He doesn't level up to 132 in Forbidden Woods in order to finish Bloodborne in the most efficient way possible

>He doesn't level up to 132 in Forbidden Woods in order to finish Bloodborne in the most efficient way possible.


>he doesn't used the fucked physics from pebble throwing to push himself through the gate to fight gherman 4 minutes in


>he doesn't play a better game
Come on.

Wait that's a thing?
Also why does everyone hate the chalice dungeons

Honestly though, the game just starts giving you so much blood echoes that you can easily get to level 60+ before you ever beat Rom without any farming.

You can over level in any souls game, why would you though? I was level 40 for ROM, also picked the waste of skin class

>farming slime scholars
>999 blood vials after a few hours
My autism is satiated.

But I didn't overlevel. I didn't even die once except on purpose for Yahar'ghul, and didn't farm.

once you get to lower chalice dungeons the regular mobs drop like 2k per kill. shit get ridiculous

>farming slime scholars
Where are these located?
I'm on my first playthrough, just beat the one reborn, haven't killed martyr yet and am currently in upper Cathedral ward

>tfw using hunters mark right after you kill moon presence to avoid going into NG+

What's the point?

In the lecture building after you get grabbed by amygdala.

Also this game pronounces amygdala wrong and it bothers me.

It's not up to you what the proper way to pronounce that shit is in the world of Bloodborne.

for pussies that don't want to fight stronger enemies

Shit I never really tried farming them I didn't realize they were told for blood.vials
My main area is usually from forbidden woods to shadows of yarhham lamp, the pigs and tentacle headed guys usually drop 2-4 each

they're boring for the first couple of chalaces and then get bullshit hard in the last few the depth 3 and depth 4(not cursed) chalices are fun as fuck

Yeah the easier ones are boring but I like getting good blood gems and shit from them and some of the chalice exclusive bosses are really good
Do you know if the chalice from amygdala is good or has good gear? I need ritual blood 4s to make it but keep getting 3 and 5

But isn't time a factor when it comes to efficiency? Because you'd finish the game faster if you just kept playing.

the first one doesn't have anything too good, but the second one in the line is crazy good because it has the beast claw and a bunch of runes

How do your farm echoes in forbidden woods? I always did the pig trick in mensis.

>he goes to places where he's not supposed to be at

Why even leave the clinic?

>he doesn't revert to version 1.0 and use the duplication glitch to get as many blood echoes as he wants


Why? You don't get anything for killing it.

I just killed Micolash. When does the game get good again? The last couple bosses sucked and the areas haven't been that great either.

I was so hyped when Amygdala dropped down. I thought it would be cool to fight one of those fuckers but man what a shitty fight. That whole area was probably the worst in the game so far.

>owning physical
l m a o

>in the most efficient way possible.
I doubt this is the most efficient way


If you do chalice dungeons you'll have enough souls after a few hours to max out every single consumable, buy every weapon/armor set and still have enough to powerlevel to any BL you want to stop at. You'll be swimming in insight, chunks, and OP gems too. Literally no reason to farm anywhere else

Doing the static Chalice Dungeons will push you to 150+ without once farming anything.

Is it even farming?
I do the static ones with every single character, they are surprisingly fun, but it's not like I'm doing them over and over.
By Depth 5 it's as you say.

>it's yet another poison swamp
Yeah, that place was disappointing.

Bloodborne is literally the best game there is.

These threads are started by a PKek that bought a PS4 for the sole purpose of shitting on BloodBorne.

I bought a PS4 for the sole purpose of playing BB.
Beaten it 3 times and had a blast.

They're boring if you're a moron and do them overleveled.

Players who tried to do depth 1 and 2 after BSB got raped by the first Undead Giant boss.

>only 3 times

I have probably 800 hours between all my characters, tons of root dungeons too


You are a massive cuck.

I haven't died to any boss yet and I just reached the forbidden woods, I was wondering if the game ever got hard also or if From fans are just that casual.

Fuck off false flagging PKEK

>Ludwigs holy blade
>200 + 537

People on PS4 don't even care about BB, why would people on PC? I bought a PS4 because, as I stipulated when it first came out, I could get it for a price worth the hardware. That is to say less than 100 dollars. Thank you PS4 Pro and all the retarded cucks Sony raped with fake 4K.

