Ask someone who just went to the switch early access tour anything.
Switch Tour
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They gave you a piss bottle?
Is the system fucking worth It? Or do I waste my money on an useless PlayStation again?
Please be as sincere as possible, and don't act like a Nintoddler.
What's your favorite anime this season?
how big is your dick?
Yuri on Ice
how's the water taste?
Who's your favorite Pokegirl?
Did you test to see if the Joycons would have connectivity issues if you covered them with your hands?
what games did you play is probably a good place to start.
they wouldn't let you leave the area with the switch so they gave you a piss bottle to use to emulate the feeling of taking the switch to the bathroom.
Attack on Titan 2. Don't even give a shit, it's going to blow everything out of the water.
what games did you play?
How are the joy cons, too small, distance issues?
is the screen too small in handheld mode
how is tv mode, does it upscale or render higher resolutions?
how is the pro controller?
how good is that cookie?
Okay, 300 dollars is too much for a fucking system like this, I'll say it flat out, especially with no pack-in games. Wait for a bundle at a discount (if scalpers aren't fucking bad enough.)
I like the portability and versatility but everything is too goddamn expensive. 1-2 Switch was fun and ARMS was fucking amazing BOTW was good too, like MGSV for Zelda, but the framerate fucking bombed and it really was a testament to the lack of Pascal but yeah, wait for a bundle.
I did not, sorry.
This guy's actually right: they "switch" the water with piss. But in all seriousness,
Fine, I guess.
how did it feel in the hand?
not your dick, but the Switch
>this season
>yuri on ice
Get outta here filthy casual!!
>Just "Nintendo Switch"
>Not "SanSwitch"
>1-2 Switch was fun
so can we all disregard this guy's opinion on anything now?
keep in-mind, the switch events aren't running the latest builds of Zelda. I got to play it at an event the for the Zelda Escape the Room thing and it was version .12S or whatever, aka just a port of the E3 build. Most previews are saying it performs way better on retail.
and why do you say it's too expensive? Honestly it's the price I had my finger on since the initial reveal. Everyone hoping for $250 was dreaming.
I think that's a cookie.
Did you get to kiss John Cena?
Sonic Mania
1-2 Switch
Snipperclips (cutest game of all time. Made me depressed for not having a gf.)
Fast Racing Remix (fucking good. Should just be F Zero. Come on Nintendo.)
Joy cons are good. Every single attachment is incredibly comfortable: Even playing Sonic Mania with one Joy con is comfy as hell, SL and SR feel so fucking good to press.
Screen is a little small for 2-player tabletop and you have to get used to the slight SLIGHT weight in handheld because the system is so long.
Pro controller is okay, nothing special. Everything including the system has this nice smoothness that's even beyond apple.
Cookie fucking sucked
Yeah it was kind of a bust, table tennis was hard and copy dance was a little weird, the milking game was retarded too, but my friend and I kept coming back to play the minigames, Idk. I liked ARMS more because it just felt good to punch shit
I don't know... Frankly it might be worth it. From playing it, Nintendo has definitely struck the balance between casual and hardcore, and also something that's not so easy to just get on PC (I hate to say it but a lot of the gimmicky games were fun.)
Alright fair enough about 1-2, Switch. Thanks for being honest.
What? That's ridiculous!
Whose tears are in the bottle?
>all these positives
>cookie fucking sucked
what do you think of BOTW
How is bomberman and sonic
is arms really just shovelware? is it enjoyable in anyway?
how different is MK8DX and fast racing RMX rom the origionals
what is snipperclips about?
Oh, and Sonic Mania is good as hell, but the guy was trying to teach me how to drop dash and it's hard. Looks good and plays like Sonic CD 2.
Oh, and the TV mode is fine, I don't know.
I'm user and just want to contrast your impressions with my own.
For reference, I only got to play Zelda and for less than 10 minutes, but I used everything at my disposal.
Really fucking small. Concerned me. I have hands that are a little larger than normal but the right one's buttons are so close to the stick that I hit it often. Otherwise really nice.
>Pro Controller
I've never used a 360 style controller and fit really well in the hand. Solid build quality and great to use. I was iffy on dropping money on one but after trying it out I'm definitely going to pick one up.
