About to start this shit. Which character should I start out with first?

About to start this shit. Which character should I start out with first?


hur duur delete this right right now sony sony sony sony

play with yunica tovah

Yunica a best.

Thank you sir. I fucking love Ys.

Now how much dick do I have to suck to get Oath a PS4 port?

>Dat opening narration

I literally don't do any damage with the wizard
What the fuck am I doing wrongM

Beating this game on Nightmare with Yunica was one of the crowing achievements of gaming.

I know this sounds like a meme by now, but Dark Souls bosses ain't got shit on Origins bosses.

Dark Souls ain't got nothing on Ys in general.

1 level makes a HUGE difference in this game. If a boss is giving you trouble, going back and grinding just 1 level makes a huge difference sometimes.

Why is this series so goddamn satisfying?

The enemies and boss encounters were designed around melee. Picking the magician guy makes the game way too easy since none of your attacks have any risk associated with them. On top of that you have a damage nullifying shield that has a >80% uptime.

Go with Yunica

I just went in order.

Yunica, then Hugo and finally Toal.

Toal is apparently the canon route.

Boss fights reward people who memorize the patterns and game loops.

People who like that stuff will appreciate it much more than those who can't adapt.

That being said, I played all my Ys games through Normal difficulty because I didn't like the idea of being one-shot and still had a fun time dieing a fair amount of times, especially against Dark Fact in Ys Chronicles 1.

Ys is garbage. If you're having trouble with a boss you can just grind a few levels and destroy him.

Not skill based at all.

You can either practice the skill to beat it at a lower level or grind.

Its literally 2d dark souls, I love it.

I've never understood her design. She's wearing a bandanna and a dress like some kind of rustic housewife, but she carries around a huge battleaxe. It makes no sense.

>she carries around a huge battleaxe

while wearing oven mitts

Yurica is the more standard playstyle and probably better suited for a first playthrough.

Hugo is way easier though once you get the hang of him.

Reminded me too much of the merchant class in Ragnarok. Even axe is thier main weapon. I wanna say it was a lifted design. Too much coincidence.

I tried playing Origin but everything other than the boss fights was boring garbage.

I didn't even like the music. I like music in my games to add to the atmosphere. Ys's just sounds like someone turned off the actual soundtrack and is instead playing a bunch of songs off of their metal playlist. The metal is good, mind you, but I don't feel it adds much to the experience while playing. I'm sorry if my opinion triggered you.

Try Ys 1 and 2, as well as Ys: the Oath in Felghana, you might like those better

Origin is the worst Ys game.

Yeah, as much as I like Origin, Oath is a bit faster paced.

That and you get to play as Adol properly. Axe girl is fine and all but she can't hold a candle to how fucking crazy Adol is

>Tfw I had Oath for PSP but the disk broke
>Now Oath is fuckass expensive everywhere

I tried Ys I since it was dirt cheap during a sale, but I couldn't get behind the combat at all. I understand the beauty of simplicity, but I found it hard to understand why I was taking damage most of the time

The DS versions of Ys 1 and 2 offer an option to have an attack button instead of pure bump combat, that might help a little

Not on Steam.

It's pretty cheap.

I can't afford to be a mustard right now. :(

Is that option available on the steam version? It game me the choice of "chronicles" and "complete" at the beginning of the game, but I didn't know what that meant.

You know, I can't recall, it's been years since I played the DS version

Ir's just a matter of which Art style and OST that plays in the game.

Yunica is more like the traditional adol while the faggot is a mage. And fuck the claw guy.

Idort here
Does the PS4 version have any new content or is it a direct port of the 2012 steam release,

>I didn't even like the music

Whaddya mean?

Ys games don't require high specs, you can play it on a toaster even.

I don't own a desktop.

I played it in this order, and found Hugo much easier at the beginning (even at a higher difficulty level) but found that he got much harder halfway through. Like once you got to the point in the game where Yunica got her range attack she started becoming much easier since she had a powerful attack at a distance whereas hugo was much worse at the later bosses. But it's been 2+ years since I've played so my memory is pretty foggy.

>Sand worm boss
>fucked can heal himself
Don't even want to touch that shit on higher difficulties.

If you mean a proper PC at all, including laptop, then shit son, good luck to you

The healing is mostly for show. He needs to heal quite a bit before it makes any difference in the number of phases