Virtue signaling: The game.
Virtue signaling: The game
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Why is this shit even popular anyway? What drives the normie autists to these kinds of indieshit (((games)))?
cute kitter
I didn't know Caravan Palace made a video game
The gif isn't smooth :\
Gregg is the best character though.
What did they mean by this
It's all I got homie.
Gregg is pretty awesome, though I enjoyed the events with Bea a lot.
So does anything mysterious or bigger picture happen in Night in the Woods? So far it's just been pals chumming around and talking about how growing up and working sucks. I was expecting I guess uh....more
Yep. Near the end it takes some turns, the first half is mostly "just been pals chumming around and talking about how growing up and working sucks."
Though I liked that aspect of it and how it did the route-picking thing of choosing who you wanted to hang out with.
It actually hits a few nerves for those of us who grew up in the fucked states like Michigan and West Virginia.
It's mediocre otherwise.
I mean looking back on things released since the matrix, the real problem is that nobody has made a good cyberpunk movie since then.
Jesus christ, why is it so hard to capture the essence of the modern internet in film form?
It hits nerves with people who are genuinely awful.
but im a nice guy
these threads are pretty obviously being made by the creator, they fucking struggle to break 100 posters and would be pruned if it wasn't being intentionally bumped
what the fuck walking simulator are you guys meming this time?
Is this the new five nights at freddys?
what dark turn does this non game take anyways gimme the tl;dr on this shitgame im never going to play it has cute art.
I don't even know what virtue signaling is.
Just torrent it, it's a good few hours of entertainment
>It's mediocre otherwise
>Dat Gorgeous Style and Art
>Dat Clever and Relatable Writing
>Dat Gregg
>Dem Vibes
I really enjoyed it for what it was. The gameplay is as engaging as it needs to be to motivate the interactions you have on the "Dates" with characters. The only real problem I had with it was the monotony of having to walk through the entire town everyday to talk to everyone but I'm even willing to excuse that as something that fit the general theme of the game.
>Virtue signaling: The game
What are you talking about? Because two of the main characters are queer? How you can play this game and see virtue signalling is beyond me.
Wangsty Vicenarians: The Game
Some animal people hang out together and they do a half assed ghost hunt and then kill a bunch of cultists and then it ends
the gregg spasm gets me every time
Wait, so Gregg and Angus are gay right.
Where's the tumblr porn of them fucking.
>what dark turn does this non game take anyways
There's a cult sacrificing literally whos in a small town to some spaghetti monster below the town.
I just don't think it's worth 20$.
Maybe 15$ but it should be 10$
soundtrack when
I avoid him whenever possible.
fuck man, I knew browsing this thread was a bad idea but you could've at least attempted to spoiler tag
But i'm from Michigan and I love it here
>stated by multiple people that they're going out
>live together
No, they're not.
I wanna see them fuck
another propaganda game?
do these people even enjoy this crap
They're pure. NO FUCKING
Why does Sup Forums call everything that isnt virulently racist woman hating bigotry "virtue signaling"? Is it to console themselves by saying everyone is as broken as them?
Alt right kiddies who can't wrap their head around the idea of altruism, so they assume when someone does something nice, that they're actually just trying to earn favor with other people.
nice buzzword kiddo
Its how Sup Forums rationalizes their 1870s southern reconstructionist social politics
Why is she the best girl ?
If anyone creates anything that doesn't align perfectly with their world view it must be propaganda.
Sure, I mean your entitled to feel that way. I think I'm okay with spending the $20 considering how much work went into the 5-8 hour playtime. There's a slew of games of similar lengths that aren't nearly as detailed or polished or memorable or unique.
You just haven't lived anywhere else or you live in a decent white flight neighborhood. Rest of Michigan sucks ass. Moved to Colorado and never looked back.
>thinks doing something nice = virtue signaling
"Virtue signalling is the conspicuous expression of moral values by an individual done primarily with the intent of enhancing that person's standing within a social group. The term was first used in signalling theory, to describe any behavior that could be used to signal virtue – especially piety among the political or religious faithful.[1] Since 2015, the term has become more commonly used as a pejorative characterization by commentators to criticize what they regard as the platitudinous, empty, or superficial support of certain political views on social media; and also used within groups to criticize their own members for valuing outward appearance over substantive action.[2][3][4]"
Can none of you use Google?
That's a girl? Well it's hard to tell when everything looks, sounds the same and there fuck all defining features. Anyway I'm not a furfag so who really cares.
Was he right?
This shit looks reeeeally gay lol
woops i meant to say im this guy im watching a playthrough now. This is instantly making me so thankful my mom didn't live or stay in some backwater fucking midwest state or settle for my shit good ole boy father.
I can see why this game strikes a chord with people from backwater shit towns. Americana is often remembered with rose tinted glasses but real opportunities are few and far between if all you do is slack of and try and be a """""punk""""" raging against the machine in a no where town of a flyover state.
People make fun of me for making a living more than I live a life but when I see cousins doing hick shit like the things in this game its more depressing than my 9-5 paid banter with educated individuals.