Super simple, and undersold how fast it is. It's fucking instant. You can start playing as fast as you can confirm a controller.
and I didn't notice any bluetooth issues, granted i was right next to the thing.
cut or uncut?
Did you collect any extra water bottles/Switch snacks to scalp? I went last month and I have 3 water bottles as well as M&Ms and Goldfish crackers
>Looks good and plays like Sonic CD 2.
I don't like Sonic CD.
surely people don't buy these things
Is that soap or a cookie?
BOTW is good but it's stupid because you can't attack without a weapon and they break a lot. My advice is don't throw weapons when you get the game if you don't have ample supply. Seemed fucking good though, you can tell they focused all the dev work into it. Definitely a Witcher 3 for Zelda.
Bomberman is good enough, I don't know. Reminded me of the DSi one a few years back but there's two levels of bombs, you can go onto where the walls are and place bombs. A little dynamic, pretty cool
ARMS is not shovelware, that shit is high-octane and I couldn't stop playing it. People were saying it could go competitive and they may be right: It's surprisingly fucking satisfying and feels built like a solid fighting game.
MK8DX has like, a few new maps and courses. Also an extra item slot. I didn't play the original RMX but I liked it a lot, high octane.
Like I said, Mania is a good Sonic game made by Sega. Blows my mind
Snipperclips has you and a partner cutting each other into shapes and fitting them into on-screen dotted line shapes. Rotating, regenerating figure and cutting has the boy and girl figures making all kinds of emotional cartoony faces and it was so fucking cute I had to stop playing because we were playing it as two dudes and it was the gayest thing of all time. Puzzle game
Really? okay, yeah I will say that it's hard to find a place to rest your hands when holding the joy cons because I have large hands too, especially when playing with the upright pointer-on-R style with ARMS or the gun minigame in 1-2-S.
I didn't get to dock and undock, that's interesting. No bluetooth issues here either
Okay, then Sonic 3 and Knuckles. Either one. It played like classic Sonic that transcended shittiness.
>he opened the water
Out of 10, what would you rate the Switch and it's games overall? I've already preordered the switch and botw, but I'd still like to know what shit I'm in for, so be honest.
I didn't get to use the grip controller, I should mention, just the joycons by themselves. They clearly were pushing the system and not the game (Why at a zelda event? I have no clue.) But they even wanted me to try it out in kickstand mode even though I just wanted to play through as much of the demo as possible.
Really, really loved that pro controller.
I don't know... It's hard to say. It's incredibly versatile which I like, and it's easy to play games with friends if you have them on hand. Probably... a 6, 7 if the games don't get old, 8 if they're worthwhile. It's always hard to judge from just playing 20 minutes of each, you want games with good replay value if they're all 60 dollars. I really liked how the system feels, though.
They had weird sections that were modeled after buses, airplanes and diners where you could try playing the switch in portable mode. It's fairly comfortable but they had a charging cable connected the whole time and that kind of took the effect away, but the system would be a blast on airplanes alone or with a sibling battery willing, at home with some replayable games, or if you want to fuck around with friends. I like the wide range of playing.
I'll be around until the thread closes, guys. Thanks for asking so far
Well, it's good to know I'm not paying for a complete piece of shit then. Hopefully things turn for the better and it gets some more games. Pokemon would be pretty replayable.
Is that a fucking glass jar with a switch paper logo around it?
Hell yeah, and Mario Odyssey seems good. Splatoon was pretty underwhelming and I got pretty tired of the Gyros - not really the game for me. But I had a Wii U and I have to say this felt a lot better and more practical than that fake tablet shit
Though that may be the Reggie mind control, as soon as you walked in there was this long red strip up to a huge screen and there were games everywhere. It felt like you were in a fucking commercial. Let me get a picture
plastic water bottle, idiot
hey its the fucking handsome beard nigga again!
I mean the employees were all dressed in red as you walked down, gave high fives and had goofy hats. It was some serious tempering shit
I know someone who's gonna get it for bomberman so i might just get 1-2 Switch or one of those and play it on his until I get mine at a price drop.
No Skyrim either.
OP I just have a couple questions
Pro controller worth it?
