>Eternal hiatus
>Shit anime
>Poor framerate game
Is suffuring for Guts and fans on purpose
>Eternal hiatus
>Shit anime
>Poor framerate game
Is suffuring for Guts and fans on purpose
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Believe it or not, this means there's hope in the future for good Berserk stuff. The game isn't total ass, they got off the boat, and the 2017 anime seems to b 2D animation. Pray.
If its 2d then its saved. gr8 work
the franchise is far from perfect to begin with
What's wrong with the game? I'm about 6 hours in, and while it doesn't have as much depth as say Hyrule or Pirate Warriors, I don't see why it's been getting an obscene amount of hate.
Does it run like shit on shit machines?
>new season will be 2D
holy shit for real?
I actually liked the voice actors for the most part in the last one, the 3D was the only thing they really needed to fix for me.
It runs like shit even on 1080 GTX.
t. 1080 GTX owner
Game runs at 50 FPS on average at 1080p resolution, forget about 1440p or 4K or even 60 FPS at 1080p.
>What's wrong with the game?
It's a musou
I wouldn't have minded the 3D so much if it was done like in the second/third movie but the anime was just awful
Works fine here.
t.1070 and i dipped to 45 fps
prove it
Dont have a 1080, run the game pretty fucking well at 1080p, so...
That doesn't make any sense, because it runs perfectly fine on my 980. Only issues I've been having is occasional crashes, but I'm blaming that on my impulsive alt+tab habits and no borderless windowed mode in 2017.
Nothing wrong with musou games.
Blame im@s
You're full of shit unless you post a video benchmark. It's all around widely confirmed fact that the game runs like fucking shit on everything.
If you have dropped even one of the settings lower from it's maximum, then your opinion is literally worthless trash.
>Opening movie choppy
I really should have deleted the game as soon I have finished installing it and not wait a few days later and tried the 1st stage.
Alright how do I do that? I'm completely retarded with computers, and the build my friend put together for me included a 970 until it was replaced a month later by the 980, so just tell me how to upload say a webm or a video benchmark and I'll gladly do it.
Personally, the game running poorly is one of the lesser problems with it in my opinion so far.
Fraps or anything else that can record video with framerate counter visible, in one session go to settings and show that everything is in fact maxed out and then gameplay footage that isn't just looking at the ground.
Lie harder shithead.
>Poor framerate game
works for me ;)
and I'm on a toaster
>on lowest
No counto
Nah, on medium
960 here
Runs fine at 60fps 1080p. Update your drivers.
Still doesn't count.
If you're not playing on max settings then your opinion regarding the game's performance is irrelevant.
t. guy who can't even run it at a stable 60fps
Not on max settings it doesn't, lying shitheads like you need to be summarily executed.
I also love how none of you little lying shitstains are posting any evidence.
Go fuck yourselves.
Why the fuck can't we have Berserk game with decent gameplaly? Why it have to be musou shit which is literally identical to the other million musou games.
The manga is always going to be better than any video game or anime adaptation so who cares.
>Why the fuck can't we have Berserk game with decent gameplaly?
PS2 game called, it said you're an underage dumb pleb.
not the same guys as earlier but game runs fine for me as well max settings
I'm amazed at how angry you are over something so innocuous. I'm not that guy by the way.
under b&
Well it was running at about an average 45fps with everything maxed out, so I guess I didn't really notice it.
Though with that said, I didn't experience any major frame drops in a quick test. Yeah I can see why dropping to a middle ground FPS can be jarring for most games, but I fail to see what it really does here.
Game lacks depth though, so anyone is better off playing Pirate Warriors 3 instead.
I don't get this game runs like shit meme
I...I like the Dreamcast game.
May be nostalgia talking tho, havent touched it in ages.
It's been over a decade since the manga was good, and the new CG animated movies & series are awful, so who fucking cares. Of course a cheap musou tie-in was going to fucking suck.
Nah Miura just doesn't care about the story anymore but he's in too deep to just drop it. It's tough to not lose interest in something you started when you were 16 and trying hard to be edgy, he should probably have ended it earlier and started something new rather than drag it out and try to pretend that the spark that was there when he was 16 is still there when it's plain to see it's gone. As for the anime and game, licensed stuff usually has less effort and money put in since it's guaranteed to sell based on name alone.
Ask From Software, one of Miura's editors visited their head office recently. That said they'll probably just recycle Souls combat for it since it's not an original project, despite their love of Berserk.