Why is Halo now praised around here?
Why is Halo now praised around here?
Because people who first played Halo when they were 9 years old are 25 now, so it's a big part of their childhood.
I honesty prefer Call of Duty. No joke.
Because it's a good game
When will consolewars fags get a new meme?
What is wrong with that? Doom, Half-Life, and Goldeneye fucking suck.
Because people are finally realizing Doom is shit.
Consider suicide
ignore this entirety of this thread
it's because the kids grew up, and we are both getting old now. same reason why people have no problem with the absymally bad and overly-cinematic games released in current year
MUH FAST Quake autists died out.
Nah i'll leave that to the PCucks that grew up thinking trash like Doom, and Quake was good.
In other words it's because you grew up with bad games and didn't know any better because it was all you had.
the kids grew up
Never understood why people think all Halo fans are kids when all the well known people in the fanbase were already in their upper 20s when the first game released. I mean for fuck's sake, the most iconic fans of Halo are Rooster Teeth and those guys are in their 40s.
Your image explain it pretty well. If you like Halo, Quake or Doom and completely blind to all of the flaws or how badly the games had aged then you only have yourself to blame for when you can't see why people don't simply agree that these are the greatest games ever. They aren't. Just because you grow up with a game doesn't make it automatically good. If that was the case then everyone should love Sim City for the SNES as that what I grew up with. Jesus that game was a mess, the roads didn't even have to connect to anything. OoT is a linear as fuck game and is honestly kinda shit as the giant field is just a hub for you to go to a few select locations, nothing is in it otherwise beside a few holes and random monsters. MM added more freedom in terms of side quests but just as linear when it came to everything that matters. The N64 Zelda games were only good for being the first 3D games, that was it.
Baby first game for X console was shit, get over it. Not saying newer games are much better but you gotta admit that Dark Souls at least give you a few real area choices compare to OoT, there is a slight progress there. If you still think OoT automatically wins over Dark Souls just because it was an early childhood game then you only prove my point, your opinion means very little when you can't keep your emotion out of it.
Halo Online shows that the game still holds up on PC. It's a good game regardless of the console shit
>Rooster teeth in their 40s
Holy fuck, time flies.
Why are you asking this now? The transition from ironic shitposting about how good Halo was to ironic shitposting about how bad Halo was happened years ago on Sup Forums. It's eventually going to happen with everything that's popular with children.
Because they can't accept that they have poor taste in games so they have to justify it by calling anyone who doesn't suck Dooms dick a kid that must be too young to play it. They mistake nostalgia for quality game design
I will always associate Halo and Xbox as the point where gaming took a turn for the worse. Induction of dudebros, consolization of countless genres and franchises. Basically the normie invasion.
I've never played a Halo title and never fucking will. The slow, floaty controls and generic style are just gross.
Die you degenerate barneyfag
>I've never played a Halo title
>The slow, floaty controls and generic style are just gross.
If you've never played it how the fuck would you know what the controls feel like? either you are lying on one point or the other but either way you're shitposting.
I hate this meme. It stems entirely from the popularity of the game rather than its actual quality.
If the game was the exact same but it was a standalone game without much mainstream success so much more of you would love it.
It's a great game, not perfect, but not awful like you people meme it to be.
It's because they don't want to admit that Doom is actually Babies First FPS.
>It's a great game
No, it isn't. I
Because the idiot 14 year olds Sup Forums used to hate grew up and became Sup Forums's main userbase. This was predicted over 10 years ago.
10+ years ago we were talking about how the the Doom and Quake loving oldfags looked at the HL3-loving, Halo-hating neckbeards the same way the neckbeards looked at the Halo kiddies, and eventually the Halo kiddies would grow up and hate some new FPS.
Because it's good
I have no idea why Halo is lumped in with bad shooters. It has a fantastic production quality, stellar multiplayer, a single-player that never felt tacked on, and a fairly unique blend of the more common slower FPS elements prevalent today and the fast-paced gameplay from the older days. It really is a unique beast that doesn't deserve what 343 is doing to it.
yes it is. I
>Console fps
We are in a board where people think playing or even talking about garbage like Overwatch is acceptable to the point we have daily threads instead of being contained on /vg/ already. Are you honestly surprised people praises Halo?
