Is "very Japanese" a valid critique of a game?

Is "very Japanese" a valid critique of a game?

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Yes, because japs keep making same copypasted games over and over again.

As valid as the rest of the shit in that tweet. That is, however much you want it to be. There's no interstellar committee who decides which language is apt and which isn't.

No, it's fucking racist. That's like calling any ethnic restaurant "very (insert race here)".

But west doesn't, you fucking monkey?

Refugees are very rapist

>professional video game critique/writer/reporter/etc
Who is this

why do you keep spamming 7 year old tweets

>game journos think "hard" is a valid criticism of a game

vanquish is fun but I dont understand why people hype that game up so much.

its like people just see those two webms: the missile barrage from an early boss fight and that QTE button mashing with those two mech things then they automatically assume that the game is that "cuuhhrazy" when it actually kinda isnt.
Git gud

Name one game that is like For Honor

Oh wait you can't, braindead weeb faggot.

Why did you randomly bring up For Honor?

Fuck no. On the contrary, I wouldn't even consider it to be a positive, and this is coming from someone who vastly prefers Japanese games. There are some differences between East and Western design but we should rate individual releases as objectively as possible, while recognizing the differences in both approaches without being unfair to either side.

Ha. Don't act like the West aren't guilty of the same shit, especially nowadays.

Gies is still alive?

Is this one of those guys that fucked Zoe Quinn?

That was hard

No, but he did downgrade Bayonetta for being too sexy while having a suicidegirls account

Delete this post please

reread it.
He's saying "very japanese" is defined as "repetitive, clunky, and irritatingly punitive"

He's wrong about what makes japanese games different, but he's not saying "japanese" is the criticism.

wait... WAIT
he's complaining about oversexualization... of suicide girls?
Is that like complaining about too many explosions in a micheal bay film?

Fucking hate gaming journalists

No, the quotes are from his Bayonetta review. The pics are from his suicide girls favs

Wow west is so inclusive and welcoming to the gaming circle.

well that makes some sense then
It's fair to say that a video game may be diminished by distracting levels of sexualization when porn isn't.
As long as he's not condemning them for the "morality" of sexualizing.

Well, he was. He called it sexist, and calling the sexualization 'distracting' is silly since that's part of the package

yeah he names several things wrong with the game first, it being japanese isn't the crux of his argument

Depends what he means by that.

He probably did, but he wasn't one of the five. His claim to fame was that mortifying DOOM gameplay video.

>Arthur's face when

Asians, like whites, cannot be the victims of racism according to current politically correct societies.

That wasn't him either.

Because it just released and it isn't a copy-paste of anything

You are painfully ignorant of the gameplay in For Honor, Chivalry, or both.

Name one game that is like Katamari Damacy that isn't a sequel to Katamari Damacy

Now I can do this with dozens of other Japanese games, I can't do it with very many Western games

It think worst when they badly try to emulate the west.

Yes, I also think we should hang them all. They shouldn't get away with it anymore than the big-boy journalists should.


This covers like 85% of all major western games right there.

So? Video games and pornography should be held to the same standard?

>direction based combat affecting offensive and defensive strategy

Yeah, they are pretty much the same, and you can add Age of Conan and Mount and Blade to that list.

No it sounds like a plus point

He dares blaspheme a Shinji Mikami game?

They can't all be gold but Vanquish is GOAT.

Is it bad that I can't get hard on anymore unless woman is being beaten?

Well, I disagree to a point
To be fair, I think platinum games are all ABOUT distracting, but it's fair to say that "normal" looking characters are less distracting than "interesting" ones.

Look at Mario. Super boring.
Compare him to invincible mario, with the flashing lights
You might be tempted not to play the game at all if mario was flashing constantly.
The same could be said of oversexualized character design.

Simply put, most of the time, oversexualizing IS bad design.

Not for bayonetta though. Fuck that guy, he's being retarded.

Yes because weebs need to die already

I wouldn't call it a good thing desu.

Valid description? Sure. Critique? Not really. To some people "very japanese" is a good thing.

Also isn't the point of a media embargo that you're NOT supposed to say anything? Like I get that the agreement only SPECIFICALLY says reviews or articles, but come on man. You know goddamn well what it means.

Honestly this makes me think that I should have started doing game reviews back when gamergate was a thing. Who knows, maybe I would have been good at it.

It's bad in the sense that you are very unlikely to procreate repeatedly because you are endangering the health of that which you want to impregnate.

Yeah, except that big-boy journalists do get away with it. Did you miss the entire last year? The mainstream media is full of shit. Always has been, always will be.

I don't think Vanquish qualifies as a weeb game.

