Edge gives it a very rare 10/10 review.

The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild [10]
Horizon Zero Dawn [9]
Nioh [9]
Sniper Elite 4 [7]
Torment: Tides of Numenera [8]
Aaero [7]
Dexed [6]
Dandy Dungeon [9]

>To date the 10 score has been given to eighteen games ONLY throughout the magazines history.


Other 10/10 games:

Super Mario Bros
Super Mario 64
Gran Turismo
The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time
Halo: Combat Evolved
Half-Life 2
Halo 3
The Orange Box
Super Mario Galaxy
Grand Theft Auto IV
Super Mario Galaxy 2
Rock Band 3
The Legend of Zelda: Skyward Sword
The Last of Us
Grand Theft Auto V
Bayonetta 2

he 20th anniversary issue (E258) published in August 2013 carried a feature called "The Ten Amendments", in which the following seven games' scores were retrospectively adjusted to ten-out-of-ten. A rationale was provided for each.

GoldenEye 007 (N64)
Advance Wars (Game Boy Advance)
Resident Evil 4 (GameCube, PlayStation 2, Wii, Windows, PlayStation 3, Xbox 360)
Drop7 (iOS, Android)
Red Dead Redemption (Xbox 360, PlayStation 3)
Super Street Fighter IV (Xbox 360, PlayStation 3, Arcade)
Dark Souls (PlayStation 3, Xbox 360, Windows)

>Paid 10


>Sniper Elite 4

oh boy

Skyward Sword received one of those 10's according to wikipedia

>Rock Band 3
>The Legend of Zelda: Skyward Sword
>The Last of Us
>Grand Theft Auto V
Oh, so a 10/10 is meaningless

Edge magazine is still a thing?

>The Legend of Zelda: Skyward Sword
toppest of all keks

>Drop7 (iOS, Android)

Why did Skyward Sword get so many 10/10 scores? BoTW seems like it actually deserves that score.

Oh, so Bloodborne isn't a 10? Ok then

No they didnt , there is a review embargo till release

Do reviewers even play the full game or only the beginning?

A fucking scam is what that is.

It deserved an 8/10 at best

Breath of the Wild good as Little Big Planet confirmed

Full game, but they are only allowed to preview the beginning

This is the Zelda hype cycle. Prepare for Skyward Sword level backlash a week after the game releases.

>Oh, so Bloodborne isn't a 10? OK then.



It isn't.

Your point ?

Not with the chalice dungeons, it isn't.

I did it with TP

I did it with SS

Now I'm doing it again. They get me every time.

>This is the Zelda hype cycle
The same cycle existed when LTTP and OoT came out, only those games were amazing so there was no backlash.

I can see why that works for Skyward Sword but not the rest. Don't care about music games tho.

>BotW Red good as Redemption, Ocarina of Time, Halo and Bayonetta confirmed

That's a pretty nice cover







So it's not "the cycle". The "zelda cycle" was invented by assmad sonic autists that parroted the "sonic cycle" people threw in their face for yet another shitty Sonic game. Problem is, it literally only work for Skyward Sword, the Zelda game revealred at the time.
TP, MM, OOT, the other main 3D games don't match. cherry picking a contrarian in a thread of thousands that don't follow just doesnt work.

Because Nintendo may have done paid reviews during the Wii era and didn't want another 8.8 situation.That or reviewers are blind fanboys.

so zelda confirmed shit

Gamespot gave it a 7.5

None of them deserve a 10

Nintendo hasn't paid for reviews since the NES days. It's that reviewers are the kind of people that like nu-Zelda garbage.

>Super Mario Bros
>Mario 64
>Zelda OoT
>Half life 2
>Super Mario Galaxy 1 and 2
>Red Dead Redemption

all desereve imo.

The rest ehhhh

>Horizon Zero Dawn: 9
Sorry, can't trust anyone who'd give this """game""" that score

Fucking shills


FUCK FUCK FUAAARK this cant fucking be happening.... Horizon was supposed to usher in a new era of gaming?..FUCK these paid manchild shill cucks....

first halo deserves it tbqh, extremely influential and important game in video game history even if you hate it.

>the wii Era
everything was getting 10/10 in the wii era, because that's when the online "journalism" industry exploded, and all normies with no credential or gamer backgrounds put their blog online and were amazed at the most broken shit since they were new to the medium entirely.

Why are people so upset? Don't you want this game to be good and fun?!

The only faults I could come up with are technical so far.
>900p30 with drops

I can see why it would be getting a 10 from what I've seen so far.
Story and how everything meshes together is what I want to find out. If the true final fight is OoT levels of climax, then I'll be extremely happy.

>anywhere close to a 10

okay user

high review scores wont make the game any better, numbnuts

People love to bring up the 8.8 fiasco but rarely ever mention Gamespot's SS review.

Name FIVE (5) games that deserve a 10/10 right now cuck.

Seriously just delete this thread.

>this game has a 10 but it's on nintendo so it's shit! shit!
enjoy your 4/10 indie games, retard

>litte big planet is a 10

the idea behind the trend is that it started with wind waker, majora's mask was some weird after hours project that no one got really upset about

>A Mario 64 launch game

I wasn't aware Mario 64 was originally an SNES game that got ported to the N64 because the SNES was tanking

Anything but those two

Stardew valley
Shovel knight

oh tell me where you played it already.

haha fuck off with the salt you fat pc cunt

damn.... i guess i have to eat my words

if edge is giving a game a 10 you have to take notice. they are notoriously the most critical reviewers for games.