Not him but my first play through I've gotten to, without dying, is Cleric Beast, Gascoigne, and Blood Starved Beast.

Is there a way to play bloodborne so you can just enjoy the action? ie. easiest way to level up and whatnot

How do I look?

The game is like 12 hours long.

Eh, 4/10 aesthetics. Noble's attire doesn't match the Hunter gloves, pistol or those boots at all.

>tfw killed Patches the Spider because he started crawling along the wall/table and freaked me the fuck out


you've got red on you

Same. Fuck spiders

You missed out on literally nothing of worth, this isn't DeS-tier Patches, best vendor in the game.

>Fuck spiders
Don't mind if I do.

I've never finished the game above level 80.

But they're not using amygdala on the way we use it.
Think of "close" the door vs the enemy is "close".

Also I think the way it's pronounced by Patches is meant to make you think of the word "darling". Meant to be a bit creepy.

>Efficient: achieving maximum productivity with minimum wasted effort or expense.
>spending 50 hours grinding at the halfway point in order to beat a 50 hour game

>Except on purpose for Yahargul

So you're saying you read a guide before you ever got to Yahargul? What a sad fuck you are


600 is the cap tho

Or, he's lying about the whole thing. Hurr durr never died ever.

That being said, I remember being mildly unnerved by the night time aesthetic and seeing these guys and thinking oksy, sloe and easy. A swift kick to face sorted me out real good and I was suddenly left with a fucking horror game.

I think getting kicked to death and discovering Yahargul and Lecturing Hall/Nightmare Frontier is one of my most precious gaming memories.

Best way to farm echoes is the pigs before wet nurse. Backstab kill them with heir runes equipped

How hard is a level 1 run?

Pretty doable since most of the damage comes from gems and base damage rather than scaling in this game

Definitely. You're constantly the one pushing and exploring, but that turns the tables and makes you feel really alone.

Enjoy being killed by even a fart.

With maxed VIT, plus 2 blood gems, plus the best armour in the game, and you will still be killed by a fart in NG++/FRC Chalices

how viable is a saw cleaver + blunderbuss run?

Nobody plays past NG+. It's better to start with fresh character anyway.

What makes you think any weapon in the game is not viable? If you're comfortable with the idea of hitting things until they die, then you'll do fine

Just beat Ludwig first try at level 213. Man what a disappointment. THought the DLC was meant to be hard

Don't you do it, Sup Forums

>He hasn't done a BL4 playthrough

I just beat rom and I've never touched a chalice dungeon

When should i be doing them?

As far as I know I only have the one from BSB?

>When should i be doing them?
Never lmao they fucking suck.

is it really that bad user?

not him but the dungeons arent that bad especially with coop

Although you might want to slightly sprinkle them in between the playthrough instead of doing them all at the end, preferably while watching a show or a movie at the same time and only pausing for the bosses

It triggers me too as a psychology graduate

Yeah, it's the laziest form of procgen where they jankily join the same handfull of bigass empty rooms with entrances haphazardly blocked off, and sprinkle some props and enemies in them.

Lazier than Warframe, and that's a feat.

People just use them to grind gems to break the shitfest of a poke-em-up PvP even further.

>People just use them to grind gems to break the shitfest of a poke-em-up PvP even further.

Thats disappointing, I don't really go for PvP much, I enjoy Coop with the occasion invader thrown in but I don't get the enjoyment from sitting around PvPing for hours

I think if you approach them from the mindset that you're some adventurer exploring ancient civilizations, its a bit more bearable. Imo.

Treat just as a video game dungeon and it gets boring.

Was meant for

They only drop bullets and sedatives for me

and shitloads of souls which you can buy vials with, especially if you use the moon (?) runes

then why not just farm the pigs/shadow of yarnham guys n Mergo's loft? those thing nets like 80K a run in a new game.

>being a digital shitter

Unironically kill your cancerous self.

>1st playthrough
>found upper cathedral ward
>knows about Martyr

You ruined yourself