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It must be hard to concentrate so many bad opinions in just 9 lines of text
Yeah, nah. Don't give a fuck about some old article about how DmC is good, but
>guitar that shoots bats is lame
This triggered me good
op you're amazing you made me remember why I stopped browsing v years ago
there were actual shill threads talking positively about DmC
>guitar that shoots bats is lame
What the FUCK is VGU TV?
they're called troll threads, dork
>Guitar that shoots bats is lame
>guitar that shoots bats is lame
>Shit-talking Nevan
I think this is by far the shittiest opinion I've ever seen in my life.
>Something that would be considered a "shitpost" on Sup Forums passes as journalism elsewhere
Games journalism, where would we be without you.
>Guitar that shoots bats is lame
>guitar that shoots bats is lame
>Guitar that shoots bats is lame
Nevan honestly makes DMC3 harder for me by existing cause its so fucking cool I dont even want to use the other weapons.
Shit is a lightning bat launching guitar scythe what more could you possibly want?
>That one guy who played DMC3 with Nevan and a guitar hero controller
A true hero.
>let's be honest, a guitar that shoots bats is lame
Clickbait central.
but guitar is lame tho
may i introduce you to a much cooler weapon: fist
bat guitar is cool
but on the other hand
hulk hand
>guitar that shoots bats is lame
>guitar that shoots bats is lame
And DMC3 did those better too by adding in feet.
It's not even big enough to be hulk hands. Don't sully their name.
>a guitar that shoots bats is lame
Too be fair to DmC, FIST is pretty much my favorite option in any game I can use it.
I love punching shit.
After Nevan, the guantlet weapons in DMC3 are my favorite.
>Shit is a lightning bat launching guitar scythe what more could you possibly want?
A good weapon?
Nevan is cool but it is bottom tier compared to other weapons the game.
>guitar that shoots bats is lame
Spoken like someone who never learned to use it.
>a guitar that shoots bats is lame
>the old games suck because im bad at it
I put my HD collection playthrough on hold for a little bit.
I need to know which game has said bat shooting guitar?
Fite me coward.
There is not even a taunt button
What the fuck is even the point of playing a god damn "cuhrazy" game if you can't even taunt enemies?
>>a guitar that shoots bats is lame
3. Play 1 first. You can skip 2, if you want.
Its also a lightning scythe
The best one
I feel like taunting is a criterai for a game to be cuhrazy. Which is why MGRR is only Cuhrazy when playing as Jetstream Sam.
>Capcom spent shitloads of money to tell reviewers to say that previous games were shit to sell DmC
>It ends up bombing so hard that even an HD collection of 1-3 does better
I wouldn't have thought so before DmC but it is something you really only notice when it is missing.
I actually don't like the feet personally but at least Vergil does cool things with kicks
It took them a year to past the 1 million goal and now people try to say it sold well years later.
3. Skip 2 as it is really bad and might soil the franchise for you.
That's what they get for fucking with a niche audience. How hard did it bomb compared too other DMC games?
Being a DMC fan must have been the worst rollercoaster over the years
>DMC1: Aw shit arcade game difficulty sensibilities in a hack and slash this is the best shit ever
>DMC2: What the FUCK is this?
>DMC3: Man how can they ever recover from that blunder... Holy SHIT DMC is fucking back!
>DMC4: Cool cool, ok but why is there a casual gamer mechanic and why am I playing the game backwards with a DMC3 Dante with less weapons
I'm half glad I only got into the series during DMC3.
Don't forget all of those articles stating that the game failed because of trolls and entitled behavior.
Fucking hell that was a stupid time for vidya journalism. It can't be that the game was shit or felt like a dumbed down version of the originals, no, it failed because of those dirty trolls with their conspiracy to hate good games.
The really funny thing is 1 was so good that 2 sold gangbusters. 2 was so bad that 3 sold like shit. 3 was so good that 4 blew the others out of the water.
>Someone makes a well-written post about the problems with DmC.
