Pillars Of Eternity 2 Hits $4 Million, New Stretch Goal Revealed

"Obsidian Entertainment's upcoming PC RPG Pillars of Eternity II: Deadfire has passed another funding milestone. The game's crowdfunding campaign on Fig now has now cleared $4 million, making it the most successful fan-funded game on any site since 2015, the developer says."


Ship Crew next! Who is hyped, Sup Forums?

btw. Still don't quite understand why we have to pay them to make a game that earns them money, but whatevs.

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fuck rpg codex!

Sea Monsters sound cool.

>Still don't quite understand why we have to pay them to make a game that earns them money
Because this way they can increase the budget of the game, compared to the initial budget that consisted of the reinvested profits from PoE1.

There is absolutely no reason not to do this.

Also, you can still back the game for 60 more days through paypal, so the 4.75mil stretch goal will definitely be reached. Dunno about the 8th companion, though.

>why we have to pay them to make a game that earns them money

Pay them? It's just like a 1 year early preorder, but you get the game at 50% off.

Is this going to be shilled everyday?

Hiring a ship crew is kind of redundant if the crowdfunding never reaches the sea monsters goal.

You got both start by putting in your 1000 bucks like we all did.

I just want the qt elf companion to be desu

>talking about a game you are hyped for and/or like is now considered shilling

neo Sup Forums everyone

Also, the ship crew sounds a bit unnecesary unless the Sea Monsters milestone passes, which i think was the point

8 companions would technically be cool because then you can have two entirely different parties for playthroughs, but usually you reuse somebody anyway because they are so damn good.

>concept art has your ship being assaulted by a sea monster while your ship crew fights off pirates


Yeah, it's like you have all those people but then no real end game goal for them.

Too lazy to visit website. What's the minimum amount I can give to get the game on release?

In Baldur's Gates I basically only had 4 party members to choose from because Edwin was auto picked.

I'm guessing that "Sea Monsters" is somehow like quests involving Sea Monster bosses or maybe being able to interact with some of them

I cannot think why a game that features sea battles wouldn't have at least some trash mobs on the sea from the getgo

Asking for funds for a game everyday isn't exactly talking about games you're hyped for.

Maybe they are just keeping check of every milestone broken. And even then, what's so bad about making a thread about a crowdfunded game?

Best you can do there is hiding/ignoring the thread instead of just coming here and giving it more attention

> the initial budget that consisted of the reinvested profits from PoE1.

Which is, considering PoE 1 was also kickstarted, exactly 100% of the money earned by the sales. There's no reason to go asking for money for the second game, that's just going full jew

Yes, deal with it, bitch.

>There's no reason to go asking for money for the second game,
There is and the reason is very simple: because they can and because people are willing. People give Obsidian money, because they trust them to deliver a quality product and are willing to pre-order the game a whole year in advance.

Again, there is no reason not to have a bigger budget for the game when such a possibility exists and when your budget is not as big as you would want it to be.

If I want all the premium digital PoE2 stuff I just need to back the ultimate digital, right?

Fucking obsidian can't even make a PayPal money tracker. I don't feel any need to back unless 4.75 and 5 million are reacheable. If they'll be silent these 2 months than fuck them

They tricked us out of animufu and weaponfu.
The last hope is romanceable Iselmyr.

>what is intelligent weapon

Crew will be reached. Sea monsters are doubtful. Ydwin is impossible.

I wanted to make sweet love with my blunderbuss!

I'm guessing something like Fi from Skyward Sword?

>I just want the qt elf companion to be desu
This. Elf waifu when?

I believe so, yes.

>romanceable Iselmyr
It has to happen... r-right bros?

>RPG based around pirates and the ocean and shit
>fishing is a stretch goal

>It has to happen... r-right bros?
I-it's not gay, if (s)he has 100% biological female soul, r-right? pls no homo

>Still don't quite understand why we have to pay them to make a game that earns them money, but whatevs

because no producer wants to invest money in a isometric crpgs

somehow the few years resurgance of such games havent changed producers minds wheter or not its profitable

>hunt sea monsters eh?

