W-why are people so m-mean on the internet?

W-why are people so m-mean on the internet?

because it's the only interaction some people get like myself and we are pissed off

you let them

Lots of people are fucking retarded so I go off on them. Truth is sometimes people might just be making an honest mistake and I go overboard. I don't really hate most people I just hate stupid arguments.


in relation to elitist scum, they have nothing else and you are ruining their fantasy of whatever delusion it is by not fulfilling a very particular role
in relation to trashtalk, it's trashtalk, and that occurs pretty much everywhere to some degree or other, internet simply has less boundaries
no waveclear

after a while here you kinda forget you're talking to actual people\
I just see words and I repsond

Because sometimes the cool battlestation threads we're reading devolve into faggots texting each other back and forth and doing shitty roleplay leading to the mods deleting the thread, and every time this happens in life you get a little less and less forgiving of it until you eventually just call an autist an autist and go full salt, as just a random non-current example

games are better when well-seasoned anyway

Not Americans, that's for certain.

fake post

How do you know this isn't just an AI?

Same boat except Im stuck with cynical cunts like yourself or girly anime faggots like OP.

People are mean everywhere. You get to decide whether you're going to brood over it. Here's a hint: there's zero upside to brooding over it.

Bullying people over the internet gives me an erection.

Why is it stuttery as fuck.

It wasn't designed to hold all those waifus.


Because they see you posting this same fucking thread every damn day you slut.

They wanna fuck your ass
I wanna fuck your ass

I get to be mean here so I can be nice IRL.

>I have literally no friends so I look for friendly strangers on the internet
You loners are actually pathetic

different reasons really, but the majority of them come down to insecurity

Because people are mean in real life. Go outside some more.

I have this saved on my phone and I look at it when I'm sad and it cheers me up

You already called dibs but I'm calling sloppy seconds, nohomo.

desu if you think people are as openly cruel in real life as they are online, you might wanna consider taking your own advice. they're an outlier irl, but a majority online

Don't let them bully you. You're better than that. You can always back out if you feel things are getting a little intense.

>they're an outlier irl, but a majority online
Actually all those people that are "nice" to you in real life secretly fucking hate you. On the internet they have no censor so they are honest to you. You don't seriously believe that everyone LIKES you do you?

Only because the majority of people online are 'invisible' to you. You know when people are around in real life for reasons I shouldn't have to explain. Do you know how many people are lurking in this thread? The rule of thumb on the internet is 10 lurkers for every contributor. There's plenty of people that don't act like jerks on the internet. They just don't post much of anything.