Reminder go to school and try hard so you can enjoy independence at the very least and not move back in with your parents after 25 or something.
also sex is overrated nothing sucks worse than having kids unless you have the resources to actually provide for them and enjoy the day to day nonsense.
t. oldman who plays videogames
I feel like all the fan art depicting her are skinny is like alternative universe. I thought she was supposed to be a little frumpy and kind of plain looking.
Back in my day, they called it, "preaching to the choir."
Yeah she's actually a bit tubby if I'm not mistaken, hard to tell but she does mention it
innaccurate depiction of the character shoud have some sidecut hair thing and a fucked up ear looking sort of frumpy like townies in real life.
These have to be joke posts, no Sup Forums regular types like this
That's a cute cat.
that's similar but a bit different, since preaching to the choir implies that your beliefs are sincere at least
No one cares
Given how most indie devs are college/college graduate hipsters, it's no surprise.
lol thuis is 2 awesom. I love da cute cat even more i think cuz after i jack aoff 2 it i think of thisxz
I really don't know why you're interpreting this game as being virtue signalling.
It's a game about the economic strife that comes from living in small towns that have lost their industry, the transition between childhood and adulthood, friendship and relationships, and mental health. What is virtue signaling about this game?
Congrats, kid, you missed the entire point of the term.
Actual altruism isn't being made fun of. What is being denigrated are those who pretend to care about helping others, yet never actually do anything about it. This kind of thing includes pointless facebook status updates of opinions, flag filters for "solidarity", and generally bragging about "doing the right thing" without actually doing it.
ive seen 17 minutes of gamplay so far and see it as an accurate depiction of small town americana. I speak as someone who used to travel for work and recently find myself settled in an medium large east coast city which can be found on a map. Small time life is shitty and depressing and this game accurately depicts the struggle of shitty people having shitty kids in shitty places.
>I don't care so no one can
>If I keep saying it, it will be true
This game is actually right wing
>no CRIMES filename
one job
b-but the matrix was a good movie
Wtf I bought 5 copies now!?
you are trying too hard, samefag.
Elaborate. So far the premise is some deadbeat, cunty looking retard that probably wasted parents college fund because STEM was too hard.
except for E V E R Y N I G H T
I like how it was made by two trannies yet liberals trash it because muh redpill. fucking idiots.
Because Sup Forumsacks assume that deep down, everyone is as ugly as they are.
DESU I used to be a huge Sup Forumsirgin ages ago when I was a teenager and then drifted away when I realized how fucked a lot of Sup Forums culture is. I occasionally go on Sup Forums now when I'm curious to see how they're reacting to certain games. Not surprised to see that many of you are still unable to appreciate or even allow others to have a conversation about nontraditional games without freaking out about social justice or something.
I was interested in it because the art design and music looked pretty neat
Back to your containment board.
c u soon :)))
This is pretty clever, whoever did this is really something else, eh Doc?
there's a certain kind of culture that you have to buy into, i guess the closest description would be "good ol boy"
if you don't buy into that culture it can get super unpleasant to hang around those areas, lack of jobs and shit notwithstanding
it's bad on a rewatch, and the sequels were bad at the time anyway
These are the creators and some fans shilling
sage and ignore
another all style no substance game made by a self hating white cuck from a rich white family.
Please lurk before trying to market your game, devs.
What the fuck is this bull shit now
I've been gone for 24 hours and now this game is kinda popular
There doesn't look like there's much very redeeming about it
>Muh Sup Forums bogeyman
Fuck off with your not-a-game back to happy liberal retard land.
>Furfag SJW virtue signalling game
>popular on Tumblr
>gets shilled on Sup Forums with 2 posters
oh wow you don't say
Isn't this thing really old?
I think a large part in it is the public perception of the internet shifted from a pre-matrix world to a post-matrix world. It's not even the Matrix's fault in particular, it just seems that the fulcrum of public thought seems to be balanced around that specific time frame.
Pre-matrix, the internet was a wild west frontier that almost nobody outside of a college or military base actually understood, which is why you get those cheesy graphics of someone trapped in cyberspace running along some neon gridlines to poke a few buttons in virtual space to hack a door, ala Johnny Mnemonic.
But around the same time as the matrix released, internet was more publicly accessible, and even the modern day audience knew that hacking done in movies like in Swordfish was all horseshit. So I think in response, the movies started to shift away from that visual imagery. And I think the other Cyberpunk movies were just too busy beating themselves up for not thinking about the idea that the Matrix was actually real life instead of neon grids to really pull themselves together.
Wait for it.......
is she /our girl/?
yeah like reddit or neogaf
She's literally Sup Forums so yeah pretty much
Lemme guess, it's a "adventure" game with no gameplay.
thanks for sharing
I kind of liked it but the story was all over the place.
You see visions of ruin, talk to some god thing, and doom a bunch of cultists to a slow painful death in a cave because one of them was particularly a dick. Also your Aunt is a shitty cop and possibly in on it?
I preferred the free game that came before it. Had more of a story and didn't leave loose ends literally everywhere.