ITT: Post your custom characters (Any Game Allowed)
ITT: Post your custom characters (Any Game Allowed)
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Her jaw looks all sorts of fucked up desu. The contour of her face follows the shape of a banana.
Since I'm being harsh, here's my salad. Haven't played in over a year though.
>tfw no gw
She's beautiful
That's a quality custom face user.
she was always my mass effect trilogy character
>windows media player
>looks like a porn star that went too far with botox in her lips
>fuckhuge eyelashes
Christ, this board sometimes
Man I have no idea why I kept my old screenshots
I want a to have a large man touch my ass
rofl wtf nice trannies
>Log on Wildstar
>Kill 3 enemies
>Log off
I bet you play on Balmung, you fucking degenerate.
It's nearly impossible to make a decent looking girl in any Dark Souls games. DS3 makes it a little easier though.
Holy shit, does this game still get actual content updates?
>aion has 5 expansions
what the fuck
That looks like shit
IRL that family would be just a mutt kid and a single mother white chick with no chances for a relationship ever again.
>plating as a female
how to spot a beta
How insecure are you
I could not believe there was no yellow motorcycle jacket in GTA V.
>le operator meme
Are you intentionally posting dark screenshot so nobody can see the details?
My waifu squad
My waifu
too early user, too early...
My GW2 waifu.
Stopped playing after 4 months though.
This game used to be the hottest shit.. until I started to realize how bad it was, and how bad the pvp was
I had deep connection for this character, but the game was so fucking bad it's pathetic
what game?
From the reused textures, I'd guess it's The Elder Scrolls Online
found the ki spammer
>your custom characters
>posts the character of another player
What's the point?
Wow that's really creative, this is the first time I see this weapon and armor combination. Wouldn't be surprised if you played PvE with a "caster shield" aswell
What's the bottom far right one?
Looks to be the new ghost recon game
Dude, you are really bad at character editors
My main
>fat yankee
really boiled my macaroni
I actually preferred the hand to hand combat over any blast abilities.
I also didn't play against other players, too much cheese.
i paid for a bioware game
This is your character too?
Well, it's still better than previous ones.
Can someone give me a quick run down?
I can tell from your characters that you are a trap.
Or a desperate neckbeard.
>Lethan Twi'lek
>Tribal marks
Props for the toga though, wish it still dropped. Jori Daragons footwraps, nice bracers, toga, and Karagga's helm was the best party suit.
>made character for /vg/ when skyrim released
>uploaded it
>someone made this for me
>he didn't go high T default male shep
>white girl with dark skin
Rate me anons.
It's pretty hard not to look gay as a warrior in BDO.
Supercute lvl99
Did anyone of you xenoverse fags buy xv2? Is it any good?
I've played through the games twice, and used custom Sheps both times. First dude, Paragon playthrough, inadvertently ended up looking like Arnold, while my Renegade Shep ended up looking more and more like Bruce Willis as I imported him to 2 and 3.
Bruce Shep felt absolutely perfect for the Citadel DLC.
It's basically Xenoverse 1.2 from what I've seen, got bored really quick. Same style, same missions, mostly same battle locations... it also didn't help that my favourite race (Majin) got the shittiest Transformation of them all.
Mechanically it's better.
Content wise, most of the quests are copy pasted from the first game. Same for half the story missions.
It just has a bit more of everything so basically it's Xenoverse 1.5
my drow
There is absolutely nothing wrong with that.
Gettin ready for Samurai
Dead game
Turn on anti-aliasing, dude.
Not bad.
I would bang the one of the left.. ideally a futa or pegging
Dark elf female battlemage
bonus underboob
/k/ommando irl/10
ugly af imo
>not making a loli
Come now, that's now how you play DD
I had a loli pawn.