>"nah you're just mad because they changed his hair color"
>Worst rollercoaster
Ninja Gaiden died a lot harder because of 3 and Sigma editions and Capcom might maybe revisit DMC while NG is never going to be decent or redone ever again
Itsuno teased a game for this year, didn't he?
I would be happy with DMC5 to clean up after Donte but I prefer a Dragon's Dogma 2.
Being a cuhrayzee fag must be one wild ride
All this talk of a bat shooting guitar got me interested but the version of 3 on steam is nothing but mixed reviews, how come?
Action game fags suffer a lot. Even god of war is being given a fate worse than death with the last of gods.
Poor port.
Nobody teased Ninja Gaiden
In fact last year we were told there was going to be no new Ninja Gaiden game at all
It's a rollercoaster with a few highs and a fuckload of lows
The PC port of DMC3 was super shitty. There may be mods that fix it now, I don't know.
Isn't nevan disgustingly broken if you git gud?
It certainly is one crazy party.
That starts up for a couple months then dies for years.
Style Switcher fixes most problems if I remember right.
Not sure if they got music working yet.
It's not overpowered at all, it's just right.
Only Cerebus is lackluster, the rest is good
>DMC3 PC port was shit
>DMC4 PC port ends up being the best one
Well that sucks. I heard the port of 4 was so good it blew your dick off.
>Let's be honest, a guitar that shoots bats is lame
MT Framework is a miracle worker of an engine.
DMC3 gets mostly fixed performance wise with Style Switcher.
DMC4SE is still pretty good but won't run smooth 60+ on any toster like DMC4 would.
>want to talk about your favorite lady
>can't because most threads are just NEVER EVER or MUH SALT
>remember that most good discussion already happened and at best you could get is an art dump
>Good discussion
>Favorite lady
Action games don't have good girls worth talking about.
If you want to see the wonders of MT Framework, play Dragon's Dogma on PC. It went from a game infamous for it's low framerate to SOLID 60 ALL THE TIME FOREVER
To be fair DD is an old game so it isn't really having issues running on decent hardware
On the other hand it runs smooth on toasters as well.
DmC is much better than DMC4 no matter what bronies might make you want to believe
both take the series into a different direction but somehow the MLP anime shits who jumped in on with DMC4 seem to believe its any more of a "true" DMC game than DmC
completely abandons the gothic artstyle and mood (DMC4 is generic shonen shit, DmC has the abstract anarchy/ punk theme)
Barely makes any innovation, casualizes the series and removes tons of options (DMC4 dumbs down the styles, completely removes two of them and just slaps the rest on the DPAD in a haphazard attempt to even begin to emulate the depth of modern games like ninja gaiden, only new weapon that is actually good and fun is locked to the shitty tutorial anime homo (red queen). Enemies are even less aggressive than before and shitty gimmick enemies like the Blitz and the flying rags are now the norm whenever they feel like upping the "ante" (shit)
DmC on the other hand just makes styling and air combat too simple while also removing options, but balances this out by an actually improved control scheme where you dont have to shuffle 3 weapons with 1 trigger, which is why you actually carry 5 weapons and 3 guns in the game instead of just 2/2 or 3/3)
Both have bad stories but atleast DmC is obviously tongue in cheek while DMC4 is your average cringe anime which neckbeards unironically find cool
tl;dr: go fuck yourself if you shit on one but like the other, they are both useless and shitty additions to the actual devil may cry series
I thought NG was more of a decline than a rollercoaster.
DMC being revived is the most uncertain thing ever in terms of the game being good. I don't know of a series that has done a reboot, only to return to the old series for a sequel. Plus modern Capcom has had questionable output since the last generation.
So what the fuck did Capcom do right with the MT Framework?
NG1 = Good
NGBlack = Great
NG2 = Good
NGS = Good but Rachel parts are weak as shit
NGS2 = Really bad and gutted
NG3 = Complete shit
NG3 RE = We're sorry but not THAT sorry
I guess it was a decline but at least there was an up at one point
>It ends up bombing so hard that even an HD collection of 1-3 does better
Have you got a source for that?