So the campaign is ended, but I remember hearing that they'll have another 60 days for slacker backers, do these funds still count? Don't care about waifus but I really want ship crews and sea monsters.

First one was full of Bioware-tier trash, not falling for that trick again.

They said so, yes, but yesterday they didn't mention 60 days even once, IIRC.

>I-it's not gay, if (s)he has 100% biological female soul,
O-of course not, user, we've got nothing to worry about. It's the soul that makes the person, after all... especially considering I'd romance her as a girl

You mean we can basically be pirates in a RPG world?

How can you not love her soul, am I right? I guess I should change sex after save import. At least class and race is allowed.

didn't they say that they wouldn't go crowdfund for any sequels?

Is there a stretch goal where they fire the SJWs?

Why would you want to fire Josh, he's the best they have.

>250k to make a weapon "talk"

>get talking weapon
Obsidian pls

he's the reason I dropped PoE. Too many patches breaking my builds because of "balance".

Crowdfunding is the apex of kikery.

Does it really take $250k to make an existing NPC into a companion? Does it take $250k to add some dialog to a sword or whatever?

And because it takes a retard to fall for crowdfunding schemes, you can expect all crowdfunded games to pander to retards.

I curse the day crowdfunding was invented.

yet D:OS is crowdfunded and good

they're just milestones to incentivate people to pledge, it's not directly cost-related since they all have to code that shit at once, even a child would understand this
if you're sure you'll buy the game it's also the opposite of kikery since you can preorder the game at half price

>they want 250k for something that's going to be the most shallow fucking mechanic that will quickly be forgotten
Honestly I don't get why people are so fucking obsessed with PoE2. The first game wasn't particularly good, a 6.5/10 at best. Are you just so fucking starved of CRPGs that you will obsess over any and everything that appeals?

Pillars of Eternity, despite its many flaws, was the best RPG released this past half decade, in my opinion. So, yes, I am looking forward to the second one.

oooh, look at all the extraneous features we can get them to half-ass THIS time!

I just started playing PoE Winter, and so far it's been pretty fun, although a little bit overwhelming.

If the game keeps it up and I finish it rather soon, I'll most likely put some money into number 2

maybe you shouldn't have been exploit-abusing then

As someone who just played PoE back to back with Bioware games I can tell you that you are being way too fucking nice to Bioware.
Never fucking realised how bad most of the writing is

>There is absolutely no reason not to do this.

I played PoE, though, so I can think of some reasons not to do this.

>maybe you shouldn't have been having fun
The moment you try and balance a CRPG is when all your credibility as a game designer goes out of the window. Half the fun of the dogshitboring combat is exploiting the fuck out of it.

No one plays fucking D&D for its sublime balance of the classes - they play it to be a dickass wizard flinging rainbows at their enemies and stopping time or a faggot monk with spiked chain tripping the shit out of everything nearby.

>quality product

Their games are often almost inspired, but I would not call that collection of almost universally broken games a "quality product".

Imagine my surprise when I went back to Planescape after all these years and realized that the writing was pedestrian at best. My, I wish I was young again and didn't know any better.


yeah the people who want a good game play something else

> dogshitboring combat


Don't know if I would go that far, Planescape still has far better writing than any other game I've played.

So what you're saying is that people who want good gameplay shouldn't play PoE? Because it's D&D combat but with none of the creativity.

no I'm saying D&D is shit and you're retarded

This reeks of shill
Can't you guys afford to hire actual neet virgins to do this instead of reddit newfags?

Then you're the one retarded because PoE have almost a 1:1 copy of the D&D combat system with the only change being seperate turn timers for characters.

I meant old D&D. your "it's only fun when you break the game" attitude is still kys

Fuck the ship crew, I want to go fishing

I'm gonna be really disappointed if there aren't huge sea monster bosses in the game.

Yeah, it's in the very first official promo image for fuck's sake. If I had to guess, even if we miss fishing, you'll still have a chance of encountering a kraken randomly while sailing.

