Who is the hardest boss in this game?
Orphan of Kos?
Laurence, the First Vicar?
Who is the hardest boss in this game?
Orphan of Kos?
Laurence, the First Vicar?
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In my personal opinion, Laurence's second form (when it loses half of its body).
difficulty wise
ludwig > laurence > orphan > defiled hotdog > rest
I think Ludwig, but realistically I'd say that Ludwig/Maria/Ebrietas are all on the same level as being the hardest encounters in the game.
I had no problem beating Orphan, especially phase 2, it seemed like it was pretty easy to not get hit.
The boss I found the most frustrating was Micolash.
I haven't fought Lawrence yet though, lots of people say he is the hardest so we'll see about that.
no way orphan is harder than Maria surely
maria can be staggered and has less health/erratic movements
I abstain from parrying bosses because it's cheap like spells in souls, but if you parry maria is a joke whereas orphan can still put up a fight
Phase 1 Ludwig can be a real cunt if you've never faced him before. But if you can beat that then Orphan and Laurence aren't that difficult, think both of them are pretty overrated as far as difficulty goes.
Also this, she took me an entire weekend to beat on my first playthrough.
Stay behind him or at his left side (near his smaller arm) and you can beat its first two phases.
I couldn't get a pattern or an opening for its final phase so I ended summoning someone.
Dodge towards him, but only after he does his arm swipes. Try to stay under him all times.
I have to confess that I beat Laurence by cheesing him to death.
I just ran around shooting him with my gun and making more blood bullets
I heard his ramming attack is the hardest to dodge because you have to dodge at precisely the right time and I think he does it when he claws the ground twice. Try dodging diagonally forwards.
Defile Amy is harder than all the bosses in the main game
150+ tries and I still haven't beaten Ludwig. Ebrietas only took me one try though, so go figure.
You think his ramming attack is bullshit?
Wait till you try a BL4 run vs Ebriatas
I honestly couldn't beat the Cleric Beast
>150+ tries
>Still haven't gotten Ludwig pattern down
Come on
Its close between Ebrietas and Ludwig. I beat Kos first try. And Im ashamed to admit I had a hard time with Amygdala
paarl sr. aka loran darkbeast
Defiled Amygdala is easy as shit. You just stay back out of range, wait for her to slam her head down, then rush in for a few hits. The Defiled Watchdog is so much harder unless you cheese the shit out of it so it only does bite attacks, in which case the fight is hard because it takes 10 years.
Just due to the difficulty level spike
Step 1 is to make sure you have enough VIT to not get 1 shot by his stampede or charge moves.
Then dodge into him when he swipes, and try to stagger him. If you stay under him too long then he will do a quick swipe backstep, which is very fast but gives you plenty of time to heal afterwards.
In phase two just stick to his left buttcheek.
The Orphan took me more tries than any other boss, with Ebrietas second.
Initial playthrough, Ebrietas was all but impossible for me. Then I came back to it and beat her pretty handily.
Once the DLC came out, Orphan pushed my shit in continually and I honestly don't know how I eventually beat him.
Other than that, fuck anything involving any of the chalice dungeons.
[Autistic Screeching Intensifies]
Personally, I beat Ludwig and Laurence both first try. Orphan of Kos took me a few, but I found that he's actually piss easy if you stick close to him.
The bosses I, personally, struggle the most with are Loran Darkbeast and Defiled Amygdala.
I know, it's embarrassing. It took me an absurd number of tries just to get his first form to a relatively consistent point. The sword form though? Just annihilates me before I can even get any decent practice. I haven't touched BB in months, but I'll go back to it soon because I don't want to play Nioh before finishing Old Hunters.
So I'm not bragging but I've never had trouble with Ebrietas (usually do her within one or two goes, first time did it in one go). I'm assuming that I might be doing her a lot later in the game than most (After I do the wet nurse). Why do people find her difficult?
Cause if you are not overleveled, the charge almost always one shots you and is near impossible to dodge. Not only is the pattern bullshit, (side and immediately forward), it is timing is tight and you have to be spaced at a minimum distance or you have no chance of dodging it.
Oh and her main game form is easy. It is the chalice dungeon one that people bitch about.
When I first played the game she was the last optional boss I took on and beat her in one try. On my second I went after her a fair bit earlier and she took me a good 20+ attempts. I guess just not having enough damage output to quickly get through phase 2 is a big factor in the fight.
