how you holding up Sup Forums?
how you holding up Sup Forums?
What would happen if BotW ends beating OoT in Metacritic?
Now that i can play stich games on my xbox i have no need to purchase this system. I wouldn't buy it only to play one game. That'll be fucking stupid. Mario is 8 months away price should drop by then anyway.
How come there's no leak yet?
Wii u leak usb leak when?
I'm trying REAL hard not to drop dead. Only leaving my home and using my car for work/groceries. I won,t fuckign die in a car crash this fucking close to the goal.
dem jaggies
Any news on the cemu team working on compatibility for this game?
I'm saving up for the Switch and getting one this summer, but kind of want to get Zelda asap. And i refuse to buy it on my Wii U.
Is the Wii u port still worth getting?
It's free, so why not?
Why does it look like a Vita game?
>Cant get a switch at launch.
>About to do drastic things to keep my ass preoccupied from coming here and reading spoilers after work.
Time to reactivate my WoW account.
the game isnt out, how could they work on compatibility for it?
>literal :^)
And you say NOA has memes
I thought it leaked/copies out in the wild?
if i die i want my copy to be buried with me. so i might be able to enjoy it in the afterlife.
i also want a sheikah gravestone.
It's running on a tegra X1 which is weak as piss.
Around a year from now, Sup Forums will think BotW is shit.
Actually Tegra X1 is a top of the line mobile processor, so it isn't weak as piss in any sense of the word
>inb4 mobile
You will be shocked to see how much phones progressed
You're putting this game on a pedestal way higher than it should be.
It's good n theory but to make it practical you have to downclock it and put a fan.
Literally getting a 100, the first ever perfect scored game? Impossible, but I'm pretty sure gaming would change drastically after that. Somehow. OoT has only maintained that 99 from having a small 22 reviews. Now with the internet there are hundreds of reviewers to account for. It can be in the top 10 easily, or maybe even top 5. But beating OoT? That would be a sight to fucking behold.
Anything above 93 will be a sight to behold
I will be sipping tears for ages
anyone has some good new webms.
I heard the capture tool in the switch kinda sucks (jpg compression)
i havent played a new zelda game in 15 years, im pretty exited.
also it's not running on an x1, it's running on a heavily modified x1
I'm trying to balance my thirst for new content with keeping some things unspoiled.
im sure someone in this thread will know
Do you aim the bow with the left or right stick with Twilight princess HD? It straight up pissed me off in WWHD So im determining whether to buy GC or WII U through this
The files have been downloaded, but can't be decrypted without a key, which isn't out yet.
>anything above 93 will be a sight to behold
Curious, why 93?
just fine, between finishing up Nioh, Yakuza 0 and replaying Majora's Mask, I've got plenty to keep me occupied for the next week until I pick up my pre-order.
I'm going to play new Harvest Moon game to hold me over while playing Twilight Princess to get my wolf hearts up.
>tfw still need to gather 200 more euros until March 3rd
>Even if i can do it the thing will be sold out everywhere
Just depending on luck i guess
Did anyone else's amazon preorder of the Wii U version just change from release date delivery to "we'll notify you when it's available"? Because I ordered mine months ago and this is fucked up
Not me
Can't say it has. But I did pre order from Amazon UK so I don't know if there's much of a difference there.
Well shit. Hope this gets sorted out soon
Upper half of the maximum score.
I was too late to preorder the Wii U version on Amazon UK so I had to order it through Tesco - I'm just praying I receive it on the 3rd!
Pretty sure it's because they just sold out of copies (or stopped offering pre-orders). They're not listing physical copies anymore, if you check the site. I think that's what the issue is: The item is no longer listed, so a robo-email went out telling everyone they don't know when they'll have it to ship. Should be resolved soon i imagine.
Shit dude, I think it'll pass that easily.
just playin some fates and shit, not particularly hyped actually
It's over lads, it's going to be 87.
>8.8 was 11 years ago
actually it'll be the last 2 digits of this post number
Waiting to see how hard Sup Forums will rain down on the game's quirks via webms and youtube snapshots like they are Horizon.
i just "pre-ordered" mine from GAME.co.uk. am i fucked? im in the US.
i am not a fucking kid only manchildren play nintendo games enjoy being extorted by yakuzatendo
>TP was 20 years ago
Where does time go??
This is the first time I've seen so many people praising a game so enthusiastically. It's not just people writing pieces that feel paid for, people are making videos just to gush about how blown back they are. People are saying it could possibly contend for the best game ever made, and I can say I've genuinely never heard reviewers go that far to praise a game. "Citizen Kane of video games" is one thing, but to just flat out say "best game ever made" without hyperbole is a whole different level.
I work for a viral marketing firm. One of our departments (not mine) was recently tasked with carrying out a contract from a new client. I don't have access to the client's name (except that I know it's an organization of some sort and not just like one guy or whatever), but I do know what the contract is about.