Why would I want ungrateful meatbags cutting into my gaming and stealing my cash.

they can, but only when they agree with what ever the person claiming racism believes

japanese games are 95% garbage

Name one game that is like Catherine.

Because your life is completely inconsequential if you do not directly influence those who will outlive you.
For most people that means kids
For some it means being an inventor or politician.
If you're on Sup Forums, odds are the kids option is more likely than the others.

For Honor

why does anyone take a journalism seriously
it's been a complete joke for centuries

you guys are kinda stupid, you know?

Because Jap producers dont hook up journos like western AAA devs its okay to shit on them and act racist towards them (see: Dragon's Crown)

>Twitter screenshot from fucking 2010


He's still a faggot.
Now he just threatens game developers with low scores if they don't fit his poltical views.

did I miss some sort of massive political fallout?
what embargo is he talking about?
I thought japan was loved by all but China and NKorea because of their superior anime and weeaboo snacks

It's a boring, grindy shooter, playing it feels like a chore. It's like CoD:AW or Quake 4 in TPS form.

Vanquish had grind?
Are you sure that you're talking about Vanquish?

just git gud

>Like CoD:AW or Quake
>Weeb game

Got any more cuhrayzee Vanquish webms?



I'm talking about a jap TPS that has the player through bland rooms filled with bland enemies, with occasional cheesy moments that don't excite you at the slightest - it's like playing a polish shooter. So yeah, grind.
Played through the section with the ship and the crash site, and dropped that turd.

It's ironic you brought up a Ubisoft game when literally every single one of their open world games is the same copy pasted formula ever since Assasin's Creed got popular.

I'm talking about overall fun levels, not art style.
Quake 4 and CoDAW were unoriginal and boring, just like Vanquish.

Sounds like an endorsement to me.

One of the most efficient ways to communicate that you're a basic normie shitsucker not worth a second thought is to quip with any variation of the >muh weeb ""argument"".

With that you've expressed a conscious preference, if not outright psychological dependence, towards the neurotic Jewish degeneracy that permeates nearly every layer of western entertainment and society at large.

For all their faults, real and imagined, the Nips still remain free of the Semitic parasite and its cultural influence, that alone is a point already scored when judging the merits of any given piece of Nip entertainment.

If Vanquish was released a few years later it would have sold much better. Just tell people it's "like Dark Souls" and it would sell.


fuck off with these

this shit looks so fucking stupid

>le spam button to do le crazy animation xD im so japanese :)

just kys

yeah yeah , gear of war was the best game of all time
amirite ?

Westacuck on suicide watch.

not really but its certainly better than this garbage. so sad that sega wasted tons of money into platinum.

Retard Platinum games fanboys

i bet this is a user who if he ACTUALLY played vanquish hed enjoy the shit out of it.

But Vanquish is one of Platinum's few good games.

Too easy


>Tactical challenge 1-6
>god hard mode
>Too easy

This. Japshit all looks and plays the same, kind of like their people.

The point being that in two separate things made for adults, he is ideologically against when a female characters is sexual but is perfectly fine with a real woman doing it.
So he obviously doesn't have any qualms against sexuality but it becomes an issue in a videogame for some reason.

You first.

That's not the critique. it being repetitive, clunky and irritatingly punitive is the critique. He's just saying that most japanese games can be described as having those qualities.

That's not the critique. it being repetitive, clunky and irritatingly punitive is the critique. He's just saying that most japanese games can be described as having those qualities.

Racist. That's like saying the downside of a game is from it being very mexcian or very black.

>people will unironically take this post seriously

You argument is invalid since he's talking about Vanquish.

Well OP, looks like you got the weeb circlejerk thread you wanted.

>*puts hand on your chest*
You did good my man

>*slowly starts moving my hand downwards*
So uh.. you like Jap shit huh?

>*finally places hand on crotch*
What do you got in there big boy?

>*starts unzipping your cock*
>*pulls your tiny schlong out*
Damn boy.. I'm gonna need to get him out of his shell aren't I?

Gies is a next-level cuck. He's even hated on NeoFAG, which is quite an achievement for somebody who shares their politics.

Uneducated consolefag

It's okay because that guy's a faggot. Very white.

No. Especially not from a racist fuck like Gies. He genuinely hates Japan and will ignore its existence whenever he can.

When discussing what console won the previous gen Gies argued that you have to subtract all of Japans sales of every console because Japan doesn't count.

>saying an ethnic restaurant is very ethnic is racist
wtf kind of retard logic is that? Japanese isn't even a race. It's a fucking nationality.

Very Japanese isn't criticism, its how he summed up the previous three "qualities", fucking illiterate children