Anyone who didnt preorder and wants to get a Switch at launch, how are you planning on getting one?

Anyone who didnt preorder and wants to get a Switch at launch, how are you planning on getting one?

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Waiting on more stock and a price drop.

Wait 1.5 years

second hand from the children that forced their parents to buy it and dropped it after playing for 2 hours.

Praying to God that midnight March 3 there are some on Amazon

I'm going to swing by my local target before work.
However, I'm not dead-set on getting one, I'm mostly just checking on the off chance and if they don't have one, I'm going to wait for a price drop, sale, revision, bundle or special edition.

I don't know. I couldn't win one.

I live across the street from a Best Buy, so I'll probably camp if I truly feel like it. The eBay prices aren't even that bad right now, so I'll grab one there if I end up being unlucky

That's not really winning one, considering you have to pay for still.

>Wait 1.5 years
try 4 days, this shit is barely going to sell

wait until it has 5+ software titles to justify the purchase, just like I do with any console

though Mario Odyssey will make waiting tough, I have been waiting for another SM64 style game since Sunshine. but we will see if it actually is, or if they are just lying out their ass again

Stabbing someone

I dunno, waiting until more are available or better deals with bundling.

waiting until xenoblade 2 comes out

I hope you're right, about the time, not it being a failure, I want it bad, but not bad enough to pay extra for an eBay one

I do not live across the street of one. I was planning to be there at 6 pm after my work and stay till midnight. Or do you suggest me to camp out right now during the whole week and maybe take the week off?

Feel like that may be excessive bro

Dude, it's not worth camping out for days.

Most walmarts are getting 10 of each, for non preorder customers Id say get in there early amodst preorder people and just cling around til they're done.

Not that many people knew that walmart was doing preorders in store, and they got specific amounts for those people. So chances are if youre one of the first 20 after them youll get it

I would say hang out on ebay after launch day. Scalper prices are going to plummet when nintendo says they can't fix the left joycon without a recall

by waiting patiently till able to afford one billsss erywhere

So are wal-marts rolling it out at midnight?

SonyMSshill bet when the Scorpio comes you will be outside in the snow.

Fuck off drone.

What the fuck about that implied that I don't like the switch?
It's not worth camping out for almost a literal week over any electronic.

>tfw you just got a job yesterday and you requested a night shift next friday so you can line up for midnight on thursday but your manager just gives you friday off entirely

Checked out Brickseek and saw a Walmart 6 miles away has 130 gray Switches. Doesn't say how many are sellable though, but that's probably where I'll try my luck to get one

Did you see that in your crystal balls? Can I have some winning lotto numbers while you're at it.

since I have the day after off, I will probably go check if I can pick one up easily at walmart, if not I'll wait until target is about to open and hopefully get it.

I didn't pre-order the Wii and still got one.

I do the same thing I did during the Wii. I sneak into the mall through the employee entrance line up at Gamestop before they open will the other people wait outside the mall.

I already paid $560 to an internet reseller.

Got a preorder off amazon the night of the presentation. Taking Thursday and Friday off. I'm taking Thursday off because preloaded games unlock at 10pm in My state, so I'll be playing the Wii U version till my Switch comes on Friday, then I'm passing my Wii U onto my brother since he's waiting for a Pokémon game to be announced before getting a Switch.

Toys R Us didn't take pre-orders. They should have systems on the 3rd.

user pls don't feed the scalpers...

when either splatoon or mario comes out
got a wii u and little reason to pay now

I want the Switch day one; it was the only way.

Sometimes you need to accept what you can't change.

>Sup Forums is always wrong
Switch confirmed success?

If you really wanted it you would have stayed up till 3am monitoring amazon like I and other good Christians where.

Gonna mug some kid for one

I'll go to walmart after school

I thought kids don't like Nintendo?

>sold out of preorders everywhere with people calling stores every day to ask about them
>thinks it will be available four days later
Isn't there a place to contain idiots like you?

Paid preorders

Which stores 100% confirmed did not take online or walk in pre-orders?

Or you could walk into literally any game store for 48 hours after the conference and preordered like a sensible person.
You honestly didn't have 20 minutes to go preorder one? I did it on my goddamn lunch break.

>Isn't there a place to contain idiots like you?
I'm already on Sup Forums

>preorder mine just the other day after seeing how fun zelda looked

sucks living in america

That might be the dumbest Sup Forums conspiracy theory I have ever heard.
Anyone here who works at a store that sells games can tell you this shit is in high demand.

Wait til they have a special bundles anyway and rereleased bigger/better versions of the switch

I know they're gonna do it

target and toys r us

good luck fuccboi, I'm getting there 2 hours early to bowl over little kids and soccer moms

There is a best buy right near my house in a smaller neighborhood that isn't doing preorders, but is getting a shipment at launch. I plan to go there before it opens.

if i even get one

The problem is most of Sup Forums refuses to leave their house. Of course they're going to have a hard time getting it off Amazon, but had they gone to any game store this could have been avoided.

>Costco puts up a members only bundle that includes the Switch and BOTW Special Edition for $389
>at 3 in the fucking morning
>it still manages to sell out within the hour

That might not be enough time depending on where you live. I work in a game store in the city and when the NES classic came out, I closed the store the night before and there were already people lining up.
In November.
In Michigan.
12 hours before we were to open up.

>paying almost $90 for BOTW
The hell kind of bundle is that?

you aren't getting a grey one, looking for the ugly version is your only bet at this point

>Special Edition

It was the $100 special edition with a 10 dollar discount.

