Nintendo Shilling in Real life

How does Sup Forums feel about IRL shilling?

Saw this, and I have to say, it's too far in my opinion. It's a distraction and plays a bit into mind manipulation.

>irl shilling
it's called advertising holy fuck go outside

I mean, there's like noway some random trucker just decided to plaster Nintendo Switch logos all over his truck one day.

Unless he's a giant Nintendork or Nintendo paid him. THe latter is most likely. Lets be real. This is someone who got paid off by Nintendo.

>Sup Forums: nitnendo isn't marketing their new console enough
>Sup Forums: nintendo is marketing their console too much

That's still called marketing in this case. It might even just be one of their own trucks.

>IRL shilling

Advertising isn't shilling you fucking dumb sack of cunt.

That's a Nintendo owned truck you jizz stain.

>advertising is shilling

>IRL shilling

Some of Sup Forums is so up its own ass that it thinks everything is a conspiracy.

This though is obvious baiting.

I still have yet to understand why they are dumping so much money in advertising this shit when it's literally impossible to buy one.

It's interesting seeing them advertise in ways they never did with the Wii U. I'm seeing Switch ads while watching wrestling and I don't remember Nintendo doing that often, if at all.

>IRL shilling

Because even someone can't get one at launch, they'll still probably buy down the road provided Nintendo ship more out and with the exception of the Wii during the early days, Nintendo's CONSOLES have never been short-stocked.

>nintendo delivery truck with nintendo markings

irl shilling has gone too far

Yeah, cartoon network also runs a lot of switch ads, so they're also making sure kids like my little brother are aware the thing exists too.

>sonyggers are so far out of ammo they invent 'IRL shilling'

Sup Forums doing its best to maintain the Retard King crown

IRL shilling is a thing, but putting branding on a truck you own is not that.

>I have a product that I want to sell
>I put signs on my store showing it off
>That is now shilling

Given the current state of Sup Forums, I cant honestly tell if you are being ironically retarded or not.

This is straight out of r/the_donald

It's this little thing companies do called Advertising.

If you don't like it go back in time and kill whoever decided we should be chained to consumerism.

>IRL shilling

They also did that Super Bowl ad.

Yeah, the ads I've been seeing are the super bowl ad edited down. There's also a version specially for BOTW.

>watch tv
>halfway through the show they LITERALLY pause it to tell me about McDonalds for 30 seconds
Turned it off right there, they need to stop shoving their agenda down my throat

>irl shilling
I also can't believe there's posters of the Nintendo Switch right on Gamestop's window. Those fucking shills.

>Walked into Target
>See a sign about Nintendo Switch
Yes, OP, irl shilling has gone too far.

> Oh I am just pretending and I got them hard

Proud of you son

Is anyone else glad they are marketing this in a different direction and didn't just call it the S-wii-tch and try to continue the Wii line?

Holy fuck, OP, you are autistic.

>I'm blazing 120km down the highway, better take out my phone to take a picture of this FUCKING SHILL while putting may life and the lives of everyone around me in danger
>Hah! That'll show Sup Forums!

wow nintendo is pathetic

>picture is clearly outside

Fuck off Kieran

Sup Forums is so full of shills that it can't tell the difference between illegal stealth marketing and legal advertising anymore

he was in the car, idiot

I think it's more just using the word shill all the damn time for anyone having even vaguely a positive opinion of something you don't like. I doubt there's ever been many real shills on Sup Forums.

There are people who make more money than you for this. But hey, what would a filthy neet know about making money.

Nice obvious shoop, kiddo


this. Switch logos have no shadows reflected

This thread is proof all the fucker screaming shill have no idea what shilling is.

>Walking down the street
>Hear two kids talking about the switch

Fucking viral marketers shilling their fucking products, now they even get kids to do it? How far will they fucking go?

I've been here 8 years, and OP is still a faggot!


>Nintendo pays for marketing

that's nothing user, wait till you see an NFL game user it's a conspiracy i tell you, at every tv timeout people qre conviently seen enjoying goods and services before company logos are show. They are trying to shill but i know they are paid actors and the nfl is in on it!

they used to, i remember seeing ads for nintendo 64 games during monday night raw

not so much since then though

Like usual I haven't seen a fucking thing in Stockholm. Meanwhile there are Sony ads in every subway station, and they even covered the side of a building with one of those overhyped AAA pieces of trash 5 months ago.

No wonder Nintendo keeps failing in Europe.

>at work
>overhear co-worker on the phone
>"I'm just going to switch to the other line for a moment, hold on."
wow, just wow nintendo...

i love it. it either forces you to accept the reality or go into complete denial about what video games and video game companies are truly about

It's called advertisement and every company who have tons of money do that.

>be me
>on sex cam chat website
>really hot tranny ends up talking about the nintendo switch and the new zelda game coming out

holly shit i cant believe nintendo is paying these people to talk about this complety underpowered dud of a game console


>Nintendo is shilling in my own house.

How is this allowed?



I doubt op is old enough to drive.