We can all take the piss out of IGN but we cant really do that for edge

HZD is probably genuinely a good game. Along with Nioh, this year is look really good.

Not him BUT

Diablo 2:LoD
Starcraft, Brood War

This is a meme right?

SMB a 10? Fuck off. 3 was better

Because it wasn't unexpected from them after the first time it happened.

>Grand Theft Auto IV
>Grand Theft Auto V

Both fuckin garbage, one for being for hipsters and the other for literal casual toddlers.

I know. I even remember Sup Forums freaking out over a gamestop stream mentioning it was bad. However, up until that point, multiple major review sites already gave it a perfect 10s and high 90s.

>Nintendo game gets a good score after embargo lifts
>Sony game gets a good score after embargo lifts
>Fucking Sony paid for those reviews it's a fucking movie nobody fucking cares about reviews

>HZD is probably genuinely a good game.

All sign points to a resounding NO

Nice graphics sometimes, but so much bullshit both in mechanics and in story.

yeah i agree. Other sites i would not give a shit.

But edge is edge.

Their GOTY's:

2013 - The Last of Us

2014 - Bayonetta 2

2015 - Bloodborne

2016 -The Last Guardian

I agree with all of them


Fucking shit taste

>Zelda review praises gameplay
>Horizon review praises muh powerful female MC


Paid review

And you're a shit person so it balances out

it's not a female MC it's a robot, the cave people are robots convinced that they're humans.

>Bayo 2
I bought it with a wii u. Great game but not goty

Nah, I'm clean. You on the hand need to be destroyed

8.8 had special significance because iirc it was the first review to be published

Some people decided to challenge a god and are now fearing for their lives.

But it IS well known

When was the last time. You have game like Uncharted 4 or Last gardian getting 90's while each are pretty but fucking unplyable and boring.. You get shit like FFXV that is UTTER TRASH yet it get's respectable scores. Fucking hell, until nioh came out you only had Bloodborne as a viable game.

Betting you my left nut that HZD gonna get the quintessential sony paid score. 89-91 with a user score in the high 70-low 80.

>female muslim terrorist creates robots that kill mankind
>males try to stop this madness by creating a male AI
>female robots try to destroy this AI

To be fair, 2014 was a really bad year. Shit like Shadow of Mordor and Dragon Age Inquisition were getting goty awards.

>see it's edge
>decide to look at old covers of edge magazine
>see this

Hmmm interesting

console wars

Uncharted is a better game than Tomb Raider
Last Guardian is alright for a Team Ico game but wasn't as good as Shadow of the Colossus
FFXV got garbage scores for a Final Fantasy game
Nioh isn't comparable to Bloodborne, it's Ninja Gaiden without jumping

Little Big Planet is one of the highest rated games on Metacritic. People forget how much hype this game had due to its potential that it never met.

TP was the first zelda after OoT with "real" graphics so it had special hype behind it

>Halo: Combat Evolved
trash game that fucked up the genre
>The Last of Us
unchartered but muh daughter
>Grand Theft Auto V
gameplay downgrade from IV


dude it deserved 7.5 skyward sword was a sub par game that didnt deserve more than a 7, this is coming from a huge fucking zelda fan

Same with the rest. TLOU is average. Just average and undeveloped. Gtav is such a downgrade with crap shooting. Why rockstar?
The last guardian is just disappointing

>To date the 10 score has been given to eighteen games ONLY throughout the magazines history.

and one of those was Skyward Sword

Breath of the Wild is on par with Skyward Sword


>current year +1
>game review scores

One has potential to be the game of the generation and the other does not.

Uncharted is a shit game and no comparison to Tomb Raider gonna change it
Last gardian is an exercise in frustration and unnaceptable controls.
FF scores where still way too fucking high for the pile of feces it is. Never ever seen a more limiting open world.
Not saying it's comparable, just saying that it's the only game since bloodborne that can stand on it's own. It's pretty god damn sad it came to that.

I feel extremely lucky that i never bought a PS4. My roomate took the hit, never again

I want everyone in this thread and myself to die. You all deserve death

They can't give it a 11 can they

If it's on par to RDR and Mario Galaxg I'm happy

you don't deserve a response, you're clearly incapable of actual discussion

But by that logic every game ever reviewed by them is worst than or equal to skyward sword.

>Rock Band 3
>The Legend of Zelda: Skyward Sword
>The Last of Us
>Grand Theft Auto IV
>Grand Theft Auto V
>Dark Souls


Yeah, no.

You disgust me user, even if this is bait.

chalice dungeons were why i stopped playing

>there are people that will lurk Sup Forums all day long just to have consolewar flamewar shitposting contests
Why don't you play some video games
Even with some serious meta levels of false flagging going on this shit should have gotten old a decade ago

Because people who like the wii liked skyward sword. That simple. SS has my favorite temples. The downside is it only has temples.

you posted that yesterday, i literally saw this right before going to bed, and youre still here posting the same shill image a day later

>HZD is probably genuinely a good game.
No, no it's not. Stop pretending the game hasn't been streamed and entierely analyzed already. Stop pushing the review scores instead of the facts of the products shat in your mouth you fucking slave.