Japan just keep winning
>that japanese text to speech voice
>it's okay when anime does it
I don't think Pewdiepie is even American
He is Sweden. Meaning he is more of a middle Lets Player
Are you a herbivore male, Sup Forums?
Middle here, no fuck you you can have him. He's more popular in the West anyway.
How do we know "she" isn't a man with voicerig?
it's actually a good channel
I take my sage off
japanese men and women are pioneers of modern society
He lives in the UK and the UK is definitely part of the west. In fact they would be offended to be considered part of Europe or "the middle"
Sweden loves sucking American dick (well, any dick desu)
t. Swede
It's literally ok. seriously.
Her bantz are good
When I see someone playing games on a weak pc I feel bad but happy at the same time they are still having fun
how do ~we~ know not every voice actress in japan is a man with voicerig
This is why nobody likes you weebs
It's great, isn't?
whats up with that creepy robot voice japanese lets players often use?
why is she so perfect
Does anyone know what was the video where she was giving advice, setting up possible scenarios and basically shouting out advises? I remember she couldn't contain her laughter at one point and had to do a retake.
You think that wouldn't make it better?
But I remember someone in these threads explaining how she is some voice actress in her 30 who is in love with a pay for boyfriend.
that's OP, pew is pedo too
0:59 continues to be the best part of the video.
This one?
Just wait until Anime Nazism becomes mainstream, then we'll have PewDiePie side by side with waifu holograms.
Is this referencing her Inside playthrough?
>Japan invented a virtual Youtuber who is a cute little girl
>telling 2017's equivalent of punks that they should conform and change in order to be liked
Yeah, that's the one. This is a good video.
that was probably a recording error her superhot let's play is fine
>pay for boyfriend
Actually made me watch letsplay video.
10/10 nothereforvidya
That is basically 30
Definitely cake.
Fucking explain.
Yeah, with no evidence whatsoever aside from "i've heard it from 2channel".
Her inside playthrough is a direct capture video where she's playing on her PC. Superhot video is where she's using VR headset. Two different things.
be perfect if she wore different outfits but this is fine
nah, she's probably a professional VA or working in random doujin circle. she has a very good range in this vid.
coming from a man who spent over 1000$ on Voice Doujins, that's definitely a legit generic moe voice acting
It's fine. The 2D character is a separate entity from the 3D voice actor.
>yfw she has a boyfriend that she fucks every night while you masturbate to her voice
Oh that's what you were getting at, "she's old"? Wish I knew more about the situation over there so I could drown in nip pussy, but they're not as loose western women, I'm told.
sometimes the animation is regular crap
but sometimes it's amazing
proof that 2D>3D even if it's 2D with 3D shapes
>2D character
>not sluts
Jesus, people like this fake shit? I'd take current PDP over this any day. The old PDP can burn in hell though.
Dsp is funny and there is nothing to the anime girl other than it's anime
>i date 3d and am angry about technology finally producing superior waifu's
kys desu senpai
Let's watch AVGN episode when?
>acting like the opposite sex is the end all be all
they produce the stuff that western women get off to
the status and class of each demographic is clear
>Conflating the 2D pureness with 3D corruption
The voice actor isn't A.I.
We can still pretend the character has a feminine penis though, right?
>staged video
>good evidence
Just stay in /r9k/, friendo.
Ha ha silly you, AIs can't have boyfriends.
Fucking lol. You faggots wish you were like what punks were
Its just too late to impregnate her.
i don't know what this pic is about,
i just see huge tumors on both sides.
that moment when you realise japanese geeks went through these stages of realisation decades ago and then proceeded not to give a fuck and create whatever they wanted and lead the world
Normie please leave
>still jump cuts up the ass
calm down
3D pigs don't like you getting worked up over weeaboos
you wouldn't want to look bad for them right?
I cannot wait for the gigantic feminist outrage when Japan finally produces waifu androids.
Are you retarded?
They already banned them here and will ban them elsewhere.
I bet a japanese woman would be working on the research team
not giving a fuck, as usual
Channels make me depressed "cuz" i can't understand japanese.
I don't even need a body. I'd be happy with just an AI in my computer.
What are exactly voice doujins? can i have an example?
They already prepared all the shit to ban them.
You will never see them in the west even if they would come out in our lifetime.
Wait, what? What sort of shithole do you live in that bans tech that doesn't even exist.
Are you fucking kidding me? This isn't true, right?
don't spoonfeed
v is shit enough already
We're going to be having this thread every day now are we
>Japan just keep winning
what did he mean by that?
japan pretty much is the west.
Only until Pewdiepie makes a video about her and cucks you guys.
It is.
getting the public opinion biased against men
encroaching male sexuality long term
Every day until 2D is no longer the superior option.
> watch AI Channel video
> this suddenly starts playing on my music player
>1000 guys + alpha
Is this the new Street Fighter
Japanese isn't that hard
I'm guessing ASMR stuff
You can find some on youtube if you know what to search
Not him. It must be one of those audio files were a loli whispers lewd shit in your ears.
sounds eternal
DSP is the king of Sup Forums
>the mother voice
Why can't that be an AI character?
They do that and I'll become a fucking waifu revolutionary. Though I'd probably be branded a terrorist.
Give me waifus or give me death!
The last thing Japan needs is for their birth rates to plummet even more. Hopefully the government will intervene before anything of the sorts takes off
this desu
>that fedora faggot stepping on landmines left and right
I thought it was a meme. No tact.