>PCuck anything
>and the fast-paced gameplay from the older days
Yeah I don't get that either. Master Chief jogs at a pace of like 5 miles per hour.
If it was a PC exclusive they would've gobbled it up.
It always was, you just weren't awake when those threads were up. Although I never participated, past midnight in the US there were frequent Halo threads with decent discussions because the kids were asleep.
It wasn't fast paced, but I blame the hate on early consolewars idiots and Quake/DOOM lovers who, for some reason, had chips on their shoulders regarding a shooter that could work, and actually be fun and succesful, with a controller.
Halo 1 & 2 are better than every shooter that came for PC after it was released, Not surprising, go play CSGO, Arma or whatever autistic shit you on.
You're always encouraged to move and jump and use the terrain to your advantage. Very few weapons have ADS and grenades are plentiful and a key component of the game. It's infinitely faster than CoD or the cover based shooting that took over. Not Quake fast for sure, but it didn't completely trash those ideas.
And it would have been much better.
>Halo being better than UT/Quake/Tribes
I honestly can't tell if this is bait or if this board is truly lost.
It's a shooter designed for controllers. That makes it automatically shit and literally nothing like Quake.
>Not total shit
Pick one then take off the nostalgia goggles
>literally nothing like Quake.
You're right if it were like Quake it would be shit.
everything you just described is actually attributed to the PS2 and the Wii
Stop with the low effort bait or I'll start thinking you're actually this retarded
>my first fps
That would be Prime for Sup Forums
Quake 3 Arena (1999)
Unreal Tournament (1999)
Tribes 2 (2001, March)
Halo: Combat Evolved(2001, November)
Unless you are delusional to think QUake 4 wasn't garbage or that an MP only game like UT 2004 can even compete with Halo and Halo 2 you are the one who is lost. Halo is better than every shooter that came for PC after the golden era of shooters ended and it turned into stagnation.
You can always tell the memers from the people who actually played pre 2000s FPS based on which game they blindly defend, and just how inferior to Turok/Turok 2 each of them were
>after the golden era of shooters ended and it turned into stagnation.
and why did that happen? What caused devs to design their games primarily for people playing with a controller?
Because the Halo games are good.
>Puts effort into both single player campaigns and MP suites
>amazing music
>good art direction
>tons of community content creation tools for shit like custom gametypes, maps, screenshots, and so on)
>Pretty decent stories and has one of the largest EU's in the medium if you are into LORE
>uses the entire fucking color spectrum when most of the genre forgot that green through purple exists.
343 is only really still fucking up the single player. 5's MP is great and the EU, while suffering somwwhat due to 4 and 5's terrible plots and 343's overerliance on having an assembly line of new galactic threats, for the most part hasn't gotten worse and the books never dropped in quality form bungie's stewardship.
2015 alone is probably outright the best year ever for Halo lore with like 5 seperate book releases,all of which were fall of reach tier or so or better, 2 of them even being ghosts of onyx tier.
UT 2004 is miles above any Halo you retard.
The same reason why Goldeneye 64 was so great. Couch play. but this was a new era.
Halo lore has always been really decent and other than some of the dumb things with the 4/5 SP stories, I don't think 343 has fucked that up.
A slightly unpopular opinion, but I don't really mind what they've done with Cortana going rampant. It's been a theme they hit on heavily in Marathon and it only makes sense it would cross over to Halo at some point. It was done in a fucking terrible godawful way, but I don't mind it at its core.
Whatever you say quake kidde.
Pre-halo there was no golden age of shooters. 99% of fps games sucked pre-halo
>and just how inferior to Turok/Turok 2 each of them were
All pre 2001 games. This is why people have problem noticing, HALO became objectively the best shooter series for a period of time when even the great series like Turok, Doom, Quake, all became uninspired trash.
