>left is genetically flawless paragon of humanity, custom-designed at the molecular level to be literally perfect in every way possible by society's elite
>right is genetically unaltered backwater junkyard grease monkey, born natural from society's lower working class
id let her grease my monkey if you know what i mean
Blake Collins
I thought miranda was just "my very own clone" designer baby of some rich man
Joseph Lee
The whole point of miranda is that she is not superior at anything. Thats why she fails if you let her handle the biotic shield during the suicide mission.
She basically just has a superiority complex.
Jackson Johnson
One of them has buck teeth and a over bite.
Aaron Cox
Her dad must have really cheaped out on the geneticists he hired to engineer her.
Samuel Sanchez
With a nose like that, it's pretty fucking obvious she was not flawless senpai.
Brayden Jackson
you dont seem to understand how genes work
Asher Gutierrez
All the money went into the booty
Levi Jones
John Foster
I'll have the right then.
Kayden Allen
It's basically a worse-explained version of Gattaca
Juan Bailey
Must have been pretty broke then.
Jaxon Adams
>left is genetically flawless paragon of humanity, custom-designed at the molecular level to be literally perfect in every way possible by society's elite
Yeah, just one problem that does away with all of that: >Designed by post-ME1 bioware
Levi Hall
Maybe you should pay more attention.
Christopher Allen
Oh that makes sense.
Charles Cruz
Why didn't they call her Cidney in the localization?
Hudson Adams
When will the west finally catch up?
Tyler Bailey
She's a woman, she can't be perfect.
Dylan Flores
I mean I only played the games once near release I guess my memory is shit then
Gavin Barnes
Nathan Hall
They did in the German version.
Chase Evans
When the left finally dies. So, probably not for another decade
Brandon Anderson
Alright, I want to buy this game what game is it and can i show her my peanus weanus?
Andrew White
Are there people who actually prefer Left over Right based only on looks?
Nicholas Jackson
Final Fantasy XV
Bentley Davis
Caleb Scott
Wrong on both counts. Ebin b8. Upvoting it for you
Jonathan Morris
are he and paige fucking
Luis Jones
Someone looks relatively normal? In a Final Fantasy game? Damn man, things have changed since I was a kid
Carter Morris
Cidney literally introduces herself as a Greasemonkey while speaking in a heavy southern belle drawl and works as a mechanic at a mechanic shop/diner, plus her grandaddy looks like a pile of wrinkles
Brody Edwards
>square face >butt chin Wouldnt touch
Charles Bennett
That's not even a good butt. It's like a five-year-old tried to mold a butt out of play-doh.
Jackson Watson
Possibly, but probably not
He is dating Maddox's ex-girlfriend (4 years after they broke up because she fucking hated him) and Maddox got pissy about it even though he had a new girlfriend who he was living with, and thus ended their very successful podcast
Dick's new podcast is making $19,000 per month from patreon alone, let alone merchandise and one-time donations
David Collins
miranda has fucking man jaw
Julian Collins
I mean probably. They're idiots but it's not impossible. That or they're solely choosing left for the booty, in which case I can't fault their logic.
Ryan Ortiz
Cindy has no ass and Miranda's tits are nicer anyway
Colton Anderson
What does "relatively normal" mean to you? The first games were high fantasy and looked normal for the setting. Nomura certainly let things get out of hand for a number of characters he designed but still plenty look normal. Even Barret, if you ignore the gun hand looks normal. Or do you mean normal as in modern day dresswear?
Adrian Kelly
Only waifufags losers care about crap like that
Blake Phillips
XV is urban fantasty so it has more people dressed in modern clothes, some are still in fantasy armor mainly from the enemy empire
Blake Moore
Why can't the west model cute girls?
Nolan Miller
Her outfit looks weird, nothing interesting. Just mash it up girllllll
Jack Williams
Left is a manufactured diamond and the right is naturally grown perfect diamond
Cameron Cox
>Manufactured diamond
Nolan Wilson
Pat and Paige have an open relationship
Oliver Ward
There can never not be a left and a right anymore than there could not be an up and a down.
Jaxon Scott
Didn't think anyone would get the secret DD reference I just came up with so fast
Leo Flores
That pic triggers me
Carter Cook
>that bioware response how cuck do you have to be?
Liam Miller
>left has a jaw >right looks like a male
Matthew Diaz
Nolan Torres
Leo Peterson
Gavin Ward
How old is ME trilogy. Western faces have regressed since then, if you ignore Uncharted4.
Jordan Powell
This kind of thing triggers me. If he just said "blah" and ended the thing it'd be obvious that he probably just closed the thing down without reading it.
But because of his response and the way he ended the "line" you can fucking tell he read through that entire thing and it just slowly slid off him without making any impact. He knew every fucking word and it just bounced off his face without him realizing what the guy meant.
And fuck, he's a fanboy in a way, but I still respect him for fucking saying what he said.
Blake Jenkins
Very left thing to say, honestly.
Aaron Scott
Parker Barnes
Do you have the vorcha saying he doesn't want DLC?
Joshua Torres
fuck found it.
Grayson Gomez
Simpler times.
Hunter Wright
is hungary part of the west?
Mason King
One on the left cannot have kids because of genetic defects from when they made her. One on the right can have kids but they will be rednecks. Pick your poison mother fuckers.
Jackson Thompson
>"take that librels!!1"
Luke Smith
Sebastian Hughes
Her butt is what makes her genetically perfect.
Ayden Smith
>When I actually got ding dong bannu'd
Kevin Hernandez
Anyone got a quick rundown? Resolution is fucked on my phone
Aiden Jenkins
>posting on bioware/EA forums
Jeremiah Ortiz
Sweet Jesus.
Aiden White
i know, that's why she makes me so fucking hard
Aiden Rogers
>"perfect" >Tits never larger than a D cup >Taller than 5'6'' >Small butt(Even Miranda had the same copy-pasted butt as the others) Why is it always the same bullshit?
Here's the literal perfect body.
Chase Phillips
>Not going to Bioware/EA forums
Ayden Green
Robert Ramirez
Ryan Hughes
Justin Johnson
Henry Thomas
I didn't know she made videos. Where does one go to see them?
Lucas Lewis
Genetically perfect but appearance was based on genetically imperfect real life person.
she doesn't fail the biotic barrier, only if you don't do her side quest
Jack, Samara, Miranda and Thane all auto-succeed if you assign them and you've done theirs.
Owen Ortiz
I love Cindy so much.
Why did her game have to be shit guys?
Andrew Sanchez
She was the ultimate fuck doll, her father created her to be a living flashlight for him, she is not perfect at anything but being good at riding dicks.
Her sister is the one who got all the good genes, Miranda was just a test run to see how things would turn out.
Juan Jones
>Disiplines: Hip Hop You just know.
Dominic Martinez
I'm still pissed that Thane wasn't a viable option for the vents. Yes I know that Tali and Legion are obviously correct, but Thane should've been as well. He clearly has a lot of experience getting through security, and the mission you recruit him in he spends it sneaking through vents.
Leo Ross
>tfw no enji gf
Alexander Garcia
Exactly, Miranda is a racist mega rich narcissist's idea of what a perfect woman would be based on his own genetics with his Y chromosome dumped for a second X.
She's basically a tranny fuck toy built to the tastes and fetishes of space Rupert Murdoch.
The only reason she was also built to be a 'perfect human specimen' was because her father/brother/original copy had more money than sense, and decided to both weaponise her and most likely have her be smart enough to be a decent conversation and probably 'show off her brains' as well as her body at parties.
She's just an old pervs super expensive real doll, not the idea woman. She's just also inherited her creators delusional narcissism.