What games do you play at 1am?


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whatever the fuck i want

i gotta work in the morning

xenoverse sucks.


Some online game

Games that make me horny.

>Gohan today

I watch anime, I'm re watching Urusei Yatsura right now cause my waifu.

him shoot beam

No, Lum is MY darling.

My lum has a larger file size

Gohanfags are gonna be on suicide watch after he jobs to that furry.

My Lum is sexually-satisfied with me daily.

My Lum can dance

MMO. I'm camping bosses.

My Lum is overall larger.

>Not Ranma 1/2


What did Gohan do? All I want is for him to succeed.


My Lum can shoot

fuck off waifufags

>What did Gohan do?
be born

He's gonna job to the Furfag voiced by Trunks' VA and you know it.
Though that will probably be his motivation to get back in shape and unlock Mystic form again for the real tournament.

Mostly multiplayer games, from 23ish to around 2.

My lum is better animated

I'm making pasta but I don't have any sauce. I have hot sauce and bloody mary mix. Would that do anything or am I better off eating it plain?


May I have the sauce, pretty please?

Do you have any plans tomorrow?

In the evening I might be going out but nothing definite.

Then you should risk it

Ranma episode 146

If you have olive oil or something just toss it with that, preferably after heating it with some garlic or something with flavor

Urusei also has a "new" OVA made with modern day animation

>this waifu is pretty cute, i should watch the sh-
>195 episodes

I don't have garlic but found crushed basil. Does any flavor? How about basil, olive oil, and bloody mary mix?

They're fun to put on in the background and all of the movies are great. It takes a lot from japanese mythology

>How about basil, olive oil, and bloody mary mix?

I guess you're going to find out

I rewatch Dragon Ball and DBZ every few years but combined is like 450 episodes. I get burnt out and need to take a break for several months before continuing.

I will never understand why people watch DB and DBZ instead of Recut and Kai instead.

I still await the day when Naruto gets its own filler-less equivalent so I will finally have an excuse to watch it because I sure as fucking hell ain't touching this 600+ episode shitfest as it is now.

I enjoy the filler in DB, in Z not so much

I used Frank's Red Hot sauce instead of Mary mix. It's not bad.

The music in Kai is unbearable, some of the cuts are pretty shitty too, i don't mind Z's pace when using a filler guide

He's either going to
>Job and be motivated to train hard for the actual tournament.


>Actually win against his opponent, Goku later jobs to his opponent because someone that can beat Goku can actually add tension.

#2 gives less attention to Gohan, which I think makes it more likely because he's not a main character and therefore won't get as much focus.

>got the complete boxset back around october
>got to season 5 and stopped until last week to finish cell saga
i never realised just how fucking shit the sayain saga and namek is until frieza, even ginyu force is shit

>The music in Kai is unbearable
>Yamamoto's music
How exactly?

Or are you one of those amerifat shitters that actually enjoy the WUB WUB ROCK THE WUBU WUB Z WUB shit?

No, i'm a brazilian monkey who got the based original japanese composition, Kai's music just doesn't hold up

It's unlikely that he'll loose because his opponent is a cheating bastard going for the kill, japanese honor won't have that shit

But Kai has Kikuchi's music on Blurays.
Only the TV run had Yamamoto music.
They scrubbed Yamamoto from Blurays after the plagiarism controversy.
I actually had to actively go and mux in TV audio to Bluray rips to get Yamamoto's music with BD image. The only thing missing in Blurays from original Z Kikuchi score is all the licensed Kageyama songs such as for Future Trunks' introduction.

Get the Dragon Boxes.

Well i suppose i could do that and then switch back to Z when Gohan goes SSJ2

>le cuckhan will le lose xDDD
Except the next episode preview already spoiled that Gohan wins.
Something along the lines of "Gohan poisoned!? Gohan is about to be killed... BUT"

>Z when Gohan goes SSJ2
For that sweet Unmei no Hi - Tamashi vs Tamashi?

Fucked best girl who became unbest immediatly afterwards

You got it

That and Vegata are Faulconer is better.

Oh look, a dumb amerifat that can't speak.
Eat shit, choke on a bag of dicks.

You need the times of peace or training to make the fighting sagas mean anything.

Gohan is going to create a new transformation combining unlocked potential and SS3God form.


But Ultimate Gohan is literally SS3 but better.
Also if the baseball filler is anything to go by, Ultimate Form has some form of God Ki since Champa noticed a spark of it from Gohan.

only the weebiest of weebs think JP OST > bruces glorious metal OST

Please get cancer and die and fuck off this instant.
You didn't even watch Dragon Ball, started with Z and a butchered censored and superman-ified version of it at that.
You subhumans have no right no speak.

When did he fuck Bulma?

holy shit this virgin rage lmao

He fucked his mother?

When does episode 80 come out.

Subs in about 17 hours

Nothing. 1 am is when i wind down so i can go to bed

This man has TASTE.

Today in roughly 16-17 hours.

>tfw PS3 CFW master race
>tfw Japanese releases of Raging Blast and Raging Blast 2 actually had Kikuchi's music in them
>tfw swapped the files to essentially "undub" the music and now have the glorious Kikuchi music in RB1 and RB2


original DB fucking sucked ass anyway hurr durr muh sense of adventure

Pathetic weeb has no taste. Here's a taste of perfection and maybe a little class will rub off on you.

so this is Sup Forums

>Battle Point Unlimited
Now there's something i missed from Tenkaichi Budokai 3

FFXV fishing
comfy as fuck

>only another year or 2 left before TFS finally do this movie
cells gonna go for like 5 episodes isint it

Been playing this gem with some friends since 12

BT3 also had shitty replacement music tho unless you swapped files.

Played english release first, after i did everything there was to be done i got myself a japanese iso since i wouldn't need the text anymore

Ah fair enough.
Personally I actually played JPN version of BT3 right after finishing English BT2, because I couldn't be bothered to wait until English version of BT3 would come out.

>get to Goku vs Freeza fight in story mode
>Goku transforms into SSJ