She was difficult for me, because she:
Hits hard
Fucks with the camera (cleric beast style)
Is so big that it's hard to see her moves being telegraphed if you're close to her
has Frenzy attacks
has a chip damage aura
Any one of those things is not too bad, but all of them together in a fight make her incredibly frustrating. Although I do think that I was a smidge under levelled when I fought her.
>The sword form though? Just annihilates me before I can even get any decent practice.
Same shit, m8. Especially his AoE. Pure fucking bullshit.
So am I in the minority of thinking that his sword phase was actually a lot easier?
Her charge attack is ridiculously hard to dodge and sometimes just plain undodgeable. It's really fucked up also in that if you just stand in front of her and take it you take far less damage than trying to dodge it.
Her call from beyond in the second phase also will probably one-shot you if unprepared, so if you don't know how to dodge it you're fucked.
If it's the chalice version I can agree, all of those bosses are fucked.
What weapon do you usually use?
Abhorrent Beast in the chalice dungeon took me the most tries.
I found it a lot easier too.
If you stand close to him almost all his attacks just go over you except a few swipes. That massive sword laser attack is a killer at first but if you just run behind him while he's doing it you get so many free hits in.
Orphan, I killed that shitter Ludwig first try. Defiled bosses aren't hard because you can just avoid their attacks even without i-frame
because these guys never learned to turn off lock on. it is incredibly easy to stay behind her at all times if you abandon lock on
fucking darkbeast paarl. would've been a good boss if its hitbox wasn't so elevated. i had to cheese out using my flamethrower at the end.
For me it was Logarius by a country mile. Something about his flying, his unpredictable patterns, his fucking mad projectiles and AOE shit, the edges to fall off.
I easily lost to him more than any other boss.
No, his sword swings to me have some of the worst tracking out of any boss, I find myself just mashing R1 a lot during the middle of his combos after dodging the first swing and watching his sword just completely miss me while I'm damaging him. On top of that he has 2 moves where he holds his sword up forever and is just free damage or heals during that time, especially since after he smashes it down for the big one he then takes forever to recover from that.
I killed on my 3rd try and thought my fight was pretty sloppy, maybe my video will help you?
It was on NG+ mind you.
The trick to Logarius is to backstab him while he is charging for second form. And then he never goes into his second form for the rest of the fight. Makes it a cakewalk.
>What weapon do you usually use?
First playthrough was the regular saw cleaver, almost every time since I've used the Whirligig Saw.
Well yeah eventually I figured out that trick. Without it though it's a nightmare.
He still does the new attacks, he just staggers more easily and isn't immune to bullets. You can also skip him powering up if you just beat the shit out of him enough in the first phase
Idk why people have such a hard time with Orphan of Kos
His attacks are pretty easy to dodge and then get a hit in
Ludwig's second phase is also really easy to dodge, but his first phase has pretty bad hit boxes and poorly designed attacks
Laurence maybe for his second phase, just for all the fire everywhere
Orphan is semi unpredictable but almost all of his attacks can be countered by dodging into him and spinning back around.
Orphan of Kos is just a tricky motherfucker. He's really good at punishing habits you've picked up from fighting other bosses because of his weird attack timings and ranges. His second phase also has some confusing movement that takes a bit to get used to.
He also just has a metric fuckton of health and hits like a truck
Laurences problem is his utterly insane tracking on everything he does, he wouldn't be so hard otherwise.
I beat Orphan of Kos after a couple tries, didn't really have too much trouble with him. Ludwig took me like 20 tries, and Bloodstarved Beast took me 2 hours to beat somehow, although I eventually learned to parry its attacks. I didn't have problems with the rest of the bosses though. I especially don't understand how people have so much trouble with Laurence. I beat him on my first try with BoM.
This might explain a bit of sense considering I never use lock on with her.
I beat Ludwig this week for like the third time, went in there all hyped because I thought I knew all of his moves too well, just to get my ass kicked. I tried so many times I literally knew how to punish every single move he does, I was basically bullying him, no vials used for his first phase, but when I got him down to almost no health I always fucked something up and got one shot'd
I even knew when his moves was going to "glitch" me out (like pulling me with him with his head while backing off, making me fly above his head), it was an autistic experience