What did she mean by this?
What did she mean by this?
Is this real because jesus christ
Ha. That's actually pretty good.
This will be the new "took an arrow in the knee" meme. I'm telling you.
has nintendo FINALLY hit puberty?
will their games start getting good?
Degenerating society.
Being a good thing.
Fuck off.
Top heh
They still haven't learned what AA is?
Is arrow girl a cute? If so I wanna see some porn.
So now Zelda has sex jokes in it? Will the horrors never cease?
>this god awful reply
lrn 2 grntxt plebbitor.
boy oh boy. someone has some catching up to do.
>Never without a condom!
whats on the next page
Lonely Arrow Girl doujins WHEN
I'm going to marry lonely arrow girl!
how do you tune a bow? like, plucking the string and tuning the note it produces??
How come only virgins on Sup Forums complain about degeneracy? Ive never heard a chad drowning in pussy mention it
It's only degenerate if things were better before. The world was significantly worse ten years ago than it is today, and it was significantly worse ten years before that, and ten years before that, and so on and so forth, basically since the beginning of recorded history.
The past is always the enemy of the good.
you forgot you're meem arrows
you can tune a bow but you can't tune a fish
low key innuendos have been in zelda since 87'
>The world was significantly worse ten years ago than it is today
No it's not, it's literally worse in all aspects other than technological progress, which happens no matter what societal ills are abound.
>not my presnet
Technological progress is the only progress that matters anyways. Society is useless. Morals are useless. Fuck until your dick falls off it doesn't matter.
Humanity is a parasite. We eat and fuck and murder and we're the best at it than anything has ever been. What matters now, more than anything else, is building a craft that can take us to a new planet for us to inhabit, so we can eat and fuck and murder everything on that planet too.
The purpose of this planet was to be a nursery for life so that we would eventually evolve and consume it. It is our egg, and we're nearly finished slurping up its yolky core. Crack the egg. Infect every planet we can find. Murder forever. That is what makes us human.
Disgusting. We are demonic and should go extinct.
You certainly haven't hit puberty yet. Maybe if you play some more mature shooters people will think you're an adult, little man.
That's revisionist. Nintendo reverse aged. Most of neo Sup Forums wouldn't be able to beat the NES Zeldas without guide.
Actually, we will create our successors who will travel to the stars. They will surpass us and this will happen to us
The Gerudo were giant non-humorous sexual reference.
Holy shit.
How the hell did this get past present day NOA?
It isn't a reference if it isn't written as a joke. It's just savis for people who are lewd
A woman with sexual independence??? I NEVER
Even Error is laughing at you
No, you are just a degenerate shitlib.
Not all of us are of the borg.
Trump won get over it shilldog!!!
post industrial revolution earth has let you become fat and weak. enjoy your boxed in existence faggot
I am an error
Lonely Arrow girl ! ! !
C-cute ! ! ! !
So was he also banging those old ladies who refilled his magic?
more importantly when do we get a remake of zelda 2? im ready to fuck this guy in 1080p
You never received a real blowjob until you get one from a toothless old lady.
>remake finally happens
>bosses have giant glowing eyeballs
>toon art style
>tfw the best Zelda game will never get a sequel
>Nintendo of America translations
That only works once, though.