BotW > HitB > R:V >>>>>> Space Cop

BotW > HitB > R:V >>>>>> Space Cop

where does PreRec fit into this?

>That thing on the right

What about Plinkett Reviews?

Why do they frequently allow that annoying cuckold on their show anyway

It seems everyone is always complaining about him in the comments too

Plinkett's star trek reviews > all

Understand nothing about video games but have very strong opinions about them anyway.

Other than the Plinkett reviews and the occasional HitB (the demolition of Jack and Jill, the more recent demolition of shitty horror movies), nothing they make is entertaining.

fuck off to reddi/tv/ you eceleb worshipping friend simulator cunts

Oh right, I forgot about those. Lemme fix it:

BotW > Plinkett > HitB > R:V >>>>>> Space Cop

Gamestation 2.0>Previously Recorded


James and Mike mondays>Prerecorded

Fruit > vegetables

objective fact, but barely video games

Jay > Mike > Drunk Jack > Rich > Jack > Wizard

Jay>Mike>Rich>The Canadians>Jack>Wizard

When did Jack actually start getting funny? I used to get really irritated by him, but he's grown on me a lot since he actually started being pretty funny.

>I forgot about those. Lemme fix it
>still doesn't include PreRec

I love RLM but this has absolutely nothing to do with videogames.

I miss Jessie, why did she leave and not wizard?

The fanbase has come around on Jack. Him getting drunk off his ass saved the Halloween BotW.

Our guys then?

Be very careful now.


Because dude Weed LMAO

Not even joking


Stop pretending to find AIDSmoby anything less than an obnoxious cunt that belongs with the Douges and Spoonys of this world. You're making me very upset, thanks in advance.

You don't hate him either. You just want to be apart of the circlejerk. I guarantee you're the kind of guy who spergs out posting "durrr youtube e-celeb cancer muh Sup Forums" shit in other threads. It's ok to like people. It's ok to have an opinion of your own.