What happened to this game? What killed it?

What happened to this game? What killed it?

You wanna play with your Agar.io games?

I had a big raims is a big taims.


The game was relevant for like 6 months, that's longer then most AAA releases.

Pretty much unplayable with all the team-fags dominating half of the entire fucking map every time I join a game.

It was incredibly popular for a really long time.

Then it got bought by miniclip and they did everything they could to try and get cash flowing from it and killed anyone's interest in it by ruining the mechanics and shoving ads everywhere.

Also the move to mobile was an incredibly stupid thing to do because they then had to deal with chinks knocking it off.

which happened, and is still ongoing.

Slither.io became the more popular .io game

normies, my girlfriend's grandma plays it all day every day

Cause Agar.io might be super, but I'm super duper. With a big tuper.

If anything is dead, it's niggario. My favorite right now is hexagario though

I'm playing Arrow.io now

constant bots ruining the gameplay as well

Used to be good when the dev shilled it here and it was plain vanilla, the dev also added the skins the thread asked for

Then he sold out to reddit and said he was never related to Sup Forums

>Then it got bought by miniclip
When did this happen?

agario aint even an atario

>Then he sold out to reddit and said he was never related to Sup Forums
This seems to happen a lot for whatever reason.

hanged by the influx of redditors and Twitch streamers
>drawn by Turks teaming up and feeding eachother
>quartered by selling out to Miniclip
Even if you weren't completely bored of it (as tends to happen with flavors of the month), it was impossible to enjoy yourself anymore. It would've lasted a little longer if it held onto the appeal it had early on, but those days had come and gone very quickly.

Having a giant chaika ball was amazing

>What happened to this game? What killed it?

Sup Forums killed it. It was originally played in another imageboard where it gained popularity and it was a cozy game. When it hit Sup Forums, it turned into a shitfest. You fuckers killed this game.

Was fun but the faggot teaming ruined it along with all the FB login bonus bullshit. I haven't touched it since.

>another imageboard
I see through you, you kraut motherfucker

Because people outside of Sup Forums think Sup Forums is the most vile place on the internet. While that's true, there's still some interesting stuff to peruse around.

kek, haven't seen that video in far too long.

Whatever happened to that one Sup Forums io where you could shit out blocks and kill people by throwing balls at them

Dev realized how boring it was and fucked off

If you mention to anyone that you're part of Sup Forums every other community will decide you're a sick fuck, and some parts of Sup Forums will start hating you for losing your anonymity.

The game lost its luster when it was discovered that over half of the other "players" were actually bots. After that point I just stopped playing. I felt lied to.