How devastating will the BotW framerate be if im planning to play it solely on my 55" tv?
whats good with Fast RMX and Snippercunts?
jesus christ how do you remember me
I understand disliking game prices that aren't AAA, but I can't agree with the assessment about the Console's actual price. $250 was a fake price based on false rumours, which inflated everyone's expectations. There is no way Nintendo would sell this console at a loss. Regardless, performance-wise the Switch is looking to be 800-900 gflops docked, so it really isn't that far behind the current gen consoles.
What's it like to hold the switch in Portable mode? It just looks so flimsy, yet center-heavy.
seems like you had a good time then, looks pretty cool.
Check the previews for the BotW framerate instead as they are playing the retail, they mention that frame drops are infrequent and only happen when there are ALOT of shit happening on screen (e.g. In a village while raining).
There are also impressions that plateau has the worst framerate of the entire game, but take that with a grain of salt
Not OP, but pictures of the Switch disassembled show that it has a rigid cage built into it for sturdiness. Besides, it's almost as thick as a N3DS; I doubt it's going to be flimsy.
>Though that may be the Reggie mind control, as soon as you walked in there was this long red strip up to a huge screen and there were games everywhere. It felt like you were in a fucking commercial. Let me get a picture
That sounds hilarious
idk your pic was memorable lmao
having said that, i'm still waiting for that face reveal
Who is your favorite ARMS character?
to be totally honest, other than Zelda the eShop launch games look pretty cool (Shovel, Rmx, Snip, Setsuna)
am i gonna need to get a microSD on launch if I plan to get all of these?
Might as well just get a microsd anyways. $20 for 64GB, $40 for 128GB, fuckall to upgrade the storage.
unless you find the video it's in you will never know
Rule number one is to never reveal yourself anonymously, it will ruin your life.
yep, center-heavy, but like I said you get used to it. Not very Flimsy. Pretty big
Fair enough. I think it'll do pretty good later into its lifetime. But I won't buy it until Gamecube Virtual Console. I like that it's not trying to be just another game machine like PS4 and Xbone because PC definitely has a lot of advantages over them at times. But I don't want to open that can of worms
Yup, the plateau going down the hill was pretty bad. Still an amazing game, the dialogue with the old man made me laugh - he reacts to having his torches and apple taken and pulls your leg for it
IDK if Pro-controller's worth it, Joy-cons feel pretty good but if they're too big, sure, get one. It felt kind of redundant when I was using them, the normal controller was fine.
I only played Colgate Boy. It was fucking satisfying to play though, once you get a feel for the controls everything is really fucking smooth. I could play it for a while and the guy said I could do tabletop mode which would be really fun, especially if it has a campaign
No idea... I hope not, some of them seem bigger than others.
>Rule number one is to never reveal yourself anonymously, it will ruin your life.
you speak as if you have some prior experience with this sentiment
Shovel Knight and Snipperclips couldn't be more than 2 gigs total, stuff like RMX and Sonic are likely small in size too.
Unless you're buying zelda digitally I have a feeling you could download every title digitally and be okay.
surprised to hear how good arms is by the way. seems like everyone who has played it only has good things to say. hopefully the non-motion controls are given just as much - if not more - thought than the waggle
Did you get to do anything with the HD Rumble and if so how did it feel?
Did they explain why can't nintendo just make a normal console without gimmicky bullshit?
Agreed, I think the Switch has a big opportunity to massively explode and sell gangbusters this Holiday, since that's post-E3 and when they have at least 1 big title lined up.
And I definitely agree with you that the Switch is doing something unique, rather than trying to compete against PCs.
Hopefully Nintendo gets rewarded for doing so, and they try to do right by the concept.
If you want more of a taste of BotW beyond the plateau, I'll spoiler this webm if you want to take a peek.
Nah, have never been identified online or off. I have no secret identities anywhere. Just some scruffy dude who's been on Sup Forums a while. A little fat.
that said, once you're recognized or made fun of on the internet, they never forget.
Eshop games should be within 3-5 gigs, max. Most of them are looking to be about 1 gig. I would buy a microsd if I planned on having more than 5 eshop games, and at least 1 big title from the eshop, but it isn't a worry if you're buying just RMX, Snip, and Shovel. Snipperclips should be about 1 gig on release.
Not that user, but I also went to that event. The hd rumble is sort of like VR, you think it is shit until you try it.