Guess I'll find out on Thursday night

Actually, the neon sold out faster and there were less units allocated.
At least at my local fucking Gamestop.

>in a game store in the city
this is why

I'd imagine read: hope that a suburban target has less retards lining up the night before

i remember best buy canada fucked up and there was no way of finding the neon version on their website unless you had a direct link to it. i had that link but some reason i never preordered. kind of regret it but then again the fucking thing is like 400 dollars here.

Fuck, I can't read.

Being a huge toolbox I preordered the gray system, a pro controller, bomberman, Zelda, Binding of Isaac, carrying case and backpack.
I know this cements my status as a nintoddler but I just really want this thing to succeed. Handhelds have always got me through tough times.

i'm not

Straight up went to gamestop yesterday and took my preorder off. Got my 55 bucks back for BotW and the Switch. The guy asked why and I pointed to the table with all the accessories marked up and priced. First guy goes, "Yeah I feel that, it's a bit much." Goes for the register and realizes that he needs to send the transaction to the other guy because he has no cash in his register.

The second guy looks at me and asks what I was there for again. I want to cancel my Switch and BotW preorder.
>Are you sure man? You do realize you can't preorder these anymore.
yeah 100%
>Why are you unpreordering?
Accessories are too expensive
tablet has 3hour battery life
very few release titles
paid online regulated through a phone app
waiting for a bundle maybe later
BotW looks better on Wii U if I really want to play it
>Oh man you're going to regret this, but sure I'll do it for you
Only thing I might regret is not scalping it, but it's not Christmas season so I'm not expecting much.

Guy had a look on his face like I plopped my balls on the table, called his mother a whore, then spit in his face. It was great.

I have a very sophisticated system for getting a Nintendo Switch without a pre-order. I will now share it with you.

1- Walk into store.
2- Pick up a Nintendo Switch.
3- Pay approx. $300 for it.
4- Take your new Nintendo Switch home. DO NOT LEAVE IT AT THE STORE!

And there you have it.

You left out all the stuttering and being asked to repeat yourself because of your mumble.

He wasn't upset about you dissing a Nintendo system.
He was upset about taking two preorder cancels.

y-you too user.

Nah the first guy took it just fine, second guy started splurging out when I told him that I was cancelling pre-orders for the switch and BotW. When I said I was just cancelling pre-order it was fine, up until that point. Then he started trying to talk me off the edge or some shit.

>Get email from FUCKING GAMESTOP
>Says ay yo only a week left!
>Call to pay $20 to get on launch goy :^)
>Think about it
>Fuck it
>Call them and ask if I can combine my Zelda Master edition + Switch orders to 1 package and ship to get on launch
>Some Indian guy picks up
>O no we cunt do that
>Roll my eyes and say thanks and hang up
>Try again the next day
>Some Asian picks up
>Hey man how are ya today? :)
>Ask If I can do the same
>They can't
>BUT I can offer a discount on the shipping. I can remove $10 on each package so it comes out to $20 extra and you'll get it at launch :)
>Oh fuck sure
>Ok let me process this
>Does it
>Kay man you're all set and enjoy the Switch!

Why are asians such bros? Hyped as fuck for Friday now.

Indians are asian you dumb amerifat

india is part of the sub-asian continent, so technically they're sub-asians

I work at the store level and whenever we have to call the god forsaken help desk and talk to the moronic indians on the other side it's pure torture.
I usually immediately ask for someone who natively speaks English.

How do you know he was Asian?

more like subhuman

>That's the joke

>Exact thing happened to me

Good goyim.

I am going to make a killing from resales thank to people like you haha

Don't forget to file a shipping claim once you receive it.

Scalpers can all go fuck themselves.

Are preorders done for, i was planning on going tomorrow. Oh well there will probably be plenty in stock in a month

Sucking off the fat gamestop clerk near my house.

Gonna try to emulate BotW on CEMU because it's the only game I want to play. If it doesn't work I might dish out the money to the Nintenjew but I won't like it.

as a pajeet, that hurts

CEMU already said it wont be impossible for a few more months.

Imagine being mugged by the Gamestop employee after winning a Switch pre-order you don't want to pay for.


>sold out of preorders everywhere
So did the Wii U, so that's not saying much

Nintoddlers love to forget the Pii U exists

Steal it from some autists playing outside.

Wii U is great.
That being said, preorders and first day sales aren't a good indicator for how well a system will do.

ya gotta love Niptendo limiting the production.

By buying it from work on my lunch.

wtf I

Never get the first version of a new console OP.

I will buy a switch when a new smash bros gets announced.

>blu-ray controllers don't work well 10 ft away from console behind 6ft wall of water
Literally broken

>6ft wall of water


There's a spot in Portland that sells electronics but is all but forgotten about. Black Friday we got two of the $99 3DS pretty easily. Might not even need to camp out desu.

Gonna try other places anyways though. Camping out is always fun for me, and I got some friends coming with.

I'll wait. I wasted 800 bucks on a Vive a year ago and it keeps me busy enough.

Im literally going to walk in Walmart and pick one up just like I did with the Wii U and everyone was sayin the same thing

I'm not until the online is hackable to be free and they distribute and pack-in controllers without gimmicks inside of them. I will never pay that much to have a normal controller. the incoming drone damage control posts will say "NEVER EVER" because Nintendo is clandestine on forcing their gimmicks again because they have no other card to play anymore.

I want to get one that'll be exploitable, but I don't want to get one on launch
Here's hoping there's few patches between launch and when it's actually worth the money.