Yeah, but it's probably gonna be scripted storybook interactions.

Well, everyone did ask for more CYOA sequences...

I'm not complaining. I welcome them.

yeah, i think you're somewhat wrong here.

I only thing I really hope they fix in deadfire is the fucking load times. PoE and even Tranny had way to many load times and some where really long.

Playin tales of berseria right now and the load times of that game is almost instant. And thats a 3D game that probably wasn't designed for PC first.

>He didn't have a harem party+Minsc

Come on user...

Remember the talking sword, Lilacor, from BG2 that you got so fucking sick of that you trashed EVEN THOUGH HE WAS THE BEST WEAPON YOU HAD!?


>Make successful crowd funded game
>Lots of people buy it
>Lots of money coming in
>Plan sequel
>Instead of using the money they earned from the first, they ask for even more from their brain-dead shill fanbase
>They actually eat this shit up and pay for the sequel the absolute madmen

You're all idiots.

They used the money they earned to make a sizable part of the game. The crowdfunding is just a bonus.

Apparently, it's only ok when Larian does it, though.

That's kikery and you know it.

I haven't played any of the expansions or anything since launch but I did beat the game, is the game significantly different enough to warrant another playthrough now? I tried to play on harder difficulties but I'm not good enough for that yet it seems.

I'd say so, the expansion content is great.

the DLC content is the best there is, specially on part II. Also, they added a stronghold questline where you go to war against someone who tries to proclaim caed nua as his.

Is chart-bro back so we can continue this revaluation of the multiclasses?

One of the devs said they revamped entire system from scratch and loading times are good now

PoE was flawed as fuck, but they hammered it into decent shape with the patches and expansions. It's at least above BG 1 level by quite a bit, of PoE continues the improvement I'm down.

Berseria was the 4th game they did on that engine though.

>mfw my suggested names were used

>Are you just so fucking starved of CRPGs that you will obsess over any and everything that appeals?

yes tbqhwy my dude

fuck you too :-*

Got a few of mine in too. Feels good. Sadly the dutch dude went to bed, it was 5:30 am there so it's understandable, but now we either have to wait til he makes his own thread, stumbles upon this in another thread or we find another person with Excel.

>mfw this level 2 paralyse spell for cipher

fags are getting fucking destroyed

It's fucking atrocious ater you visit Defiance Bay and it legit made me drop the game for months.

It's ridiculous because it remains your #1 spell even on higher levels.

Could anyone tell me the potential endings for the Devil?
I'm doing a second playthrough and I looked up a guide, but both the endings they list there end with her being destroyed. They thing is that I don't remember her getting destroyed in my first playthrough.

As far as I know, she either gets destroyed or walks out into the sea.

What? This is one critique I never understood. After 248 hours I've yet to come across any "really long" load times. I'm not a poorfag though so that might have something to do with it.

>figure I've seen (and ran from) the worst in Galvino's party basement
>Russetwood was straight-forward enough, aside from the undead weirdo
>reach Longwatch Falls
>massive stacks of laggyfags literally everywhere I turn
>scary spooky ghosts of many ranged stuns
>a group of 20 monks, priests and paladins
Living was a mistake.

I liked how ridiculous blunderbuss cipher felt especially considering how they don't have to care about per rest resources.
Granted I never played above normal.

If you spare the lumberjack, then she wanders around trying to find more perpetrators, becoming extremely depressed and aimless. Eventually, she pisses off too many people in her search, and is destroyed by an angry mob. She screams as she's pulled apart, but only because she still can't feel anything as it happens.

If you kill the lumberjack, she wanders around aimlessly until she ends up at the Living Lands. Rusting and falling apart, she uses her last bit of strength to throw herself into the sea, where she's soothed to sleep by the sound of the sea as she sinks to the bottom.

She doesn't really have any happy endings. Was pretty sad. I wish there was a way to free her from her shell.

You can kill her

>Talking soulbound weapon
Can it possibly be something else than a talking sword trope?