Why do people like this game...

Why do people like this game? I bought it thinking it would be fun but it just seems like an unpolished beat-em-up with a really small protag.
Am I missing something?

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Well at least you didnt say hack and slash

Get good

Yes. Good taste

This is now a Wonderful 101 thread.

Sup Forums, UNITE UP!

Wonder-ize Faggot-Who-Really-Needs-to-Sleep!


How long did you play?
The game doesn't really pick up until after you leave blossom city, apart from the boss battles.


I really just beat the prologue and the 1st level. First level was longer than I expected it to be so I didn't risk a second level because I procrastinating an assignment.
What do you mean "picks up"?

I mean the first few segments of the game are actually pretty dull, if you ask me. The game doesn't have a great first impression, but if you give it a chance it won't disappoint you. Once you beat Operation 004 you should start to enjoy the game.

Now that you've finished the first level, you can buy your block and your dodge from the shop. You can use your block to counter blunt attacks. As the game progresses, you'll find permanent addition to your team meaning you'll have less running around recruiting civilians to do, and you'll also unlock new unite morphs to pull better combos. As you use the morphs, you'll unlock moves like stingers and launchers for them to pull better combos. As you play the game, you'll begin to understand the finer details of combat, like using team attacks to attach teammates to enemies and use them as lock ons to quickly zap from one enemy to another, etc.

Thanks for the heads up, user!
I'm gonna give it another shot!

It just keep ramping up, And a point that is always overlooked is how amazing the soundtrack is.

>unpolished beat-em-up
Its incredibly deep for the genre. FUCKING DEEP BRO!! Respect it.

It takes a long time for the game to finally hit its stride. But once it does it's amazing.

I put the game down for months but I'm glad I went back to it.

It's the best Green Lantern game that will ever exist.

Not him, but I disagree. The game was ridiculously fun for me past the Prologue, though I hated Operation 003.

You can also recruit enemies

Yes. That feeling you had watching Power Rangers when you were 8 and getting HYPED as fuck

My nigga

I've always noticed the similarities myself and that game really made me want a GL game, but a Superman game more.

Also the best Super Sentai/Power Rangers game ever.

best game

best soundtrack


Who's the best non-main character Wonderful One and why is it Wonder Santa?

>Every time Tables Turn played

>Still can't get the timing for the counter right



This game knows how to build hype better than anything I know, it's like gurren lagann in that it somehow manages to consistently top itself in a way that stays satisfying until the very end when every light in the sky is your enemy and you get to fight and destroy ALL OF THEM

What's the right way to fight those disappearing drill beasts? A big bomb and attacking lining them to death is fastest, but that doesn't do much for combo. I suppose I'm supposed to bomb, gun to stun, then start something?

And why is claw so useless?

> just seems like an unpolished beat-em-up

That's how all Platinum games feel at a low level. You gotta up the difficulty and/or play for score to unleash the cuh-razy potential

Fuck yeah. When that song start playign you know shit got real and it's gonna be wonderfull.

Still, i love intertwined youtube.com/watch?v=Be2-RPHAOL8

Used only twice. Awesome both

>tfw can never react in time when one Megang does the neck stretch attack


So we meet again, Blunder Red

Have you banged my sister silly yet?

>It's THAT secret mission again

who's bayonetta?

What's your favorite gag?
>Well if it isn't the heir to the throne of the roaming Rhullo, leader of the space pirate band known across the universe as the Gyzoch, Prince Vorkken!..'s first mate, Chewgi
>(The Grave of) Heyourgah
>Red's increasingly drawn out attack names during the final battle

The game gets good, when you do.


>Shoves Blue away when he tries to interrupt his super long attack name
>Cutting to Red mashing the controller for a split second while you are also mashing the controller

>That feeling of shame when you have to switch in Hero Time

I always think this is overrated because it's just the same melody over and over but then I replay a boss battle and I get so god damn pumped.
>TEAM! Let's get her back.

The beauty is how simple it is, by itself it isn't that hype, but it plays anytime you get an upper hand in battle. it build to a crescendo and cheers you on and pumps you up, it was a BRILLIANT design choice

>cuts again

a single tear of unbridled joy

I swear to god that shit took me 30+ tries. By the end I was yelling and swearing like a goddamn madman.

The whole OST is GOAT
That buildup at 1:05

Tables Turn x Space Jam

MFW I unlocked this song in Smash Bros


Aside from Wonder Director, everyone knows the best members are Poseman and Wonder Cheerleader

>Am I missing something?

Yes, mostly everything/

The game has really cool characters and dialogue, brought with a very interesting comic/action figure style, but the pest part is how good it is being an "action game" (and not per se a beat-em up).

There are a couple things that fill you with hype over the course of a fight. First of all, the music is really good and is hype inducing. Secondly, and, this may sound weird, it's the controls. Normal games that require you to do draw something, let you take your time, but this is an action game, which means that you'l be drawing circles at maximum speed. It really forces you to use active movements while playing, making playin gthis game more exciting. At the end of this game you'll be pulling off difficult combos, not only by pressing a set of buttons, but also by drawing.

The combo's are probably the third thing that makes it so good. The combat is great and gives you a lot of options (and you will be using them all). You're probably still just getting there, trying to unlock things, but you can see some sick as combo's in And finally it's just over the top, making every boss fight end with some fast paced button mash score multiplier which makes you pull of some explosive "jojo" like move.

This game, imo, got everything right in what an action game is supposed to be and can be considered the best action game ever, leaving Bayonetta far behind.

I'm still made we didn't get "tables turn"


>already posted, but damn if it isn't just as good the second time

sweet, thats the last place I left off on
looking forward to my next play session

But that's not Asura's Wrath

Is Kamiya /ourguy/?

Post YFW

>Beat the game on Normal
>Thank you for playing.
>Beat the game on 101% Hard
>Your face will be forever masked. Your tomb will be forever unknown. You are truly a wonderful one.