I was told that the client was very specific about a long term agenda for the game BotW. Remember that article that came out YEARS ago, "Where Is The Citizen Kane Of Video Games?" Well the sjws/media/industry haven't forgotten about that. And now they think they've found "The Game".
Currently there is an organized agenda to begin conditioning gamers, and eventually the public in general, to accept the narrative that BotW is "The Citizen Kane Of Video Games" and the go-to "Greatest Game Of All Time" for ALL future polls/lists of games, much like the status that Citizen Kane has for films or Sgt. Pepper's Lonely Hearts Club Band has for albums or Watchmen has for comics. They want BotW to just be UNQUESTIONABLY ASSUMED to be the GOAT with absolutely NO dissenting opinions being allowed to be taken seriously and anyone who suggests it's a BAD game being just flat out laughed at for not accepting the artificially forced narrative.
The goal in a nutshell is to condition us to think that THEIR games are just inherently superior to games that are actually enjoyed by actual gamers. That way they can make us unresisting to the creation of an "arthouse culture" in the video game industry where their Nintendo garbage can be guaranteed financing despite not selling on the grounds of "furthering art and "progressive values" in gaming", since obviously there is currently NO financial justification for these "games" to exist.
This is just the beginning. And it's going to get MUCH worse.
Why does this feel like Copypasta. I swear this already happened and they tried to do this and it failed spectacularly.
>the wiiU version is a hoax
>nintendo totally ignores the wiiU version like if it was never a thing
>last footage seen was from last e3
>preorders slowly get cancelled or pushed back
>cause amazon and every other retailer was lied to by nintendo
>cause there is no game to be delivered
>there is no wii u version
>they announced piracy killed the wii u version
I am not
I placed my pre order yesterday Netherlands, after looking for 4 hours I found ONE shop that still had it "in stock" but if it turns out that its based on manual editing and not database so it was in fact sold out already I'd kill myself.
I honestly couldn't sleep much this night, I am TERRIBLE at waiting for things. And especially now that I have 1 week off work I have absolutely no idea what to do with myself.
we're so damn close
I can see how Horizon is being marketed here as well. It's so shameless. I also wonder does Hiroshima profit from those somehow.
Do flying mounts exist? It's not a real open world game if there's no way to fuck up the sense of scale
No with what we have seen
Someone that was going around posting "leaks" said that you can take the flying dungeon and control it and use it as your own personal airship. I doubt it though, but it is probably a nice point to launch from.
It was copypasta for Undertale if I recall correctly.
I knew it, you are right. There was just something off about it.
thanks for ruining it asshole
My pre-order did that too, I have 2 day free shipping with prime tho, so I'm hoping I still get it on release day.
What's the BotW equivalent of Xe-doms?
You should have tried to cover it up better.
Wow this game looks like ass.
Where the FUCK is ganon?
With shit being leaked you would expect ganon to be one of the first things shown
No point being a Copypaste keeper if you're gonna put effort in it.
SQEX completely fucked up open world. Kojipro kinda does it ok but it has faults. Haven't played XCX but it already has zero discussion so it's safe to say that failed.
Will Nintendo really give us an open world that has a reason to be a feature?
What?? It's that big black cloud flying around that mountain in the distance (which you can climb btw).
Today I'm going to try out the Switch and BOTW in London.
What are you talking about user look how cute Zelda is
>Eyebrows, the cell-shaded creature
Why bother with Zelda anymore, it's not like you'll ever be able to top the SS one.
it's cel you fucking inbred nigger
>tfw important exams on 3rd and 4th march
>Haven't played XCX but it already has zero discussion so it's safe to say that failed.
Mostly because the story was practically non existent. They spent too long making the world itself rather then anything else. Which seems to be a big problem for Japanese devs it seems. There is this huge focus on the world in the design phase and then nothing goes into anything that should matter.
The real thing that will determine BotW's GOTY status will be if it's Open world hampers it's ability to tell the story effectively.
lol just read a book niggertits
Gas the nintendrones
That bird does look pretty regretful.
Theres always a way out friend.
So anons, what do you play while waiting for it to be out? I think I'll just download darksiders 2 to sit back and relaxand then maybe play some assfaggots with friends if they are up to it
Wow, this looks dumb as fuck :^) Babby's first Gmod.
Getting pretty desperate aren't you?
i wish more zelda fans would play Darksiders. It is to zelda, as bloodbourne is to dark souls
holy shit you takes dicks gayretard
It's just a mere ripoff.
Yep, missed 2 days out of work thanks to the cold, now I have to catch up...
This website is 18+
genuine question: are you being paid? what do you have to gain from this game failing? I only ask because such a low effort post isnt rustling many feathers, and better bait would be in a thread where autistic screeching is about.
I felt Darksiders was more... glitchy? compared to 3D Zelda. Less polish.
This is the best Zelda clone.
no u feg
Irrelevant, its a solid game, doesnt matter how original it is or isnt.