Are you trying to imply that because people copied Halo that makes it a bad game?
>muh story
>muh art direction
>doesn't even mention gameplay
Really makes you think
>A slightly unpopular opinion, but I don't really mind what they've done with Cortana going rampant. It's been a theme they hit on heavily in Marathon and it only makes sense it would cross over to Halo at some point. It was done in a fucking terrible godawful way, but I don't mind it at its core.
Completely agree. There's nothing wrong with making her go rampant and her being a villain, the problem is just 4 handled her rampancy like utter fucking garbage and they killed her off before she becamea villian, instead of killing her of as a result of he becoming a villian.
>hurp durp gameplay is all that matters meme
Do you also think that the only thing that matters for movies is their visuals effects?
Anyways, the halo games have good gameplay anyways. It's not perfect, but it's good.
Crap i used my now this is shit posting image too soon. Now i don't have a proper response to describe just how utterly retarded that statement is.
Hahah, I'm aware.
It's better than the gameplay in babies first FPS games like Doom and Quake.
Fuck no. It tries to do to much but excels at nothing, the game with the shortest lifespan of an actually competitive community, and vehicle gamemodes are terrible for an arena shooter which combat should be focused on the level design instead of gimmicks, not only Halo does vehicular gamemodes far better, every single UT2004 vehicle is inspired on Halo counterparts and Halo had much better maps and pace for a gamemode like that.
No, Halo's not really at fault. The problem is really that it popularized console FPS's which resulted in devs developing for their games to be played primarily on a controller. People tried to copy Halo's gameplay because it worked well with that format.
You got so ass blasted from the Halo 5 thread that you made this, holy shit, and that fucking ancient image.
Man I remember the old Halo 3 threads, wonder what ever happened to those anons.
No, I don't think it's the only thing that matters, but it's by far the most important thing in a video game. Halo's gameplay was always watered down shit.
I doubt you ever played UT2004, you were probably busy making sand castles with the other kids.
The fact that it wasn't designed for a controller makes it inherently better.
Is OP the Halo_Guardians.png autistocrat? You've got to give him credit in that case, he switched both images AND filenames
Hasnt been a Halo thread in weeks around here, that Halo thread pops up and then this one pops up? Its to much to be a coincidence.
OP is a faggot and he knows it.
>You don't like what i like so you must be a kid
literally every PCuck FPS player ever.
>in weeks
There have been more than a few about Halo Wars 2.
343i has made the current series so fucking bad it's hard not to at least admire the first few games for being great.
>thread comparing FPS games
>bitch about an RTS
just when i thought doomfags couldn't get any dumber
>mfw the story is the only thing 343 isn't fucking up
Halo Wars is still a thread about Halo and will have discussion about things like the lore, things about 6, and past games. Don't be retarded.
>The fact that it wasn't designed for a controller makes it inherently better.
What a lame excuse, UT2004 had several flaws, floaty gameplay, plastic feel and look to weapons and maps, vehicles also felt like toys you could toss around instead of having weight, this lack of weight is what made Halo games far better for gamemodes that depend on vehicular gameplay. Halo maps for CTF became so much of a landmark that they were remade for other games as well, where vehicular gamemodes for Unreal become so forgotten the new game isn't even planning to include them, UT should be an arena shooter after all. Halo CE and 2 are campaign shooters with an actually fun multiplayer, they not even comparable.
>unironically playing FPS on consoles
Xbox kiddies are the worst.
>n-no u
Halo's brutally slow dude, what are you even jabbering about? Both movement speed and TTK are crazy slow.
>Unironically playing video games on a PC
PCucks are the worst
You can't seriously say that after Halo 5 came out. I think 4's campaign is severely underrated but 5 is genuinely one of the worst I've ever played in a shooter period.
>Brian Reed
Why do Marvel Comics ruin literally everything good?