All I could find was some info about the sales of DmC.
>As of June 2016, 1.8 million copies of the original version were sold
>Capcom reported in September 2015 that the company was "very happy" with the sales of the Definitive Edition.
The strange thing is that the hair color was part of the story.
The game is meant to be a reboot set before Dante became the guy he is in the first game.
That's why his hair turns white at the end of the game.
Have you played the "Definitive Edition" of DmC?
It's just an insanely optimized engine.
DMC4 looked amazing on consoles and ran at 60.
Dragon's Dogma was abysmal framerate wise on console but it still looked great, PC version has almost no framerate problems from what I've seen.
>It's easy so it has to be good.
The only Devil may Cry game I've ever played was DmC.
Would I like the other games?
What's the best way to play the other games?
>It's easy so it has to be bad
>It's hard so it has to be good
>It's hard so it has to be bad
There you go.
At the bottom of the list DMC HD Collection is on there
DmC:DMC:DE and DmC:DMC didn't even get on the chart
Those few years were just awful for games. TORtanic, Dragon Age 2, DmC, Mass Effect 3, Sims City. It was just shit after shit being released and the media giving 10/10s to literally everything and attacking people for not buying those games.
>Have you played the "Definitive Edition" of DmC?
Yes. It turns the 6.5/10 game into an 8/10 in comparison to DMC3SE's 9.5/10 or DMC1's 10/10
Much better than the treatment DMC4, a 5/10 game got with its special edition, just turning it into a 5.5/10
At the very least play 3. Its the best in the series by far.
Best way to play is buy the HD Collection.
They did it again with SFV and again with RE7.
Never underestimate capcom's marketing team and their stealth shills who also happen to lurk and shitpost on Sup Forums even.
Actually DmC is at 32.
>Action games don't have good girls worth talking about.
This is the most untrue thing I have ever read.
I thought you might have been on to something until I remembered you can't taunt in Transformers, but you can in Korra.
Otherwise, you were really on to something
Name one besides lady and olivia
Well, he's not wrong about the weapons. Especially the guitar- did anyone actually bother using that thing for more than five minutes?
The only people who didn't use the guitar are filthy casuals who don't understand fun
Play Bayonetta instead.
I'm not trying to shitpost, DmC was in a lot of ways based more on Bayonetta than on DMC as a series, in terms of level design, controls, weapon design, etc.
Granted Bayonetta is also based on DMC, but going from DmC to DMC you'll probably find yourself getting frustrated with the number of attacks that are behind the lock-on functionality or the awkwardness of switching weapons.
>Literally a one joke girl
>Not a money grubbing whore
>Shoulderpads suit
Nah mate
Nevan is arguably the best weapon for a DMD run and you can have it going while another weapon is out thanks to the bat.
It pierces DT armor like nothing
>13: Devil May Cry 4 (3.0 million units)
>23: Devil May Cry (2.16 million units)
>32: DmC Devil May Cry (1.9 million units)
>37: Devil May Cry 2 (1.7 million units)
>56: Devil May Cry 3 (1.3 million units)
>68: Devil May Cry HD Collection (1.1 million units)
>74: Devil May Cry 3 Special Edition (1.0 million units)
You're right about the Definitive Edition not making it on the list, but since Capcom said they were pleased with its sales, I imagine that it at least sold a couple 100,000s.
El Oh El. I thought DmC fans died, but there is one left.
Video game journalism done right, words of truth
I fucking hate the shitty combat system in 4 even God of War got it right
If you disagree with the author you're mentally ill and probably a faggot masturbating to 2D c*ild p*rn
>Devil May Cry 4
>Platform : PS3, Xbox 360
I could have sworn that was on PS2.
So DmC did sell fairly well comparatively
They made a Definitive Edition, so there's gotta be at least some people who still liked the game.
I assumed some shitty sale happened every time and DmC was like 5 bucks. It's always fun talking shit and seeing them invoke "muh hair" first.
Oh right, also forgot gay retards like you.