Will Bloodborne finally have a contender for best game this generation?

Will Bloodborne finally have a contender for best game this generation?

I can't tell if the open-world structure will be the logical evolution of the Zelda series that will be the new monumental landmark since Ocarina, or if Nintendo is playing into the open-world trend and producing another blunder

prob the latter

>implying Bloodborne was good

prob the former

prob the former


>I never played the first Legend of Zelda: The Post

That's because you've never played the game PC Fat.

Name one game better than bloodborne

bloodborne "best game", didn't even win GOTY in its year. Overwatch has won every GOTY award and Sup Forums still has a hate boner over it.

I have a ps4 and PC because I'm not poor like you

I think BotW will sell like crazy. Nintendo will interpret that as "people want more open world Zelda" and this will be the new staple. They'll put out another game that is more or less the same, and it won't sell as well. Then they'll modify the formula again. Same shit every time.

You're poor where it counts, in soul.

Dark souls

Hey also a PC player with a PS4 but you come off as another Assblasted PCuck who hates a game that many consider a masterpiece becuas ethey never got to play it so excuse me for the misunderstanding.

the last few home console zeldas became progressively worse

my expectations are low

good because nintendo plans to defy all low expectations and break the ceiling of this genre.

So you own a PS4 and haven't played Bloodborne? Good job retard.

Dark Souls


not him but I bought a ps4 to play FFXV and BB and I really didnt think much of BB. Perhaps it is because I beat DS3 before it but while playing BB all I wanted to do was just go play a new game of DS3

It really isnt that great

You can think it's not that great but to out right say it's bad when it plays better than the other souls games makes me think your shitposting. The only real flaw of bloodborne is that the game is too short.

I was gonna buy a Wii U just for this game but I have a serious problem with that DLC. The amiibos shit I was OK with because I could ignore it and it wouldn't affect the game, but this is different. The game is sold incomplete and you have to shell out above and beyond a fair price for the game to actually play the complete game. I will not be playing it at all ever unless it's pirated or I make a friend one day who plays vidya and has it.

Nah, Zelda isn't even a contender for GOTY, let alone GOTD.

You can still fuck up "going to the series roots" though

Can you still do pre orders,if not what are my chances on launch night. Is it even in demand? The switch that is

You are an evolve buying faggot, fucking die.


it's not even going to the best ps4 this game nig.

sold out everywhere

Who cares just enjoy your vidya, why everything has to be a competition for Sup Forums?

What's an evolve? All I know is I was willing to buy Nintendo's garbage underpowered locked-down gaming "console" (dead meme - consoles should die) computer to play one single solitary game. But If I buy the console, and the game, that's a significant investment already. To make me pay even more for the full game when I already bought this shit computer that has no other use than for zelda, is despicable abuse of the customer.

>I can't tell if the open-world structure will be the logical evolution of the Zelda series that will be the new monumental landmark since Ocarina

Every fan has wanted Zelda to be 'open world' as much as possible for at least that long, as long is the game still retains the things that makes Zelda meaningful.

If you really think OW is a better game than Bloodborne you haven't played other online shooters.

>this generation?

The Switch is the start of a new generation though.

>on a console no one owns or ever will own

This is like someone writing the greatest story of all time in an unknown language.