TTK is fairly slow but the movement is a lot faster than all the CoD games that happened up until 2 years ago and every single cover-based shooter that plagues the market. Shooters have been a weird bunch since the turn of the century but Halo still plays a lot faster than modern games. Or at least modern as of a few years ago since there's been a trend towards fast stuff again.
halo games are so fun, especially splitscreen with friends
>movement speed
Compare to PC shooters and NUUM maybe, but certainly leading the pack for consoles.
It's decently fast if you can land all your shots, which is harder because of the fast-but-not-too-fast movement.
How is it a lame excuse?
UT2004 has fast-paced gameplay with tons of movement options and an extensive array of weapons.
I never claimed the game modes with vehicles were particularly great, but core FPS gameplay is miles above.
Halo had great story, and specially ambient. The kind of Alien feeling you can only see in Metroid Fusion as well. The game is a bunch of references to sci fi movies cobbled together.
I haven't played 5
no split-screen decided that purchase for me right away
don't even have a One
was tempted when I heard that OG Pistol was back
>but only as a random drop with micro-transactions
>also micro-transactions
I liked the slowness of it, You feel the lack of gravity, and more importantly, quick weapons such as pistols while moving shitslow encourages you to become better at aiming.
Halo has always been a lot more epic, and I use that in the sense of like a massive branching world and story with layers and stories outside what is shown to you in the games themselves, than it has any right to be. Bungie really did hit the mark with Halo and their attention to detail and such really drives me to love them even if I think Destiny is a terrible thing.
You DO know why Microsoft doesn't allow crossplay right?
Amerifats really adore this mediocre series for some reason. It's like something in its uninspired mess of a design resonates with their primitive nature.
People need to start somewhere, OP, you faggot.
But the game came out 16 years ago..
Actually yes they do.
But nice job talking out of your ass PCuck
The run speed in CoD is definitely fated than the walking speed in Halo. People only shoot for a handful of second in CoD so trying to talk about the movement speed when ADS as if it's the primary movement speed is just retarded. Hell, advanced warfare had some type of bunny hoping system or something.
I haven't played any Cod games past Blops2 and haven't aren't a Halo past Reach so I have no idea what's going on with the newer games.
Also Halo definitely has more depth than CoD, probably the most depth out of any console FPS, but it's definitely a slower game.
FPS games on a controller just suck dude. There's a reason why every console FPS uses heavy aim assist and dramatically changed their games mechanics just so it functions semi well on a controller.
UT2004 can be only good as a multiplayer arena shooter, it lacks singleplayer and the few attemps of making singleplayer campaing mods like the ones original UT had failed miserably, the gameplay isn't suited for it. Halo core gameplay is better suited for singleplayer and gamemodes with vehicles.
9+16=25 you idiot
CoD games being fast only started with AW as far as I know and, up until them, was just as slow as normal. Sprinting isn't a thing that fits in the design of Halo and it's fine since the maps are the size to accommodate this or it's a vehicle level which shifts the dynamic of the game as a whole. CoD also encourages camping as a way to catch your enemy in a state where you have the ability to fire faster and more accurately because of crouching while "camping" in Halo is one of the core tenants ala Q3 where controlling territory where power items/weapons spawn is just part of the key game design. Since those things don't exist in CoD, it means every location could be a camping location and the inability to know if an enemy has a power weapon like a sniper rifle compared to the loadouts in Halo also change how maps are set up.
>Nah i'll leave that to the PCucks that grew up thinking trash like Doom, and Quake was good.
I have to second this. I've been replaying old fps games recently, but I can't think but notice that they've all aged poorly. The maze-like level design gets boring really fucking fast. I tried to play Rise of the Triad (the original) recently and I just can't fucking bear to play it. I don't think doom is any better. I've also played Marathon 1 recently, and on the first fucking level you get to encounter a small "maze" where use of automap is "encouraged" (though I have to admit, I was playing with too dark brightness at first) and I couldn't help but that "well shit, these didn't seem so bad when I was 10".
Do I like Call of Duties? No, I absolutely despise them. But take something like the "open world approach" of crysis 1 and suddenly the game is much more interesting (for me). I feel sorry for people who defend quake and doom.
Bodied, what a faggot.