some of my favorite movies
Grilled cheese
Comfy. Enjoying gearing up my characters for Grim Dawn's first expansion.

I just went back and watched every episode of Futurama. I had seen most of it, but there were 4 or 5 episodes I missed and didn't want to look for them.

I started playing SoC a couple weeks back. My friends have been telling me to play it for years but I didn't think I'd actually like it. Well I was wrong and they were right. Wish I started playing it a long time ago.