It's actually fucking happening, NINTENDO IS GOING 3rd PARTY!

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Get back to work.

>XBOX has so few games they use its space to advertise other consoles

>people didn't buy Battleborn
>use all the leftover cases for other games

I own an xbox. No where does it say it's coming out for that console. Just switch labels slapped onto those boxes. Now if i get an official announcement. Then it'll be a different story.

Where the fuck is this where you have to be 25 to buy something? Highest content ratings are 18+.

it's if you look underage or possibly underage. same reason they're supposed to card anyone who looks under 35/40/etc for alcohol

You need to be over 25 to buy Quantum of Solace, a PG-13 James Bond movie? What the hell?

is this an USA thing? here in third world we were buying booze when we were 14 years old, as long as you have money they shove they ID on their asses, also heard usa alcohol is over 21 why is that? almost everywhere is 18

>The Battleborn Landfill will become a new urban legend in your lifetime

>You need to be over 25 to buy Quantum of Solace, a PG-13 James Bond movie? What the hell?

maybe foreign ages are worth less like foreign money lol

We did it bros!

yep. stores usually crack down but kids just buy it off other and drink anyway. usa's gotta feel special

>why is that?
Literally no reason. If you are considered responsible enough to have a kid, you should be consider responsible enough to not drink like a retard

In America they'll ask to see your ID for cigs even if you're 50+.
My dad has been carded all of his life, and he started graying when he was 25. I think they just do it to fuck with him at this point.

They probably do it to fuvk with him. Im a shithead retard and didnt read they actually had a T game. I should kill myself. I am the stupid one. You won this round internet1!!!!

>buy alcohol with older friend (we're both of age)
>get carded
>cashier ALWAYS mention how they thought i was the older one
My friend doesn't like it but I tell him he shouldn't be jealous because I'm a neckbear with dadbod so I look like a failed burnout.

It baffles me how Microsoft managed to fuck up with the XBONE so badly. All they.needed was EXCLUSIVES, is it really that hard? Even the Wii U had them.

Does anyone have an actual idea what this might mean? Or is it just a fuck up by the store? The only nintendo games i care about is mario kart and my last nintendo console was a wii. If i could play MK on an xbox i would support nintendo in whatever endeavor they get into

Didn't work out great for the Wii U did it?


The Wii U was underpowered (and terribly marketed), XBONE isn't. Microsoft cancels it's exclusives.

>Phil Spencer goes to Japan
>This happens


The Switch can accessed through other consoles (such as PS4 and XB1) with the use of it's app. Basically you can use the app as long as you have internet, even on an entire different console. There's an article and video around (it came out a few hours ago) of a guy literally downloading a Switch game to play through his XB1.

Nintendo shot themselves in the foot with this, it's unbelievable how much they've managed to fuck up. Some are saying it was intentional since Nintendo will eventually end up charging those who illegally downloaded from the Switch app. Thus getting more money.

But who knows, man. This is crazy. The store probably heard about it too and put up advertisements. They'll most likely remove it once they figure out it's an exploit.

Fuck me Phil

If Switch and the "3ds successor" go south, I can see Nintendo working for Microsoft. More probably though they would go Android and IOS, fits with their withered technology philosophy. Never Sony, too much bad blood. Nips would rather kamikaze than be subsumed by the enemy.

ayo hol up, is there a video of this? You download the nintendo app on your phone and can download a game on an xb1? So i can fucking play mk8 deluxe next month on my xb1? Ill support nintendos games for the next 5 years if thats the case

Microsoft has enough exclusives. Yes, if they're on PC they're still microsoft exclusives.



It's not just Nintendo..


Exclusives only sell for Nintendo. Xbone and PS4 exist as multiplat boxes for normies to play the latest CoD or Fifa on. Microsoft got destroyed because they released at $100 higher price point and all their fancy features only worked in the US.

>here in third world
Well that explains your lack of standards. Shut up, poor person.

It's not saying the age restriction is 25, but that their rule of thumb is to check the ID of anyone purchasing an age-restricted game or film who looks under 25
Looks like a BBFC rating on the cover, and according to the BBFC's database QoS is only a 12
Weird that they would need to card you for that