I played this weird game where you guess how many balls are in a wooden box, and every time you shook it, the balls bounced on their own in different places. And tilting it actually felt like the balls were moving.
Yeah!! Played the marbles game (same one as )
with a friend and won - I'll try to describe it.
You can feel the sliding and moving of the marbles in space - it's not like a placebo. I played other games too and felt it - there's definitely a "sliding" mechanism and a rumbling mechanism.
Yeah, they said Kimishima needs the desire-fluids of spergs to revive Iwata
Why do people always say this? Nintendo would get absolutely slaughtered trying to make Gimped PC #3. The only reason PS4 is doing well is because they quite literally won the generation off of Microsoft's terrible mistakes. Microsoft is starting to back out into the PC market, and it's looking like PS4 is the only "pc-like" console that is doing well left.
>Just some scruffy dude who's been on Sup Forums a while. A little fat.
are you me?
while I sort of embody what you are saying as I have shunned all social media and have zero online presence other than this site, I gotta call you on that last point.
do you know how fucking rare it is to be "made fun of" on the internet? that e-celeb shit is not normal whatsoever. it's like a bee; if you don't mess with it, it won't sting you.
because for those people they want nintendo games without paying for nintendo hardware.
I really don't get it, so many devices do the exact same things these days. Like, no web browser and no netflix? Well fuck I guess I'll just use my usual shit I use for it or one of my 6 other devices (Computer, laptop, appleTV, PS3, Wii U, Phone)
know where i can get a good size/speed microsd? i have no experience with em and coincidentally I just got a new phone that takes them and this might be useful for both devices.
Just being safe and keeping with the motiff user: This is a board for anonymous faggots posting about video games. I can give timestamps and shit, but the second I show a face I'm not longer an user.
oh yeah, one last thing I should mention about the event is that there was about 1/3 second of input delay on the TV, though I'm 100% sure it was just the TV being used in a non-game mode.
Consoles sell if they have good games. Good games are better if made on sensible hardware. If they make good games, and apparently they are, they will sell the console. Since they're going to sell the console anyway, they may as well make it a quality console instead of a gimmick one.
There. Simple, logical, axiomatic flow of thought since common sense is automatic for you fools.
Let me talk about ARMS.
The gameplay is really dynamic - you can hit someone's ribbon arm from the side and cripple it for a bit, grab through shields, block special attacks, airdodge... Felt very good. Lots to do and even custom fists for each character. Maps were good and grab/special attacks were dynamic and had personality.
IDK how old games like this get, though. I know I didn't like Splatoon when I got it and I didn't like playing Spla2n, the gyroscope shit was just frustrating. But arms had solid as hell waggle.
wow that's good
is the 256 the max capacity they come in currently?
...That is the complete opposite of good logic. Do you even know what circular reasoning is?
stick with Sandisk, Samsung, or Lexar. UHS class 1 or 2.
Yes, but 128 is cheaper and should work just fine desu. You should be able to grab 128gb from official stores and retailers anywhere from 40 bucks to nearly 25.
>Do you even know what circular reasoning is?
I do, my post doesn't contain it.
I feel like Nintendo has an excuse for being 1/3 or 2/3 behind this time, though - the console may be gimmicky, but it's portable, ffs. And it's kind of got a second controller built-in (now, let's be real here, you couldn't play two BOTWs at once on it, but it works for stuff like Street Fighter which I played, or Mk8 or smash. And both are p comfy.) Still, I see your point. I kind of wish it wasn't such an easy point of contention that Nintendo has been behind on graphics for 3 gens.
128 is the height of price/capacity. Anything higher starts to get jewish, and switch games will be less than 50 gigs each.
Did you have to you use wagglin for spla2n?
Nope, you can use the gyro to aim if you want, but you can play it however you want to.
you didn't have to for the original, doubt they'd force it here.
I think you need the gyros, I don't know. You could use the right stick to look left and right but not up and down. Maybe you could turn it off
I have am extra switch coming from Amazon, how much should i list it in my local CL for?
die you degenerate scalperfag
Good thread, guys. Love y'all! Thanks for the questions and the other attendees in other states chiming in.
Ah, yes, you would think not... but Nintendo fans will, uh, be Nintendo fans.
You would have made a killing, user.
No sarcasm, check Ebay listings.